Judge Refuses to Let Jacob Chansley Out of Jail Ahead of Sentencing, Calls Him a ‘Mascot’ for QAnon and ‘Hopes’ He’s Really Had a Change of Heart


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
So the Judge has doubts..about the Q-shaman? How rude~

Judge Refuses to Let Jacob Chansley Out of Jail Ahead of Sentencing, Calls Him a ‘Mascot’ for QAnon and ‘Hopes’ He’s Really Had a Change of Heart

Defense lawyer Albert Watkins has gone out of his way to argue on his client’s behalf that he has repudiated QAnon.
“Mr. Chansley, a long-avowed and practicing Shaman, has repudiated the ‘Q’ previously assigned to him and requests future references to him be devoid of use of the letter ‘Q’,” Watkins recently wrote in a statement.
But Judge Lamberth said Friday that he hasn’t heard that from Chansley’s own mouth
“Chansley is a mascot of ‘QAnon,’ an active conspiracy group,” wrote Lamberth, before tacking on the footnote (citation to NY Times removed) pointing out that Chansley’s plea hearing was interrupted by random people screaming “Freedom”:

Chansley’s counsel said in a statement that Chansley “repudiated” QAnon. Chansley has not personally indicated as such to this Court. Still, regardless of any potential repudiation, there is no doubt that he is a mascot for the QAnon movement. Hundreds of attendees joined Chansley’s September 3, 2021 plea-agreement hearing on the public access line, and at least once this Court’s proceedings were interrupted with shouts of “Freedom!”

Lamberth said that Chansley has ultimately “failed” to persuade the court with “clear and convincing evidence” that he is not a flight risk. The judge also expressed skepticism about whether Chansley has really had a change of heart.
So the Judge has doubts..about the Q-shaman? How rude~

Judge Refuses to Let Jacob Chansley Out of Jail Ahead of Sentencing, Calls Him a ‘Mascot’ for QAnon and ‘Hopes’ He’s Really Had a Change of Heart

Defense lawyer Albert Watkins has gone out of his way to argue on his client’s behalf that he has repudiated QAnon.
“Mr. Chansley, a long-avowed and practicing Shaman, has repudiated the ‘Q’ previously assigned to him and requests future references to him be devoid of use of the letter ‘Q’,” Watkins recently wrote in a statement.
But Judge Lamberth said Friday that he hasn’t heard that from Chansley’s own mouth
“Chansley is a mascot of ‘QAnon,’ an active conspiracy group,” wrote Lamberth, before tacking on the footnote (citation to NY Times removed) pointing out that Chansley’s plea hearing was interrupted by random people screaming “Freedom”:

Lamberth said that Chansley has ultimately “failed” to persuade the court with “clear and convincing evidence” that he is not a flight risk. The judge also expressed skepticism about whether Chansley has really had a change of heart.
Poor treasonous trumpkins
Damn Tipsy..I just snorted an excellent '95 Wild Horse Merlot!
Somehow, i think this guy is going to land on his feet.
Merlot! Nectar of the God's. Jake has gone around chanting his chants at protests for years,. He intended to cleanse the capitol of hostile spirits. So he really broke no laws since there is no law against cleansing hostile spirits.
Merlot! Nectar of the God's. Jake has gone around chanting his chants at protests for years,. He intended to cleanse the capitol of hostile spirits. So he really broke no laws since there is no law against cleansing hostile spirits.
Had he been successful..place would have been deserted~
He was arrested before he was finished chanting. If this is what our Justice system thinks is a serious use of the judicial process we need new judges.
He was too visible not to try. Word is, he'll get time served. I have no beef with the Q-shaman....zip-tie guy..on the other hand..raises a few red flags with me.

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