Joe Klein on Herman Cain...


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
Interesting column. Don't entirely agree with it, but interesting.

The Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations | Swampland |

I know what I’m about to say is impolite, but Herman Cain strikes me as something of a jerk and an ignoramus. He has made absolutely outrageous statements about Muslims, immigrants and homosexuals; he takes the most extreme position imaginable on abortion. Indeed, I have never, ever seen him acknowledge the idea that complexity exists in the world…or that an ability to weed through complex issues might be a qualification for the presidency.

No, the guy is a marketer. He had other people handle administration and finance at Godfather’s; he was all about the pies. Hence, we have his 9-9-9 plan, a truly rancid scheme to benefit the rich at the expense of the rest of the country, a scheme that would tax a gallon of milk and a loaf of bread.

Would it be too much for the Weekly Standard–a journal of strong, and occasionally intemperate, opinions–to acknowledge that this guy is a snake oil salesman? That he’s an embarrassment to the Republican Party? That his momentary strength is a four-alarm cry of Republican desperation?
Joe Kline writes like he is still in high school.

Kline wants to see a Jerk and a Ignoramus he need only to look in his mirror..

what a pompous little ass.
Joe Kline writes like he is still in high school.

Kline wants to see a Jerk and a Ignoramus he need only to look in his mirror..

what a pompous little ass.

I listen to the economists who have helped our country's presidents have a strong economy, such as Art Laffer ( Reagan ) who supports Cain's plan. As do the Fiscal Associates and others. If one wants to know how many more, all they have to do is Google it...:eusa_whistle: Google the Fiscal Associates.
Joe Kline writes like he is still in high school.

Kline wants to see a Jerk and a Ignoramus he need only to look in his mirror..

what a pompous little ass.

I listen to the economists who have helped our country's presidents have a strong economy, such as Art Laffer ( Reagan ) who supports Cain's plan. As do the Fiscal Associates and others. If one wants to know how many more, all they have to do is Google it...:eusa_whistle: Google the Fiscal Associates.

Reagan insider: GOP destroyed economy - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

Four Deformations of the Apocalypse -
Joe Kline writes like he is still in high school.

Kline wants to see a Jerk and a Ignoramus he need only to look in his mirror..

what a pompous little ass.

I listen to the economists who have helped our country's presidents have a strong economy, such as Art Laffer ( Reagan ) who supports Cain's plan. As do the Fiscal Associates and others. If one wants to know how many more, all they have to do is Google it...:eusa_whistle: Google the Fiscal Associates.

Reagan insider: GOP destroyed economy - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

Four Deformations of the Apocalypse -

I'm sure we will hear much more on this in about one minute.....:lol:


"At Tuesday’s GOP candidate debate in New Hampshire, Mr. Cain said that “we’ve had an outside firm …dynamically score it, and so our numbers will make it revenue-neutral.”

"That firm, Fiscal Associates Inc., found that Mr. Cain’s plan would raise about $2.3 trillion—or roughly the same amount as the current tax system—without counting the economic growth it would produce. Counting such growth, the new system would raise about $2.66 trillion, according to the firm’s estimate. “It looked pretty straightforward to me,” said Gary Robbins, a conservative tax expert who is president of the consultancy. “I’m pretty comfortable” with the results.

Cain’s 9-9-9 Plan Gets a Closer Look; Fiscal Associates Inc. Says It’s Revenue Neutral »
I listen to the economists who have helped our country's presidents have a strong economy, such as Art Laffer ( Reagan ) who supports Cain's plan. As do the Fiscal Associates and others. If one wants to know how many more, all they have to do is Google it...:eusa_whistle: Google the Fiscal Associates.

Reagan insider: GOP destroyed economy - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

Four Deformations of the Apocalypse -

I'm sure we will hear much more on this in about one minute.....:lol:


"At Tuesday’s GOP candidate debate in New Hampshire, Mr. Cain said that “we’ve had an outside firm …dynamically score it, and so our numbers will make it revenue-neutral.”

"That firm, Fiscal Associates Inc., found that Mr. Cain’s plan would raise about $2.3 trillion—or roughly the same amount as the current tax system—without counting the economic growth it would produce. Counting such growth, the new system would raise about $2.66 trillion, according to the firm’s estimate. “It looked pretty straightforward to me,” said Gary Robbins, a conservative tax expert who is president of the consultancy. “I’m pretty comfortable” with the results.

Cain’s 9-9-9 Plan Gets a Closer Look; Fiscal Associates Inc. Says It’s Revenue Neutral »

Revenue neutral? As in another transfer of wealth from the poor and middle class to the rich.
"I know what I’m about to say is impolite, but Herman Cain strikes me as something of a jerk and an ignoramus." Because Cain is black, what other reason? Cain was a successful CEO, if he were a Muslim or a Marxist, would Klein say that?

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