Just because we need government doesn't make it the center of the universe


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
America is way bigger than government. America was founded on idea our rights come from God

Guess what, people: NOTHING IS FREE.

The entitlement mentality that has consumed younger generations is insane.

You're not entitled to a damn thing.

You want a college education? Earn it yourself. You want free health care? Earn it yourself!
Government does a lot of great things.
Makes sure our air, water and food is of high quality and standard
Makes sure our healthcare in the hospital is of high quality
Makes sure that old people get ssi! Tens of millions of people and it successful does a better job then the old people could ever imagine of doing in most cases.
Educates our children(90%).
Defends our country from our enemies
Invest greatly into science and tech making us a world leader
50% of all infrastructure funding or more.

Yep, I'd say we certainly need our government. Somalia isn't fun.
With all the money and all of the power it has in our lives, well, yes, it is the center of our universe.

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