Jobless claims at a four year low

Fake numbers since they dont count people who stopped looking for work, people who under employed or working part time jobs..

Unemployment numbers didn't go down, because many people who were not looking for work have returned to the job pool.

This is actually the first positive news for employment since that incompetent hack Obama stated occupying the Whitehouse.

You know they were complaining about the fact that more people are looking now.
According to the National Bureau of Economic Research the recession began in December 2007, and ended June, 2009.

I am well aware of that.
However no one but the schills place any weight in it.

As a for instance, let'[s look at a hypothetical situation that is a fair measure of reality.
Let's make this super simple so you might understand it:

10 People 2009
5 make $10 per hour
5 make $5 per hour.
The Bureau if Labor Statistics will report wage averages for "America" as $7.50
Same 10 People 2012
Out of the 5 making $10...
2 now make $12.50
1 still makes $10
1 was laid off and accepted a lower paying job at $8
Out of the 5 making $5 per hour...
2 are unemployed
1 makes $10 per hour now
1 still makes $5

The 2 that are unemployed are no longer counted.
The Bureau of labor statistics reports the average wage for 2012 = $9.60
Obama and the Democrats claim victory and guys like you and Chris paste all over the forum that Obama is great.

However...the total wages earned in 2009 was $75 per week...the total wages earned for 2012 was only $58. Not a victory, things are worse except for politicians willing to make pronouncements based on data without context,

See what context does?
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Obama's "Peoples Car" seems to be tanking...

I hadnt really thought about it before, but when you said the People's car, it reminded me of Volkawagon, which was Hitler's government designed car. Probably one of the only good things Hitler's government ever did.

Still not a comparison I'd want as President.
According to the National Bureau of Economic Research the recession began in December 2007, and ended June, 2009.

I am well aware of that.
However no one but the schills place any weight in it.

As a for instance, let'[s look at a hypothetical situation that is a fair measure of reality.
Let's make this super simple so you might understand it:

10 People 2009
5 make $10 per hour
5 make $5 per hour.
The Bureau if Labor Statistics will report wage averages for "America" as $7.50
Same 10 People 2012
Out of the 5 making $10...
2 now make $12.50
1 still makes $10
1 was laid off and accepted a lower paying job at $8
Out of the 5 making $5 per hour...
2 are unemployed
1 makes $10 per hour now
1 still makes $5

The 2 that are unemployed are no longer counted.
The Bureau of labor statistics reports the average wage for 2012 = $9.60
Obama and the Democrats claim victory and guys like you and Chris paste all over the forum that Obama is great.

However...the total wages earned in 2009 was $75 per week...the total wages earned for 2012 was only $58. Not a victory, things are worse except for politicians willing to make pronouncements based on data without context,

See what context does?



  • $crick.jpeg
    4.6 KB · Views: 60
Obama has added 3.9 million jobs since 2009.

Here’s what Bush left us with.....

Aug 2008 - 334,000 net JOBS LOST
Sep 2008 - 458,000 net JOBS LOST
Oct 2008 - 554,000 net JOBS LOST
Nov 2008 - 728,000 net JOBS LOST
Dec 2008 - 673,000 net JOBS LOST
Jan 2009 - 779,000 net JOBS LOST

And yet......

You're moving up in life Chris. No longer a 99%'er, you are a 20%'er.

I make 100K a year, so I am probably a 15%er.

But thanks for thinking about me.
The stock market has doubled since the stimulus.
3.9 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $9 trillion dollars since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up. Unemployment is down.
GM was saved, and is now the number one automaker in the world.
Obama has done a very good job.

Ah, yes...the same old, Chris... "Obama is great" spam post!

Here's a little dose of reality for you...

Unemployment? In order to just keep up with population growth we have to add around 1.5 million jobs a year. So if it's 2012 and 3.9 million jobs have been added since 2009 then you do the math... Just to keep unemployment at the same level through those three years we needed to add 4.5 million jobs. If we added 3.9 million we're not winning the battle...we're more or less treading water. That's why the unemployment numbers haven't been coming down despite all the different ways people like you try to spin them to put a better face on it. When you factor in the trillion dollars that Barack Obama spent supposedly to "stimulate" job creation then a result of treading water really isn't an accomplishment at all. Just as a hint? When you have to create a new statistic..."jobs saved"...then you know that your program to create new jobs has been rather unspectacular.

Here's a dose of reality for you.

10,000 Americans a day are turning 65.

There's going to be a labor shortage soon.

You heard it here first.
According to the National Bureau of Economic Research the recession began in December 2007, and ended June, 2009.

I am well aware of that.
However no one but the schills place any weight in it.

As a for instance, let'[s look at a hypothetical situation that is a fair measure of reality.
Let's make this super simple so you might understand it:

10 People 2009
5 make $10 per hour
5 make $5 per hour.
The Bureau if Labor Statistics will report wage averages for "America" as $7.50
Same 10 People 2012
Out of the 5 making $10...
2 now make $12.50
1 still makes $10
1 was laid off and accepted a lower paying job at $8
Out of the 5 making $5 per hour...
2 are unemployed
1 makes $10 per hour now
1 still makes $5

The 2 that are unemployed are no longer counted.
The Bureau of labor statistics reports the average wage for 2012 = $9.60
Obama and the Democrats claim victory and guys like you and Chris paste all over the forum that Obama is great.

However...the total wages earned in 2009 was $75 per week...the total wages earned for 2012 was only $58. Not a victory, things are worse except for politicians willing to make pronouncements based on data without context,

See what context does?


Still crickets
I am well aware of that.
However no one but the schills place any weight in it.

As a for instance, let'[s look at a hypothetical situation that is a fair measure of reality.
Let's make this super simple so you might understand it:

10 People 2009
5 make $10 per hour
5 make $5 per hour.
The Bureau if Labor Statistics will report wage averages for "America" as $7.50
Same 10 People 2012
Out of the 5 making $10...
2 now make $12.50
1 still makes $10
1 was laid off and accepted a lower paying job at $8
Out of the 5 making $5 per hour...
2 are unemployed
1 makes $10 per hour now
1 still makes $5

The 2 that are unemployed are no longer counted.
The Bureau of labor statistics reports the average wage for 2012 = $9.60
Obama and the Democrats claim victory and guys like you and Chris paste all over the forum that Obama is great.

However...the total wages earned in 2009 was $75 per week...the total wages earned for 2012 was only $58. Not a victory, things are worse except for politicians willing to make pronouncements based on data without context,

See what context does?


Still crickets

Chris is seeking further instructions from the mother ship. Please be patient.

Chris is seeking further instructions from the mother ship. Please be patient.

I'll give him a new figure he can hide from too...the number of non-working Americans available to work vs. number of available jobs is at an all time high....7.14 million additional since 2009.
These people are not counted in the unemployment numbers.
Here's another one:
The number of people hired per-recession was around 5 million per month. As of Dec. 11 - the number is still stuck at 3.9 million. These people are not counted in the BLS unemployment figure.
Still crickets

Chris is seeking further instructions from the mother ship. Please be patient.

I'll give him a new figure he can hide from too...the number of non-working Americans available to work vs. number of available jobs is at an all time high....7.14 million additional since 2009.
These people are not counted in the unemployment numbers.
Here's another one:
The number of people hired per-recession was around 5 million per month. As of Dec. 11 - the number is still stuck at 3.9 million. These people are not counted in the BLS unemployment figure.

It is the problem for those who latch on to one piece of the puzzle instead of using that information to slot into the bigger picture.
Chris is seeking further instructions from the mother ship. Please be patient.

I'll give him a new figure he can hide from too...the number of non-working Americans available to work vs. number of available jobs is at an all time high....7.14 million additional since 2009.
These people are not counted in the unemployment numbers.
Here's another one:
The number of people hired per-recession was around 5 million per month. As of Dec. 11 - the number is still stuck at 3.9 million. These people are not counted in the BLS unemployment figure.

It is the problem for those who latch on to one piece of the puzzle instead of using that information to slot into the bigger picture.

Yep...I think Chris is Chris Matthews...:D
Still crickets

Chris is seeking further instructions from the mother ship. Please be patient.

I'll give him a new figure he can hide from too...the number of non-working Americans available to work vs. number of available jobs is at an all time high....7.14 million additional since 2009.
These people are not counted in the unemployment numbers.
Here's another one:
The number of people hired per-recession was around 5 million per month. As of Dec. 11 - the number is still stuck at 3.9 million. These people are not counted in the BLS unemployment figure.

I'd like to see your sources. Since the unemployed to job openings ratio has been going down, and since the number of Not in the Labor Force who say they want a job (not counted as unemployed because they are not available to work or aren't trying to work) is only 6.4 million (Table A-1) your first number seems suspiciaous. Your hires level is about right, but I'm not sure about what people you say are "not counted" in relation to the change in hires. Which people, and why do you say they're not counted?

I suspect you or your sources are doing some very funky math.
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Obama has added 3.9 million jobs since 2009.

Here’s what Bush left us with.....

Aug 2008 - 334,000 net JOBS LOST
Sep 2008 - 458,000 net JOBS LOST
Oct 2008 - 554,000 net JOBS LOST
Nov 2008 - 728,000 net JOBS LOST
Dec 2008 - 673,000 net JOBS LOST
Jan 2009 - 779,000 net JOBS LOST

And yet......

You're moving up in life Chris. No longer a 99%'er, you are a 20%'er.

I make 100K a year, so I am probably a 15%er.

But thanks for thinking about me.


You aren't intelligent enough to make that much.
And yet......

You're moving up in life Chris. No longer a 99%'er, you are a 20%'er.

I make 100K a year, so I am probably a 15%er.

But thanks for thinking about me.


You aren't intelligent enough to make that much.

lol, so how intelligent are you kwc? Minimum wage intelligent I suppose if you believe intelligence and income are correlated at +1.

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