John Bolton - another chicken hawk


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
John Bolton has never seen a war he didn't like except the Viet Nam war. He enlisted in the National Guard to avoid being drafted. He admitted he did not want to die in southeast asia in a war that had already been lost.
He and Dick Cheney (another chicken hawk) were two of the biggest proponents of the Iraq war.
He is for regime change in both North Korea and Iran. A policy that could end up in a war he advocates but does not fight.
Worst possible choice Trump could make.
But on par with his other horrendous choices like
Scott Pruitt
Ben Carson
Rick Perry
Wilbur Ross
Jared Kushner
Steve Bannon
Michael Flynn
Paul Manafort.
The list is endless.
John Bolton has never seen a war he didn't like except the Viet Nam war. He enlisted in the National Guard to avoid being drafted. He admitted he did not want to die in southeast asia in a war that had already been lost.
He and Dick Cheney (another chicken hawk) were two of the biggest proponents of the Iraq war.
He is for regime change in both North Korea and Iran. A policy that could end up in a war he advocates but does not fight.
Bolton has been relegated and rightfully so, to the dustbin of history where all chickenhawks now reside.
Also where all disgraced republicans always end up: Fox News..
And of course the Trump hater wants to drive out another well qualified cabinet member... this bit is getting older than Trump. Especially when Bolton is well experienced for his position.
Um. A "chicken hawk" is a "homosexual pedophile".
No a chickenhawk is someone who doesn't care if he sends young men to die in wars but got out of serving thru various ways himself.
For example, Cadet Bone Spurs.
And of course the Trump hater wants to drive out another well qualified cabinet member... this bit is getting older than Trump. Especially when Bolton is well experienced for his position.
Idiot has no knowledge of history just like his dunce president.
Your liar in chief frequently brought up the horrendous Iraq War Bush started while he was campaigning . then he hires one of the architects of that very war.
Thinking isn't one of your strong suits I see.
And of course the Trump hater wants to drive out another well qualified cabinet member... this bit is getting older than Trump. Especially when Bolton is well experienced for his position.
Idiot has no knowledge of history just like his dunce president.
Your liar in chief frequently brought up the horrendous Iraq War Bush started while he was campaigning . then he hires one of the architects of that very war.
Thinking isn't one of your strong suits I see.

Calm your fear mongering self down. We get it. You mindlessly hate anything Trump does.
And of course the Trump hater wants to drive out another well qualified cabinet member... this bit is getting older than Trump. Especially when Bolton is well experienced for his position.
Trump and I agree that the majority of his political appointments have been bad.
But Trump follows the bad picks he fires with another bad pick.
And of course the Trump hater wants to drive out another well qualified cabinet member... this bit is getting older than Trump. Especially when Bolton is well experienced for his position.
Trump and I agree that the majority of his political appointments have been bad.
But Trump follows the bad picks he fires with another bad pick.

Well, at least there hasn't been any Benghazi situations or emails erased. Am I right.
And of course the Trump hater wants to drive out another well qualified cabinet member... this bit is getting older than Trump. Especially when Bolton is well experienced for his position.
Trump and I agree that the majority of his political appointments have been bad.
But Trump follows the bad picks he fires with another bad pick.

Well, at least there hasn't been any Benghazi situations or emails erased. Am I right.
Trump's issues make Benghazi and Hillary's emails not look as bad.
If Bolton said he did not want to die in a war that had already been lost why don't lefties like him today? Bill Clinton came closest to being a criminal draft dodger when he lied to his draft board and then he used NATO to bomb a defenseless country into the stone age when he was literally caught with his pants down.The world is upside down and ass backwards in the left wing mind.
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