Joyce and the Deuce?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2008
your dreams
It just occured to me that these two fellas should be allies. They both want the same thing: Racial segregation and subsequent preservation of shallow racial gene puddles.
Neither the black or white race have "shallow" genetic puddles... both go on for miles. Racial nationalists of all stripes -- white, black, Jewish, Hispanic -- recognize the folly of forced racial integration and the problems it causes. If more peace, progress and prosperity comes from separating the races, would you be prepared to accept that?

I often find that every race BUT mine seems more inclined to believe that race is not "just a skin color" and that its effect on things is very, very real. It's one thing to say at a white college party that "race doesn't exist", but try telling that to black people and see what their reaction is.
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Forced racial integration? :eusa_eh:

Who's forcing anyone to integrate?

It's part of my master plan to take over the world.

Forced racial integration? :eusa_eh:

Who's forcing anyone to integrate?

Federal law, federal court decisions, state law, local law... for starters. Is that a serious question?

You cannot, under federal law, decline to hire races you don't seek the company of, rent to them, or do pretty much any other activity except go to church and get married.

And even if you do your best to stay away from blacks, as a white, you sure as hell PAY for them through welfare, crime, etc.
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I also like to point out that the original forced integration was African slavery. Black slaves weren't given a choice... they had to get on the ship.
Blacks have reached the Pinnacle of any civilization here on Earth in Egypt,without the presence of white people, the Greeks, Romans stole so
much technology and knowledge out of African Egypt, and then they now try to claim it as their own.
Its pathetic how Europeans try to white wash history, and to gloss over the many inventions and contributions that Black Africans have brought to the world. By gosh if it weren't for blacks you people wouldn't even be drinking Coffee!!
Blacks have reached the Pinnacle of any civilization here on Earth in Egypt,without the presence of white people, the Greeks, Romans stole so
much technology and knowledge out of African Egypt, and then they now try to claim it as their own.
Its pathetic how Europeans try to white wash history, and to gloss over the many inventions and contributions that Black Africans have brought to the world. By gosh if it weren't for blacks you people wouldn't even be drinking Coffee!!

That's why Africa is a superpower huh?
Blacks have reached the Pinnacle of any civilization here on Earth in Egypt,without the presence of white people, the Greeks, Romans stole so
much technology and knowledge out of African Egypt, and then they now try to claim it as their own.
Its pathetic how Europeans try to white wash history, and to gloss over the many inventions and contributions that Black Africans have brought to the world. By gosh if it weren't for blacks you people wouldn't even be drinking Coffee!!

So they peaked about 5,000 years ago and haven't improved since and you hold this out as some sort of positive endorsement? All I can say is you're not doing anything to dispell the stereotypical belief that Joyce holds regarding the average intelligence of your race.
Blacks have reached the Pinnacle of any civilization here on Earth in Egypt,without the presence of white people, the Greeks, Romans stole so
much technology and knowledge out of African Egypt, and then they now try to claim it as their own.
Its pathetic how Europeans try to white wash history, and to gloss over the many inventions and contributions that Black Africans have brought to the world. By gosh if it weren't for blacks you people wouldn't even be drinking Coffee!!

That's why Africa is a superpower huh?

Neither is North/South America, Europe, Asia or Austrailia. What? Continents aren't superpowers?
Blacks have reached the Pinnacle of any civilization here on Earth in Egypt,without the presence of white people, the Greeks, Romans stole so
much technology and knowledge out of African Egypt, and then they now try to claim it as their own.
Its pathetic how Europeans try to white wash history, and to gloss over the many inventions and contributions that Black Africans have brought to the world. By gosh if it weren't for blacks you people wouldn't even be drinking Coffee!!

That's why Africa is a superpower huh?

Neither is North/South America, Europe, Asia or Austrailia. What? Continents aren't superpowers?


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