Joe Biden’s laugh-filled debate wasn’t so funny on national security


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Joe Biden’s laugh-filled debate wasn’t so funny on national security
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS ^ | October 13, 2012
Joe Biden

The heat generated by Joe Biden at Thursday night’s vice presidential debate cooled into object lessons in the danger of bombast by a top United States government official.

Biden’s smirking theatricality while facing Republican Paul Ryan included exasperated putdowns and, at times, broad factual assertions whose grounding in truth was tenuous.

So it goes in skewering an opponent’s record.

Have a merry, if you like.

But the vice president went beyond the bounds where there is license to play fast and loose.

He did a disservice by extending his bluster into real-time issues of security and international relations.

First, there was Libya.

What happened leading up to the assault that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others, as well as the nature of the attack, are matters of compelling national interest.

Pressed by moderator Martha Raddatz that State Department personnel “wanted more security there,” Biden responded, “We weren’t told they wanted more security. We did not know they wanted more security there.”

The effect of the vice president’s flat, forceful denial was to convey to millions of viewers that the Obama administration at large had not been informed of rising fears on the ground in Libya.

Such an impression was false.

Only the day before, a U.S. security official told Congress that he had argued for additional protection for weeks. More, a State Department aide admitted she had turned down requests for stepping up safety with the intent of training Libyans to do the job.

Biden’s speed-talking lack of precision left the White House on Friday to explain that when Biden used the word “we,” he “was speaking directly for himself and the President.”

The episode added to the Obama administration’s markedly evolving accounts of the deadly Sept. 11 assault.

Those began with strong indications that the attack was a
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Biden responded, “We weren’t told they wanted more security. We did not know they wanted more security there.”

Being out of touch with the People is bad enough - being out of touch with your own administration is unconscionable - avoiding intel leading up to the anniversary of 9-11 is insane... and stupid to boot.
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Biden blatantly lied about Chris Stevens wanting more Security
The Fact Checker

“We weren’t told they wanted more security there. We did not know they wanted more security.”

— Biden, speaking of the U.S. diplomatic mission in Libya

Biden’s bold statement was directly contradicted by State Department officials just this week, in testimony before a congressional panel and in unclassified cables released by a congressional committee.

“All of us at post were in sync that we wanted these resources,” said Eric Nordstrom, the top regional security officer in Libya earlier this year. A Utah national guardsman who led a security team, Lt. Col. Andrew Wood, said: “We felt great frustration that those requests were ignored or just never met.”

Maybe Biden was too busy in debate prep to watch?

[ame=]Carney maintains Libya attack was not preplanned - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Who is responsible for the attack in Benghazi? - YouTube[/ame]


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