*Jodan's Queen Isn't Getting Any Respect*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. King of Jordon, is catching flack for having a white anglo Queen.
2. Seems he isn't as feared as he once was???
3. He will be percieved as weak if he doesn't make some heads roll down the street.
4. Oh how lovely and peaceful Islams form of government is.:evil:
5. Link: Jordan tribes break taboo by targeting queen

"Popular discontent in Jordan has taken a new turn with unprecedented public criticism of King Abdullah II's wife, Queen Rania, who stands accused of "corruption" by large tribes.
"We call on the king to return to the treasury land and farms given to the Yassin family (of the queen). The land belongs to the Jordanian people," 36 tribal leaders said this week in a joint statement.

By so doing, they have broken a taboo in the desert kingdom, where criticism of the royal family is punishable by a three-year imprisonment.

The palace has not been available for comment on the accusation.

"The events in Tunisia and Egypt have given courage to Jordanians to publicly say what they have been whispering about for a while," a political analyst told AFP on condition of anonymity.

"Arab peoples used to fear their authoritarian regimes. Things have changed and now Arab leaders fear their peoples."

A member of a large tribe said Jordanian authorities had "pressured some tribes for several days and told them to be careful in what they say to the international press."

"We still have loyalty to the Hashemite throne, but we believe that King Abdullah should stop his wife and her family from abuse. Otherwise, the throne might be in danger," he said, also without wanting to be named.

Tribal leaders have warned that Jordan suffers from a "crisis of authority," and growing influence of "corrupt businessmen in the entourage of the executive power, affecting political decisions and ignoring national interest."

They urged the "trial of the corrupt who have looted the country and public funds, regardless of who they are and irrespective of their rank and importance.

"Jordan will sooner or later be the target of an uprising similar to the ones in Tunisia and Egypt due to suppression of freedoms and looting of public funds," the group warned. "

6. Oh another Arab country in revolt???:confused:
7. Can we handle another Islamic nation going upside down???:confused:
8. This whole bullshit about Islam being something good *multiculturism*, to have mixed up with us is just insane people.:eek:

Sorry bout that,

The OP said:

1. King of Jordon, is catching flack for having a white anglo Queen.

1. Stop splitting hairs.
2. Jordan's about to have riots in the streets just like Egypt.
3. Maybe I got it worng again, won't be the last time.
4. But who cares really, you think the King of Jordan will care I messed that whole anglo white chick thing up, when they start marching in the streets, with pitch forks, and malitoff cocktails?:confused:

Sorry bout that,

The OP said:

1. King of Jordon, is catching flack for having a white anglo Queen.

1. Stop splitting hairs.
2. Jordan's about to have riots in the streets just like Egypt.
3. Maybe I got it worng again, won't be the last time.
4. But who cares really, you think the King of Jordan will care I messed that whole anglo white chick thing up, when they start marching in the streets, with pitch forks, and malitoff cocktails?:confused:


Correcting your assertion that the Queen is a white anglo when it is the basis of your OP is not "splitting hairs."
Queen Rania was born in Kuwait from Palestinian parents. She is Muslim although she does not fit the stereotypes.

Does Jordan have problems? Sure don't we all?
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In the late 1990s, Jordan's unemployment rate was almost 25%, while nearly 50% of those who were employed were on the government payroll.

King Abdullah II succeeded his father King Hussein in 1999.

Jordan's rapid reinstitution of political and civil liberty continued throughout the 1990s and the 2000s. Economic liberalization policies were especially introduced by King Abdullah II creating one of the freest economies in the Middle East. Political liberalization is occurring but at a slower pace than 1989 and the early 1990s. Liberal policies continue to be predominate in King Abdullah II's reign with economic reforms being the dominate.

Looks like Jordan, while possibly more liberal than most Islamic nations, still has its share of serious economic problems.

I don't doubt that the world economy is going to shake up a lot of weak governments where the majority of people are unemployed.

Jordan is, apparently, another example of that.

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