Joe Biden: A Year In Review

To bad gas prices and inflation took that increase and more. What about the $13,000 Biden wants to add to childcare for the middle class. So the ones who don't pay taxes get free childcare. I struggled to keep my son in daycare. Do I get a refund?
The WORLD a is facing bad gas prices and inflation

The Amazing Biden has given us the highest Stock Market in History along with MILLIONS of jobs and largest pay increases in decades
Yeah,.. I wonder what happened to his eighteen wheeler.

He parked it next to Trumps Firetruck

The WORLD a is facing bad gas prices and inflation

The Amazing Biden has given us the highest Stock Market in History along with MILLIONS of jobs and largest pay increases in decades
Also the highest inflation and energy prices at a record high in 10 years. The Obama years, just Biden is going to screw us more. 45% increase in heating your home this year. Bank of America predicts 45% more in your gas by June. Biden is breaking all Americans, and is going to kill the middle class. Then we are done as a country.
Also the highest inflation and energy prices at a record high in 10 years. The Obama years, just Biden is going to screw us more. 45% increase in heating your home this year. Bank of America predicts 45% more in your gas by June. Biden is breaking all Americans, and is going to kill the middle class. Then we are done as a country.
Again, Biden doesnt have an app on his phone that controls global energy prices
Also the highest inflation and energy prices at a record high in 10 years. The Obama years, just Biden is going to screw us more. 45% increase in heating your home this year. Bank of America predicts 45% more in your gas by June. Biden is breaking all Americans, and is going to kill the middle class. Then we are done as a country.

He obviously doesn't understand the cause of why our economy is in so much trouble as it is right now. All of this information goes straight in one ear and out the other. He's probably blaming Trump for all of this even though he currently isn't in the white house any longer. I bet he's still finding a way to though. I have a pretty low IQ, but this idiot makes me look like a genius so at least I can thank him for that much.
Again, Biden doesnt have an app on his phone that controls global energy prices

No,.. but if he stopped passing out money like it's free candy he could help our economy and Americans want to get back to work and come into this country legally.
Hair sniffer, sexual predator, liar, plagiarizer, nose picker, pantspooper, puddin' eater, nap takin' old geezer and the left tells us he is a great president. LOLOLLOLLOLLOL


Assemble coronavirus task force​

Push for immediate coronavirus legislation​

Release a vaccine distribution plan​

Rejoin World Health Organization and keep Dr. Anthony Fauci as close adviser​


Reverse Trump’s corporate tax cut​


Organize a “climate world summit”​

Make U.S. an international leader on climate change​


Extend Voting Rights Act​

Institute national police oversight commission​

Push Congress to pass SAFE Justice Act​


Introduce legislation for pathway to citizenship for immigrants in the U.S. illegally​

Make Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, permanent​

Stop family separation at U.S.-Mexico border​

Establish task force to reunite children and parents separated at the border​

End Trump executive order banning travelers from some Muslim-majority countries​

Stop Migrant Protection Protocols and asylum “metering” policy​

Defund continued border wall construction​

Increase government supervision over U.S. border and immigration agencies​


Pledge to “pick up the pieces of Donald Trump’s broken foreign policy”​

International summit​

Wow thats one giant WASTE OF TIME
The Biden Infrastructure Bill will add millions of high paying jobs
We’ve heard that one before. Almost all the money goes to lobbyists and consultants who just happen to be large democratic contributors and nothing gets built. For example look at Boston’s Big Ditch, New York’s new aqueduct and California’s high speed rail. All just money sumps.
We’ve heard that one before. Almost all the money goes to lobbyists and consultants who just happen to be large democratic contributors and nothing gets built. For example look at Boston’s Big Ditch, New York’s new aqueduct and California’s high speed rail. All just money sumps.

Stop the whiny Bullshit
I realize that we still have one more month to go before it's officially the end of 2021, but let's just go ahead and point out all of the problems that Joe (and Kamla) has caused this past year (that I can think of and you can add some yourself) because it still baffles me of how this turd even still has supporters.

. Gas prices and taxes inclined.
. Shorter supply chain.
. Workers and income declined.
. Oil shortages.
. Thirteen workers lost their lives when Joe Biden failed to pull them out of Afghanistan.
. Border is currently insecure and illegal immigrants are currently able to enter this country.
. Instead of making the border secure Joe Biden offered to pay illegal immigrants 45,000 dollars which is seen as a reward for the criminals instead of encouraging them to stay with their children and come into this country legally.
. Censoring and lack of freedom of speech has gotten worse.
. Other constitutional rights like the right to bear arms is currently being threatened and instead they're making laws that doesn't seem constructional like masks and vaccine mandates.
. Abortion is currently being pushed by Kamala Harris herself and I do believe Joe Biden as well.
. Instead of love and unity hate is currently being pushed into the minds of innocent children based upon skin color. (Critical Race Theory or CRT.)
. History is trying to be erased and statues of heroic figures are being taken down and having statues of criminals (like George Floyd) are being put up.

Now, I'm sure there's a whole LOT more that Biden has done or has failed to attempt to stop, but as you can see that list is already pretty long and if I looked up every problem in America I'd probably be here all night. I have absolutely no doubt that he truly is the WORST president in US history.

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