Joe Walsh has dirty laundry


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Aug 27, 2010
Seems Joe is another Gingrich, a dead beat dad who refuses to support his children. Where is his personal responsibility? And the hypocrite wants to work on Americans budget? LMAO!!

Then there’s the case of freshman Rep. Joe Walsh, Republican from Illinois. Walsh is another tea party favorite who has pushed for a tougher line with Democrats in negotiations.

This week Walsh told CNN, “Thank God congressmen like me were here. Imagine - step back and imagine - if Republicans hadn’t taken over Congress, this city would have raised the debt limit who knows how much.”

But Walsh’s ex-wife Laura Walsh says he needs to pay up on a big debt: $117,437 in child support. That figure is part of a lawsuit against Walsh she filed.

CNN could not reach Walsh’s attorney, R. Steven Polachek, for comment. But Polachek told the Chicago Sun-Times the claim of a $117,437 debt is “unfounded”: “I dispute that he owes the child support that she’s claiming or anywhere near that amount.”

YEAH RIGHT!!! AND PIGS FLY..................
IF he owes her money, he should pay it.

But I've seen enough of these things where the woman claims outrageous amounts when she has a good job and her new husband makes good money.

Bottom line it, why didn't she ask for this money years ago, when the kids were still minors? Oh, that's right, because he's a congressman now.
Seems Joe is another Gingrich, a dead beat dad who refuses to support his children. Where is his personal responsibility? And the hypocrite wants to work on Americans budget? LMAO!!

Then there’s the case of freshman Rep. Joe Walsh, Republican from Illinois. Walsh is another tea party favorite who has pushed for a tougher line with Democrats in negotiations.

This week Walsh told CNN, “Thank God congressmen like me were here. Imagine - step back and imagine - if Republicans hadn’t taken over Congress, this city would have raised the debt limit who knows how much.”

But Walsh’s ex-wife Laura Walsh says he needs to pay up on a big debt: $117,437 in child support. That figure is part of a lawsuit against Walsh she filed.

CNN could not reach Walsh’s attorney, R. Steven Polachek, for comment. But Polachek told the Chicago Sun-Times the claim of a $117,437 debt is “unfounded”: “I dispute that he owes the child support that she’s claiming or anywhere near that amount.”

YEAH RIGHT!!! AND PIGS FLY..................

nobody cares

How many Americans will even hear about this story?

About 179 :boobies::boobies::boobies::fu:?????????????????
Yeah - but, it's his personal life Shinto - so it's none of your damned business. Like Clinton getting blow jobs while serving as Commander In Chief. That was supposed to be none of our business - you know, "What he does in his private life is his own business." Remember that line of shit? Apply it here asswipe.
Yeah - but, it's his personal life Shinto - so it's none of your damned business. Like Clinton getting blow jobs while serving as Commander In Chief. That was supposed to be none of our business - you know, "What he does in his private life is his own business." Remember that line of shit? Apply it here asswipe.

How well did that work for Clinton, asswipe?

If one person's private life is fair game, then so is everyone else's. BTW... back child support is Public Domain. Once a charge is filed... it's in public record... asswipe.
Yeah - but, it's his personal life Shinto - so it's none of your damned business. Like Clinton getting blow jobs while serving as Commander In Chief. That was supposed to be none of our business - you know, "What he does in his private life is his own business." Remember that line of shit? Apply it here asswipe.

How well did that work for Clinton, asswipe?

If one person's private life is fair game, then so is everyone else's. BTW... back child support is Public Domain. Once a charge is filed... it's in public record... asswipe.

The President of the United States of America is on duty - 24/7, asswipe - just like those who serve our great nation in the miliary (that wouldn't include you).

Being that he's on duty 24/7 - he should focus on doing the job he's elected to do, not chase intern's skirts and recieve Oral in the Oval.

So that was our business, asswipe.

Yeah - but, it's his personal life Shinto - so it's none of your damned business. Like Clinton getting blow jobs while serving as Commander In Chief. That was supposed to be none of our business - you know, "What he does in his private life is his own business." Remember that line of shit? Apply it here asswipe.

How well did that work for Clinton, asswipe?

If one person's private life is fair game, then so is everyone else's. BTW... back child support is Public Domain. Once a charge is filed... it's in public record... asswipe.

The President of the United States of America is on duty - 24/7, asswipe - just like those who serve our great nation in the miliary (that wouldn't include you).

Being that he's on duty 24/7 - he should focus on doing the job he's elected to do, not chase intern's skirts and recieve Oral in the Oval.

So that was our business, asswipe.


Yes, and members of Congress take the same Oath as the President, don't they? They are held to the same standards. So that throws yet another defense of an indefensible position out the window, doesn't it?
How well did that work for Clinton, asswipe?

If one person's private life is fair game, then so is everyone else's. BTW... back child support is Public Domain. Once a charge is filed... it's in public record... asswipe.

The President of the United States of America is on duty - 24/7, asswipe - just like those who serve our great nation in the miliary (that wouldn't include you).

Being that he's on duty 24/7 - he should focus on doing the job he's elected to do, not chase intern's skirts and recieve Oral in the Oval.

So that was our business, asswipe.


Yes, and members of Congress take the same Oath as the President, don't they? They are held to the same standards. So that throws yet another defense of an indefensible position out the window, doesn't it?

I think porking interns on duty is slightly different than piss-poor financials, but go ahead and go with that, asswipe.
Yeah - but, it's his personal life Shinto - so it's none of your damned business. Like Clinton getting blow jobs while serving as Commander In Chief. That was supposed to be none of our business - you know, "What he does in his private life is his own business." Remember that line of shit? Apply it here asswipe.

So many men will be glad to know that not paying child support is now equal to getting a blowjob.

exwife: The kids need clothes and Im about to run out of food in the house....I need my child support check.

Exhusband: No worries I am getting a blow job right now.
Yeah - but, it's his personal life Shinto - so it's none of your damned business. Like Clinton getting blow jobs while serving as Commander In Chief. That was supposed to be none of our business - you know, "What he does in his private life is his own business." Remember that line of shit? Apply it here asswipe.

Clinton was impeached. And details of the affair were released to the press.

Kinda shoots down that bullshit that conservatives are about respecting one's private life.
Joe Walsh is a card.

He does the dancing clown thing for the cameras for FOX and MSNBC.

I pretty much think he's going to be a pundit very soon.
He will lose a big part of his base.

I bet most of the people who voted for him didnt even know he had been divorced let alone is a dead beat dad.
The President of the United States of America is on duty - 24/7, asswipe - just like those who serve our great nation in the miliary (that wouldn't include you).

Being that he's on duty 24/7 - he should focus on doing the job he's elected to do, not chase intern's skirts and recieve Oral in the Oval.

So that was our business, asswipe.


Yes, and members of Congress take the same Oath as the President, don't they? They are held to the same standards. So that throws yet another defense of an indefensible position out the window, doesn't it?

I think porking interns on duty is slightly different than piss-poor financials, but go ahead and go with that, asswipe.

Piss poor financials??? Not taking care of your own responsibilities is piss poor financials? So much for your "Personal Responsibility" platform... I guess "Personal Responsibility" only means anything when it's poor people trying to get by.

Walsh is the epitome of Conservatism... They hate Abortion and want it outlawed... but after the kid is born, that's where their outrage ends and their apathy begins.
None of us KNOW the true story.

Taking sides or determining who is the aggreived party is therefore rather silly.

That's why we have courts, kids.
Yeah - but, it's his personal life Shinto - so it's none of your damned business. Like Clinton getting blow jobs while serving as Commander In Chief. That was supposed to be none of our business - you know, "What he does in his private life is his own business." Remember that line of shit? Apply it here asswipe.

How well did that work for Clinton, asswipe?

If one person's private life is fair game, then so is everyone else's. BTW... back child support is Public Domain. Once a charge is filed... it's in public record... asswipe.

The President of the United States of America is on duty - 24/7, asswipe - just like those who serve our great nation in the miliary (that wouldn't include you).

Being that he's on duty 24/7 - he should focus on doing the job he's elected to do, not chase intern's skirts and recieve Oral in the Oval.

So that was our business, asswipe.


Puh-leeze. Stop trying to rationalize this away. If this was a Democrat with the same storyline, you'd be squealing like a stuck pig about it to anyone who would listen and you damn well know it.

But personally I agree, it's not relevant to his position. At the same time he shouldn't be pontificating to others about "Fiscal responsibility."
None of us KNOW the true story.

Taking sides or determining who is the aggreived party is therefore rather silly.

That's why we have courts, kids.

Absolutely. We know Clinton got a blow job, we know he was impeached and disbarred. We don't know the full story on Joe Walsh, yet the Libs already have him tried and executed.

What a caring and nurturing bunch.
Seems Joe is another Gingrich, a dead beat dad who refuses to support his children. Where is his personal responsibility? And the hypocrite wants to work on Americans budget? LMAO!!

Then there’s the case of freshman Rep. Joe Walsh, Republican from Illinois. Walsh is another tea party favorite who has pushed for a tougher line with Democrats in negotiations.

This week Walsh told CNN, “Thank God congressmen like me were here. Imagine - step back and imagine - if Republicans hadn’t taken over Congress, this city would have raised the debt limit who knows how much.”

But Walsh’s ex-wife Laura Walsh says he needs to pay up on a big debt: $117,437 in child support. That figure is part of a lawsuit against Walsh she filed.

CNN could not reach Walsh’s attorney, R. Steven Polachek, for comment. But Polachek told the Chicago Sun-Times the claim of a $117,437 debt is “unfounded”: “I dispute that he owes the child support that she’s claiming or anywhere near that amount.”

YEAH RIGHT!!! AND PIGS FLY..................

There's already a thread on this, with a link.

And in that link no proof is presented that he owes this money.

In otherwords, the tired old bullshit of the left is getting thinner and thinner as the desperatly try to show the right as being as scum filled as they are.

That's 3 thread in 2 weeks slamming the right w/o any proof.

You pussies must be getting desperate.

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