Johnny Cochrane says...


Dim Bulb

"When Trump don't tweet, he has a good week."

Keep up the twitter silence, it works. People pay attention to what you're actually doing, not what you're saying.
"When Trump don't tweet, he has a good week."

Keep up the twitter silence, it works. People pay attention to what you're actually doing, not what you're saying.

Donald is doing a tweet moratorium ?????? PRAISE THE LORD------HALLELUJAH
"When Trump don't tweet, he has a good week."

Keep up the twitter silence, it works. People pay attention to what you're actually doing, not what you're saying.

Donald is doing a tweet moratorium ?????? PRAISE THE LORD------HALLELUJAH
He forgot his charger when he packed for Europe. It's been so quiet this past week. Can we flush the phone on the way back?
I think so-------in fact I am SURE that it was my cyber advice that SWAYED HIM
"When Trump don't tweet, he has a good week."

Keep up the twitter silence, it works. People pay attention to what you're actually doing, not what you're saying.

A week spent getting chummy with despots and oligarchs in the ME, and shoving NATO leaders around while displaying his total ignorance of the NATO Accord by suggesting that NATO members owe money to the US.

Yeah Donnie had a great week making a total fool of himself on the world stage.

Oh and his approval rating is now 27%. Well done, you fat creep.
Who is Johnny Cochrane? I know who Johnnie Cochran was, and I know he had nothing to say about Trump's presidency or tweets, neither of which existed prior to his passing. I'd be surprised if he ever had anything to say about Trump, period.
The walking dead?
LOL You tell me. I didn't create the thread.
Maybe he is actually listening to his advisers and Shut The Hell Up...
Nope. No hope of that.
I'm still trying to figure out what Johnny Cochrane the OP-er has in mind.
"When Trump don't tweet, he has a good week."

Keep up the twitter silence, it works. People pay attention to what you're actually doing, not what you're saying.

Donald is doing a tweet moratorium ?????? PRAISE THE LORD------HALLELUJAH
He forgot his charger when he packed for Europe. It's been so quiet this past week. Can we flush the phone on the way back?
Hilarious! He probably didn't realize he needed a European converter to plug in...
Who is Johnny Cochrane? I know who Johnnie Cochran was, and I know he had nothing to say about Trump's presidency or tweets, neither of which existed prior to his passing. I'd be surprised if he ever had anything to say about Trump, period.
The walking dead?
LOL You tell me. I didn't create the thread.
Maybe he is actually listening to his advisers and Shut The Hell Up...
Nope. No hope of that.
I'm still trying to figure out what Johnny Cochrane the OP-er has in mind.
I misspelled a dead lawyer's name. I should be flogged. I should be purged. Better yet, send me to Montana and have a Congressman bodyslam me for my crimes. Or as JC would say, "When in doubt, thrown Dimmy out!"
Who is Johnny Cochrane? I know who Johnnie Cochran was, and I know he had nothing to say about Trump's presidency or tweets, neither of which existed prior to his passing. I'd be surprised if he ever had anything to say about Trump, period.
The walking dead?
LOL You tell me. I didn't create the thread.
Maybe he is actually listening to his advisers and Shut The Hell Up...
Nope. No hope of that.
I'm still trying to figure out what Johnny Cochrane the OP-er has in mind.
I misspelled a dead lawyer's name. I should be flogged. I should be purged. Better yet, send me to Montana and have a Congressman bodyslam me for my crimes. Or as JC would say, "When in doubt, thrown Dimmy out!"
I misspelled a dead lawyer's name. I should be flogged. I should be purged.

Let me assure you the problem isn't that you misspelled the man's name. The problem is that you completely fabricated what the man said. Cochran died in 2005. Twitter was invented in 2006. Johnnie Cochran did not, as your title and OP indicate, say, "When Trump don't tweet, he has a good week."

I happen to think you should be purged from USMB membership for attributing to a dead man something that man did not ever say.
"When Trump don't tweet, he has a good week."

Keep up the twitter silence, it works. People pay attention to what you're actually doing, not what you're saying.

Donald is doing a tweet moratorium ?????? PRAISE THE LORD------HALLELUJAH
He forgot his charger when he packed for Europe. It's been so quiet this past week. Can we flush the phone on the way back?
Actually, it has been an amazing and positive week.
Who is Johnny Cochrane? I know who Johnnie Cochran was, and I know he had nothing to say about Trump's presidency or tweets, neither of which existed prior to his passing. I'd be surprised if he ever had anything to say about Trump, period.
The walking dead?
LOL You tell me. I didn't create the thread.
Maybe he is actually listening to his advisers and Shut The Hell Up...
Nope. No hope of that.
I'm still trying to figure out what Johnny Cochrane the OP-er has in mind.
I misspelled a dead lawyer's name. I should be flogged. I should be purged. Better yet, send me to Montana and have a Congressman bodyslam me for my crimes. Or as JC would say, "When in doubt, thrown Dimmy out!"
I misspelled a dead lawyer's name. I should be flogged. I should be purged.

Let me assure you the problem isn't that you misspelled the man's name. The problem is that you completely fabricated what the man said. Cochran died in 2005. Twitter was invented in 2006. Johnnie Cochran did not, as your title and OP indicate, say, "When Trump don't tweet, he has a good week."

I happen to think you should be purged from USMB membership for attributing to a dead man something that man did not ever say.

Good grief can you not understand a joke? As Sir Thomas More said in Man for All Seasons (the quote itself cannot be confirmed nor denied, so just simmer down on the fact that it was a work of fiction):

I say none harm, I do none harm, I mean none harm. And if that be not enough to keep a man's head on his shoulders, then I long not to live.
"When Trump don't tweet, he has a good week."

Keep up the twitter silence, it works. People pay attention to what you're actually doing, not what you're saying.

Donald is doing a tweet moratorium ?????? PRAISE THE LORD------HALLELUJAH
He forgot his charger when he packed for Europe. It's been so quiet this past week. Can we flush the phone on the way back?
Actually, it has been an amazing and positive week.
My point exactly.

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