Jonah Goldberg explains why the left is never happy...mice and a cookie or something...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is an excellent look at the way the left operates.....they really are the Borg Collective, they never stop, and you can never just give them a little.....they want it all and will do anything they have to to get it........

Culture Warriors -- Gay Marriage Ruling Won t Appease the Left National Review Online

But no. Even when the cookie is this big, the mice want something more. The call went out that there were new citadels to conquer. Within hours of the decision, Politico ran a call to arms titled “It’s Time to Legalize Polygamy: Why Group Marriage Is the Next Horizon of Social Liberalism.” On Sunday, Time magazine had Mark Oppenheimer’s “Now’s the Time to End Tax Exemptions for Religious Institutions.


A deeper and more poisonous problem is the breakdown in trust. Again and again, progressives insist that their goals are reasonable and limited. Proponents of gay marriage insisted that they merely wanted the same rights to marry as everyone else. They mocked, scorned, and belittled anyone who suggested that polygamy would be next on their agenda.

Until they started winning.

In 2013, a headline in Slate declared “Legalize Polygamy!” and a writer at the Economist editorialized, “And now on to polygamy.” The Atlantic ran a fawning piece on Diana Adams and her quest for a polyamorous “alternative to marriage.” We were also told that the fight for marriage equality had nothing to do with a larger war against organized religion and religious freedom.

But we now know that was a lie, too.

The ACLU has reversed its position on religious-freedom laws, in line with the Left’s scorched-earth attacks on religious institutions and private businesses that won’t – or can’t – embrace the secular fatwa that everyone must celebrate “love” as defined by the Left.
They really started under Bush. and has gotten WORSE under Obama's leadership

look where our country is people? riots, lootings, shouting down authors at a book signing, cheering the destruction of business who doesn't bow to baking someone a CAKE, threatening states over some law, having a flag now BANNED or using it to stir up HATE, etc etc
They really started under Bush. and has gotten WORSE under Obama's leadership

look where our country is people? riots, lootings, shouting down authors at a book signing, cheering the destruction of business who doesn't bow to baking someone a CAKE, threatening states over some law, having a flag now BANNED or using it to stir up HATE, etc etc

I think you are confused, Staph.

The flag stirred up hate. That's why the guy who shot nine people at a church waved it.
Jonah Goldberg is the typical talking head, a revisionist who sees the same bogeyman behind every event that gives others rights he possesses. It is the usual conservative hierarchical thinking, he somehow knows better, but all he deals with is words and no accomplishments. Writing books for a choir of whiners pays well but is a useless endeavor in life. Sad how little the conservative today accomplishes - nothing but whining about that falling sky.

"Jonah Goldberg has to be one of the most idiotic revisionists of modern times. Any person even vaguely familiar with Fascism knows it is of the Right and not the left. I will grant that extremists seem to meet in a circle as in the end dictators dictate but if you can't tell the difference between political ideologies you should stay home." Jonah Goldberg s Liberal Facism Brings Historical Revisionism to Comical New Heights Alternet

No nation was ever founded by conservatives, for in order to do so, you'd need to stop whining and do something - or by clueless libertarians who think all things started at their birth. mc5

I don't think conservatives understand themselves. They seem to miss the fact they are a disparate group that only votes together for reasons that can be summed up as 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend.' Step outside that bubble in which liberals progressives democrats immigrants and other assorted aliens exist as the foe and there is nothing to hold on to. Take Romney, had he not changed who he was he would not have been their candidate. If you cannot be yourself who are you. Consider any other element. Conservatives consider themselves pro-business but as jobs were outsourced and foreign companies gained market share jobs were lost. So then which is it, do you support a bailout that helped an American company or do you support a business model that allows companies to crash along with your job? In this case you have to support government. In the end there is no core to American conservatism, the best they can do now is what they do best, point fingers at our current president. In the end they selected a candidate who wanted to govern without governing; America had enough of that last time.

""Ideas," a distinguished conservative named Richard Weaver once wrote, "have consequences." Americans have learned something about the consequences of conservative ideas during the Bush years that they never had to confront in the more amiable Reagan period. As a way of governing, conservatism is another name for disaster. And the disasters will continue, year after year, as long as conservatives, whose political tactics are frequently as brilliant as their policy-making is inept, find ways to perpetuate their power." Why Conservatives Can t Govern by Alan Wolfe

'A Short History of Conservative Obstruction to Progress'
A Short History of Conservative Obstruction to Progress Conceptual Guerilla s Strategy And Tactics

First, no one is really calling to make polygamy legal.

Second, so what if it is? Frankly, the Mormons practiced Polygamy for decades, and no one was hurt by it.
Sounds like you are for it already. Anyway, liberals has made marriage useless. Means nothing now, congratulations.
This is an excellent look at the way the left operates.....they really are the Borg Collective, they never stop, and you can never just give them a little.....they want it all and will do anything they have to to get it........

Culture Warriors -- Gay Marriage Ruling Won t Appease the Left National Review Online

But no. Even when the cookie is this big, the mice want something more. The call went out that there were new citadels to conquer. Within hours of the decision, Politico ran a call to arms titled “It’s Time to Legalize Polygamy: Why Group Marriage Is the Next Horizon of Social Liberalism.” On Sunday, Time magazine had Mark Oppenheimer’s “Now’s the Time to End Tax Exemptions for Religious Institutions.


A deeper and more poisonous problem is the breakdown in trust. Again and again, progressives insist that their goals are reasonable and limited. Proponents of gay marriage insisted that they merely wanted the same rights to marry as everyone else. They mocked, scorned, and belittled anyone who suggested that polygamy would be next on their agenda.

Until they started winning.

In 2013, a headline in Slate declared “Legalize Polygamy!” and a writer at the Economist editorialized, “And now on to polygamy.” The Atlantic ran a fawning piece on Diana Adams and her quest for a polyamorous “alternative to marriage.” We were also told that the fight for marriage equality had nothing to do with a larger war against organized religion and religious freedom.

But we now know that was a lie, too.

The ACLU has reversed its position on religious-freedom laws, in line with the Left’s scorched-earth attacks on religious institutions and private businesses that won’t – or can’t – embrace the secular fatwa that everyone must celebrate “love” as defined by the Left.

Polygamy is a conservative issue practiced by conservative Mormons
the flag is just an issue of distraction to keep people from looking at the real issues.....mental health care and gun control...who the fuck gives a kid who dropped outta 9th grade and has the fucking crazy eyed look a damn gun for this birthday....but he is not a kid...he is a grown ass man.....but hey blame a flag
the flag is just an issue of distraction to keep people from looking at the real issues.....mental health care and gun control...who the fuck gives a kid who dropped outta 9th grade and has the fucking crazy eyed look a damn gun for this birthday....but he is not a kid...he is a grown ass man.....but hey blame a flag
I am happy being separated and having a serious relationship with my alter ego....And the bong keeps the conservatives away....
First, no one is really calling to make polygamy legal.

Second, so what if it is? Frankly, the Mormons practiced Polygamy for decades, and no one was hurt by it.
Sounds like you are for it already. Anyway, liberals has made marriage useless. Means nothing now, congratulations.

I think if a guy is enough of a masochist to want TWO wives, more power to him.

I think if anything made marriage "useless", it was a 50% divorce rate and Lindsey Lohan doing a drive through wedding in Vegas.

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