Judge Tosses Sidney ("The Cracken") Powell's Against Dominon Voting Systems.

Whatever reputation she may or may not have had is destroyed. No respected Law Firm in the country will hire her. She destroyed her life by joining the Traitor's gaggle of shysters. She like the others has NOT be paid, which the Traitor is famous for.

She AND Ghouli are both being sued by Dominion for their lies about Dominion being involved in rigging the 2020 Election.

Powell killed her career. Believe me she is paying.
Mike Lee the crappy Senator is the guy who got Powell her job with Trump.
Trump: "The FBI planted it"
Trump-Chosen Special Master: PROVE IT
Trump: "Um..."

Trump: "I declassified the documents"
Trump-Chosen Special Master: PROVE IT
Trump: "Um..."

Trump: "The election was rigged"
Trump-Appointed Judge: PROVE IT
Trump: "Um..."

Trump: "Dominion machines are rigged"
Trump-Appointed Judge: PROVE IT
Trump: "Um..."

You didn't answer the question. How many court cases do you folks need to have tossed out before it sinks into your thick skulls that you've been had by a con man?

Okay, I'm just kidding. You're just a Trumpster.
How many times must you be told and be informed and reinformed that none of the cases ever got as far as an evidentiary hearing?

I have not been conned or misled. But you? Lol. You’re as gullible as they come.
Trump: "The FBI planted it"
Trump-Chosen Special Master: PROVE IT
Trump: "Um..."

Trump: "I declassified the documents"
Trump-Chosen Special Master: PROVE IT
Trump: "Um..."

Trump: "The election was rigged"
Trump-Appointed Judge: PROVE IT
Trump: "Um..."

Trump: "Dominion machines are rigged"
Trump-Appointed Judge: PROVE IT
Trump: "Um..."

As always, you start off with a lie.

Trump never claimed that they planted any evidence during the raid at M.A.L.
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And why do you suppose 60+ attempts haven't made it that far?
Did you read some of the pleadings? Sloppy lawyering (Sydney Powell). Or because the courts used procedural tools to get rid of the cases, like “standing” to sue. Often times a valid concern. But as applied in some of these cases? Please. Sometimes they were dismissed as untimely. ( Very creative judicial evasion. )

What difference does it even make? The fact is that for the ~50 cases that got shit-canned, the result was the same. No evidentiary hearings.
When do the discovery phases of this and Lindell's trials begin?

Betting the farm that Dominion wants no part of that, and will pull out all the stops to try to get a settlement.
Dominion has nothing to hide

Lindell and Powell will be forced to admit they have no evidence of their claims
How many times must you be told and be informed and reinformed that none of the cases ever got as far as an evidentiary hearing?

I have not been conned or misled. But you? Lol. You’re as gullible as they come.
4,675 time this lie has been parroted. Evidence was presented. It was determined to be bullshit. :)

And somewhat related, besides that case being dismissed, the defamation suit by a Venezuelan businessman can go forward against Fox News and Lou Dobbs.

>>A federal judge this week allowed a Venezuelan businessman’s defamation lawsuit to continue against Fox News and host Lou Dobbs over statements accusing the man of helping rig the 2020 presidential election.

>>Majed Khalil filed the suit last year, alleging statements made on Dobbs’s Twitter account and by Sidney Powell on Dobbs’s show defamed Khalil by accusing him of executing an “electoral 9/11” and helping change ballot counts in voting machines.

I read the AP Story. Dobbs was hoping the skate on the suit. Now he and Fox News are fucked.
LOL After all the monies you idiots sent to your orange douchebag, after all the hopes you guys pinned to the lawsuits... the only Krakens released was from my ass? :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:

Poor trumptards. No wonder you guys are so mad all the time!! :itsok:

How much taxpayer money has gone to convict Trump of something? That is fair to no one. You are a dumbass.
A federal judge in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday agreed to dismiss a lawsuit that pro-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell filed against Dominion Voting Systems as the voting machine company pursues a $1.3 billion defamation claim against her.

In a three-page ruling, U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols granted Dominion’s request to toss the case after finding Powell failed to show that Dominion’s defamation suit against her constituted an abuse of justice.

Powell’s complaint fails to link her abuse-of-process claim to any act that Dominion has taken other than filing and pursuing its lawsuit,” wrote Nichols, who was appointed to the federal district court in D.C. by former President Trump. “She has thus failed to state a claim for abuse of process.”

Both Powell and Ghouli are being sued by Dominion over accusations that Dominion rigged their machines in 2020.

Powell later said that anyone who believed what she was a fool. Both she and Ghouli would be on the receiving end of a One Billion Dollar ($1,000,000,000.00) of the Dominion suit.
Poor trumptards. And you know what is even sadder? Judge Carl Nichols was appointed by the orange loser!!! :crybaby: :auiqs.jpg:

On June 7, 2018, President Donald Trump announced his intent to nominate Nichols to serve as a United States district judge of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia.[4] On June 18, 2018, his nomination was sent to the Senate. President Trump nominated Nichols to the seat..
As always, you start feeling with a lie.

Trump never claimed that they planted any evidence during the raid at M.A.L.

DOJ Pushes Back Against Trump's Claim That FBI Planted Evidence At Shit-A-Lago, As He Comes Under Pressure To Provide Evidence.

Special Master Asks Trump Team Back Up Claim of Planted Evidence

The Traitor's "Planted Evidence" Claim Unlikely To Standup In Court.

Dude, never make a statement that can so easily be disproven.