John F. Kennedy was assassinated 57 years ago


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Just a day late. NP.

Where is JFK's brain? It holds the proof of where the shots came from. If it still exists.
Oh great here comes the conspiracies.

If you want to start a conspiracy theory you're welcome to it.
I just indicated that the anniversary of JFK's assassination was November 22, 1963....
JFK was assassinated​
Lee Harvey Oswald was the trigger puller;​
Jack Ruby assassinated Lee Harvey Oswald.​
It's a shame that chilren in school today know nothing about our previous presidents and especially about how JFK's life was cut short.
BTW attempts were made on President Ford and President Reagan.
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People of a certain age remember exactly where they were when they heard the news. (Just as when they heard about 9/11.)

It was around noon here in Los Angeles. I saw a colleague crying in the hallway. I asked her what the problem was. She told me about President Kennedy.
57 days ago it was September 27th.

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People of a certain age remember exactly where they were when they heard the news. (Just as when they heard about 9/11.)

It was around noon here in Los Angeles. I saw a colleague crying in the hallway. I asked her what the problem was. She told me about President Kennedy.

Dec 7, 1941 was one of those days, but that generation is almost played out. I remember where I was for RFK's but not JFK's.
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People of a certain age remember exactly where they were when they heard the news. (Just as when they heard about 9/11.)

It was around noon here in Los Angeles. I saw a colleague crying in the hallway. I asked her what the problem was. She told me about President Kennedy.

Dec 7, 1941 was one of those day, but that generation is almost played out. I remember where I was for RFK's but not JFK's.

I was too young to remember Pearl Harbor.
People of a certain age remember exactly where they were when they heard the news. (Just as when they heard about 9/11.)

It was around noon here in Los Angeles. I saw a colleague crying in the hallway. I asked her what the problem was. She told me about President Kennedy.

Dec 7, 1941 was one of those day, but that generation is almost played out. I remember where I was for RFK's but not JFK's.

I was too young to remember Pearl Harbor.

My dad was 9 and always remembered where he was. He died last year. Even with his Alzheimer's we could always help him get that memory back, if only for a moment.
I was eating lunch at a drug store (they used to have lunch counters) close to school- I finished lunch and went back to school-

Lo, all these years later, I've learned the US gov't lies- I've learned that Kennedy was despised by the CIA and the monied- he was also Catholic, I remember that being as controversial as controversial could be w/o instant access-
I KNOW to never trust an "official" anything never mind alleged "experts"- I can read and come to my own conclusions as much as by what is left out as much as by what's put forth- my conclusion is; the US gov't has a history of lying and experts have a private agenda- self gratification- it's sometimes called mental masturbation- we have many here who practice it, in public- practice makes perfect, correct?
Would JFK Be welcome in todays Democrat Party? Or Bobby? I was too young to remember JFK or his funeral. I remember Winston Churchill s funeral. I remember BKs, MLK assassination.
Oh great here comes the conspiracies.

If you want to start a conspiracy theory you're welcome to it.
I just indicated that the anniversary of JFK's assassination was November 22, 1963....
JFK was assassinated​
Lee Harvey Oswald was the trigger puller;​
Jack Ruby assassinated Lee Harvey Oswald.​
It's a shame that chilren in school today know nothing about our previous presidents and especially about how JFK's life was cut short.
BTW attempts were made on President Ford and President Reagan.
:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

oh brother another brainwashed sheep,no surprise he believes those to be facts,he evades facts all the time that reagan ran the most corrupt administration ever at the time.:cuckoo::abgg2q.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg:
Oh great here comes the conspiracies.
You mean the one that CIA agent GHW Bush was the second gunman on the grassy knoll ?
Well it sure is a lot more closer to the truth of what actually did happen than what this nutcase op believes.:iyfyus.jpg: He has obviously never seen the documentary the men who killed kennedy or ever read crossfire. You just know this thread is going to attract Langley resident nazi boy.:auiqs.jpg:
Oh great here comes the conspiracies.
Like the conspiracy theory of the Warren commission that oswald killed jfk with a magic bullet stopping in mid air and changing directions in mid flight at least twice.:abgg2q.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg:
I was 15 years old. I remember it well.

My parents thought JFK was an arrogant Yankee Liberal asshole. They were actually pleased.

As I got older and learned more about the Kennedys being shitheads I understood.
I was eating lunch at a drug store (they used to have lunch counters) close to school- I finished lunch and went back to school-

Lo, all these years later, I've learned the US gov't lies- I've learned that Kennedy was despised by the CIA and the monied- he was also Catholic, I remember that being as controversial as controversial could be w/o instant access-
I KNOW to never trust an "official" anything never mind alleged "experts"- I can read and come to my own conclusions as much as by what is left out as much as by what's put forth- my conclusion is; the US gov't has a history of lying and experts have a private agenda- self gratification- it's sometimes called mental masturbation- we have many here who practice it, in public- practice makes perfect, correct?
wasnt Kennedy the one that got us into vietnam and ordered that horrible bay of pigs least he got to bone marilyn

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