Joe (National Drunk) Biden says gun control same as air bags in cars!!!


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Gun control applied to cars would mean lowering speed limits to 45, denying cars to felons, installing speed limiters so no car could exceed 60 mph, and giving all drunk drivers 10 years in prison.

Biden Compares Gun Control to Car Air Bags: 'We're Saving Lives' | CNS News

January 10, 2013

( – Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday compared restrictions on guns to auto safety regulations such as air bags, by saying neither the gun nor the auto industries wanted regulations to save lives.

“Well they didn’t want to have air bags. Well, guess what? We have air bags. We’re saving lives,” Biden told reporters before a meeting with several stakeholders on the gun-control issue, as he plans to craft a set of proposals for President Barack Obama by Tuesday, Jan. 15.
Gun control applied to cars would mean lowering speed limits to 45, denying cars to felons, installing speed limiters so no car could exceed 60 mph, and giving all drunk drivers 10 years in prison.

Biden Compares Gun Control to Car Air Bags: 'We're Saving Lives' | CNS News

January 10, 2013

( – Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday compared restrictions on guns to auto safety regulations such as air bags, by saying neither the gun nor the auto industries wanted regulations to save lives.

“Well they didn’t want to have air bags. Well, guess what? We have air bags. We’re saving lives,” Biden told reporters before a meeting with several stakeholders on the gun-control issue, as he plans to craft a set of proposals for President Barack Obama by Tuesday, Jan. 15.

Airbags cost lives.
But the comparison is specious for any number of reasons. But somehow the administration loves car analogies. Obama told us that when the car is in the ditch you hit D for drive, like driving it further in is progress. He also told us that health care mandates were just like insurance mandates on cars. Which they aren't. Even the Supreme Court disagreed with that one.
So now gun restrictions are like airbags. Uh, no. They're nothing like airbags. The only thing like airbags are the administration's talking heads. Like Joe.
And much the same as environmental controls giving us cleaner air and water.

No, they're nothing like environmental controls. Unless someone can steal a coal furnace and pump pollution into the air.
But deep thought was never your strong point.
There may be a few useless laws passed, but nothing of significance, guns are not going anywhere any time soon. I see this is a good way to keep the far right occupied with their Obama hate and conspiracy nonsense. Meanwhile the Democrats can pivot onto Immigration and sew up the 2014 midterms while the right is busy eating their own.

sort of genius in a Josh Lymen sort of way. ;)
Gun control applied to cars would mean lowering speed limits to 45, denying cars to felons, installing speed limiters so no car could exceed 60 mph, and giving all drunk drivers 10 years in prison.

Biden Compares Gun Control to Car Air Bags: 'We're Saving Lives' | CNS News

January 10, 2013

( – Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday compared restrictions on guns to auto safety regulations such as air bags, by saying neither the gun nor the auto industries wanted regulations to save lives.

“Well they didn’t want to have air bags. Well, guess what? We have air bags. We’re saving lives,” Biden told reporters before a meeting with several stakeholders on the gun-control issue, as he plans to craft a set of proposals for President Barack Obama by Tuesday, Jan. 15.

Joe Biden, the only living human survivor of MAD COW DISEASE.

His brain looks like a sponge, but he's able to walk and talk.
There may be a few useless laws passed, but nothing of significance, guns are not going anywhere any time soon. I see this is a good way to keep the far right occupied with their Obama hate and conspiracy nonsense. Meanwhile the Democrats can pivot onto Immigration and sew up the 2014 midterms while the right is busy eating their own.

sort of genius in a Josh Lymen sort of way. ;)

Actually it will embroil the Democrats in a civil war as many Dems are actually pro gun. Remember what happened after Clinton signed the last Assault Weapons Ban.
I see the parallel.

First there was only one air bag in a vehicle, then two, four, and now as many as many as needed plus more.

Muskets, revolvers, lever action and pumps, semi-automatic, automatic, and high capacity magazines.
I see the parallel.

First there was only one air bag in a vehicle, then two, four, and now as many as many as needed plus more.

And the airbag manufacturers made a fortune while the public got gouged. Would have saved a lot more lives to lower speed limits and that would have SAVED MONEY too.
I want cars with more and beter air bags which keep me safer.

I want more and better guns which keep me safer.

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