Judge Rules there is no voter fraud.

Only a stupid ass Trumpist would defend someone who said it was time for people to die.
Speaking of DEFLECTIONS....

Back to the fact that you are parroting the DNC party line that Laws are not REALLY supposed to be followed, justifying the crime being committed in Broward County....
I am not parroting the DNC. I am just repeating what the the Broward County courts are ruling and how the FDLE is responding. No Fraud.

You on the other hand are parroting sites like Gateway Punidt and InfoWars.

I do not deny that the Jeb Bush appointed Snipes needs to go. I've written that a hundred times.
A Florida judge just ruled there is no evidence of voter fraud. He told the Repubs to cool the rhetoric.

Repubs need to move from their alternative universe and back to reality.

And stop falling for Scott and Trump's lies.

In Florida Senate Recount Lawsuit, Judge Says No Sign of Vote Fraud by Election Officials
Of course the Obama appointed judge ruled that ... Except the criminal over the theft going on has a history of violating election law and is guilty of no less than 5 crimes now, to include missing key deadlines, refusing to follow the law requiring 45 minute updates during recount, refusing to give total of number of ballots received and checked, refusing to let monitors in to watch the recount, etc...

The same bs protection Hillary was given that kept her ass out of prison is being given to this theft of this election...

Democrats quit calling for recounts after their near disaster in Michigan came close to exposing their frauds. Now all the Dem and Deep State scum judges have to run interference for the traitors. Just 'follow the judges' and who appointed them and their affiliations to find out why there is suddenly 'no election fraud', according to the very same gimps who keep on babbling about 'Russian collusion n stuff' at the same time; they can't help but contradict themselves, they're either mentally ill or traitors.
Unfortunately it worked in Arizona and it will work for the liars in Florida.

Btw, not for nothing, but most counties are done with the recounts.

Broward has not started. Its electronic. Look up the law that the negro woman Snipes has violated and admitted she violated. Penalty up to 5 years in prison and or $5000 dollar fine. She admitted.

Look at what she was busted doing in 2016.

Every election official in Broward along with the Sheriff etc etc are all democrats.

They just so happened to get the right number (made up over 40k votes) to get it so there is a recount.

People need to die. Its a war.
You go first.
Yeah, but who cares what he thinks? He's 1 dude, screw him. How the heck is 1 dude gonna say what happened? And he wasn't even there anyway. Pffft.
Isn't that how decisions made by judges work?
Judges are not supposed to legislate from the Bench and are not supposed to ignore the Law or crimes committed.

This criminal has a history of election fraud and crime. She has already undeniably broken election laws this time, too. For example, every other country in the state met the legal deadline for counting and reporting the number of absentee ballots by the end of Saturday - NLT Sunday - before the general election, failed / refused to obey the law that requires them to report the number of ballots received and number already checked EVRY 45 MINUTES after the deadline for receiving absentee ballots are required to be in, allowed monitors in to observe the process .... EXCEPT BROWARD.

That is just 3 of the Laws undeniably broken ... that this judge obviously ignored.

...but it is an Obama appointed Judge hearing an argument justifying these crimes from Hillary's 'Dossier' Lawyer, so what can you expect?

What is going on in Broward is like Hillary's crimes - it is obvious, undeniable, yet liberals continue to protect the crime happening right before everyone's eyes.
I am not parroting the DNC. I am just repeating what the the Broward County courts are ruling and how the FDLE is responding. No Fraud.
As I said, you are reporting what an Obama-appointed Judge said without knowing or acknowledging what the actual LAW says!
I am not parroting the DNC. I am just repeating what the the Broward County courts are ruling and how the FDLE is responding. No Fraud.
As I said, you are reporting what an Obama-appointed Judge said without knowing or acknowledging what the actual LAW says!
So, now what do we do? Now that elections are clearly fixed?
I am not parroting the DNC. I am just repeating what the the Broward County courts are ruling and how the FDLE is responding. No Fraud.
As I said, you are reporting what an Obama-appointed Judge said without knowing or acknowledging what the actual LAW says!
There are so many inaccuracies in this post that it could take me an hour to go over them.

First, Obama did not appoint the judge The judge is a state circuit court judge not a federal judge. A circuit court judge is either appointed by the governor or elected by the people.

Second, a judge can make a finding of act. That is his among his powers.

I am too exhausted to write on.
Only a stupid ass Trumpist would defend someone who said it was time for people to die.
Speaking of DEFLECTIONS....

Back to the fact that you are parroting the DNC party line that Laws are not REALLY supposed to be followed, justifying the crime being committed in Broward County....
I am not parroting the DNC. I am just repeating what the the Broward County courts are ruling and how the FDLE is responding. No Fraud.

You on the other hand are parroting sites like Gateway Punidt and InfoWars.

I do not deny that the Jeb Bush appointed Snipes needs to go. I've written that a hundred times.

Ok but do you see our problem? Can you understand why others are a bit confused by this?

Why is it that now several times, we have had this situation where clearly one person wins, and the other loses, and then after conceding, they start this recount business, and magically the vote starts to change, and they 'take back' their concession, and we end up with this "Recount until I win" game being played.

Now there are various definitions of fraud, and maybe this specific situation does not meet the legal definition of fraud....

But can you see how the rest of us smell rotting fish here?
I am not parroting the DNC. I am just repeating what the the Broward County courts are ruling and how the FDLE is responding. No Fraud.
As I said, you are reporting what an Obama-appointed Judge said without knowing or acknowledging what the actual LAW says!
Office of the Chief Judge – Seventeenth Judicial Circuit of Florida

Florida courts are comprised of 20 judicial circuits. The Seventeenth Judicial Circuit is the second largest judicial circuit in the State of Florida. Each circuit is administered by a Chief Judge who is elected by a majority of the judges in the circuit and serves for two-year terms. Chief Judge Jack Tuter was elected as the chief judicial officer of the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit in 2017. The Chief Judge’s administrative responsibilities emanate from the Florida Rules of Judicial Administration.
how did obama appoint a judge who is elected by fellow judges?
Ok but do you see our problem? Can you understand why others are a bit confused by this?
I see the problem.....

Hillary Clinton should be in jail.....not for anything prior to the election in 2016 - forget all of that for a minute. She was reported and caught breaking campaign finance laws and election laws. Again, as usual, she was protected.

The Election Manager for Broward country has been caught in multiple elections violating the law - has been caught in THIS election breaking the law...and an Obama-appointed Judge rules 'No Fraud'.

Do YOU not seen the recorded historic election fraud and crime perpetrated by Democrats over and over and over.

One judge just ruled that ballots that were 'found' and submitted AFTER the deadline can now be counted - despite what the actual law says. You can bet if the Democrats thought the vast majority of these votes were going to be for Conservatives, if they did not have a sure way to make sure these votes would not tip the election the other way, they would be screaming the law must be followed and the votes ignored. Gore tried that in Fl in 2000....

Of course candidates are conceding - what choice do they have.

An Election Official with a history of proven Election Crime and who has been proven to have broken multiple laws this year is once again overseeing the scandal-plagued recount in a process not one single other country in Florida had a problem with - not even those hardest hit by the Hurricane.....and meanwhile Hillary's 'Dossier' lawyers steps off the plane declaring he is there to ensure the Democrats win.

So please don't try to ;lecture me about how things smell fishy and suggest that what smells fishy is coming from the Republicans. The historic EVIDENCE of proven Election fraud, cheating, and scandal all points to the Democrats as opposed to the fake news bs accusations being hurled by the ones who have been historically proven to have committed crimes and cheated.
Only a stupid ass Trumpist would defend someone who said it was time for people to die.
Speaking of DEFLECTIONS....

Back to the fact that you are parroting the DNC party line that Laws are not REALLY supposed to be followed, justifying the crime being committed in Broward County....
I am not parroting the DNC. I am just repeating what the the Broward County courts are ruling and how the FDLE is responding. No Fraud.

You on the other hand are parroting sites like Gateway Punidt and InfoWars.

I do not deny that the Jeb Bush appointed Snipes needs to go. I've written that a hundred times.

Ok but do you see our problem? Can you understand why others are a bit confused by this?

Why is it that now several times, we have had this situation where clearly one person wins, and the other loses, and then after conceding, they start this recount business, and magically the vote starts to change, and they 'take back' their concession, and we end up with this "Recount until I win" game being played.

Now there are various definitions of fraud, and maybe this specific situation does not meet the legal definition of fraud....

But can you see how the rest of us smell rotting fish here?

Yup. Smells like day old dead fish.
Another stupid liberal apologist thread. With no investigation how would a liberal calling himself a judge know if there is voter fraud. There is at least one case of voter fraud already SHOWN to be factual. So the fact is there IS voter fraud. there is just no real investigation going on just as always when dimshits commit crimes, murder treason assault espionage hell voter fraud is just like pissing on the sidewalk to the corruption squad.
A Florida judge just ruled there is no evidence of voter fraud. He told the Repubs to cool the rhetoric.

Repubs need to move from their alternative universe and back to reality.

And stop falling for Scott and Trump's lies.

In Florida Senate Recount Lawsuit, Judge Says No Sign of Vote Fraud by Election Officials
Of course the Obama appointed judge ruled that ... Except the criminal over the theft going on has a history of violating election law and is guilty of no less than 5 crimes now, to include missing key deadlines, refusing to follow the law requiring 45 minute updates during recount, refusing to give total of number of ballots received and checked, refusing to let monitors in to watch the recount, etc...

The same bs protection Hillary was given that kept her ass out of prison is being given to this theft of this election...

Jack B. Tuter, Jr. is a civil division judge of the 17th Judicial Circuit Court in Florida. Tuter was appointed by former Governor Jeb Bush on December 19, 2005. He was re-elected in 2008 and 2014, and his current six-year term expires on January 4, 2021.

He's a republican dunce.
easyt makes shit up every single day. He has this psychotic masturbatory obsession with Hillary Clinton, and has to bring her up in every topic, no matter that she has nothing to do with the topic.


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The Florida judge is an anchor baby of gay Islamic Mexicans who came here illegally during the caravan. He has leprosy and small pox, and has a frequent customer discount card for Comet Ping Pong Pizza.
We are seeing what we always see from the tards when they create delusions before the facts are in.

When the truth catches up and explodes their lies, instead of admitting they were made fools of once again, they go full retard and reply, "Nuh-uh!" :lol:

And then they get right back in line for refills of their piss cups.

As they get dumber and dumber as the years go by, they will eventually be unable to feed themselves.

"Forks are commie Democrat poison darts!"

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