Jimmy Carter Cures ObamaCare


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Good news and good news!

1. Good news!: "Carter: Cancer is gone
Former President Jimmy Carter said Sunday his cancer is gone.

Carter said in a statement that his most recent MRI brain scan did not reveal any signs of the original cancer spots or any new ones and that he’ll continue his treatment.

Carter, 91, initially made the announcement...." near the beginning of the Sunday School class he was teaching..." Jimmy Carter: Cancer is gone, former president announces

2. From August:
"Former president Jimmy Carter on Thursday detailed an array of treatments, including radiation, that he will undergo for the melanoma doctors discovered in his liver and brain.

But he also mentioned that he had received an infusion of pembrolizumab, better known as Keytruda, which is among the first in a promising new class of drugs aimed at unleashing the human immune system to fight cancer cells. The Food and Drug Administration rapidly approved the "breakthrough" drug last year for patients with advanced melanoma who have exhausted other therapies, saying it represented a substantial improvement over existing treatments."
The ‘breakthrough’ drug Jimmy Carter is taking to treat his cancer

a. The cost of Keytruda:

  1. Some further research showed that a year of Keytruda will cost about $150,000, or $12,500 a month, according to The Wall Street Journal. To use a baseline, Bristol Myers' PD-1 drug Opdivo, which received Japanese regulatory approval in July, is going to cost the equivalent of $143,000 for a full year of treatment.Sep 9, 2014
    FDA approves Keytruda for treatment of metastatic melanoma

3. A key administration figure committed to cost cutting is Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, a health policy advisor in the Office of Management and Budget and brother of Rahm Emanuel, the president's chief of staff wants doctors to look beyond the needs of their own patient and consider social justice. They should think about whether the money being spent on their patient could be better spent elsewhere.
Defend Your Health - For a Fit Body and Mind
Downgrading American Medical Care

4.Dr. David Blumenthal, a Harvard professor and key health advisor to President Obama, conceded that "government controls on health care spending are associated with longer waits for elective procedures and reduced availability of new and expensive treatments and devices." Could this mean angioplasty, bypass surgery, hip replacement, and knee replacement? Who could this be aimed at? How about ‘longer waits’ for cancer patients? Mammograms and MRI’s? Defend Your Health - For a Fit Body and Mind

Did somebody say "Death Panels"?
Did somebody say "Death Panels"?

Just you.

What your OP shows is the costs of cancer treatment, and why people need insurance to cover them.

Welcome to the real world.

Is that drug that saved Carter available to those covered under ObamaCare?

ObamaCare is not an insurance company. Who's the patient's insurer? Ask them.

As I never posted against folks having health insurance, and President Ronald Reagan made certain that every person in the nation...citizen or not....had health care....perhaps you'd care to answer:

Is that drug that saved Carter available to those covered under ObamaCare?
Is that drug that saved Carter available to those covered under ObamaCare?

Again: Ask the insurer.

Pleeeeeezzz.....don't play dumb.

Lest's any miss the point, Liberalism, Inc., is based on coercion and having everyone bend the knee and bow the head to big government.

Everything that the insurance companies do will be dictated....and that is the operative term, 'dictated,' ....by the federal government via the ObamaCare Law.

  1. The federal government will dictate even the tiniest of details, right down to the wording in marketing brochures. As of 2014, health insurance companies will have to follow federal rules in how they market their plans.
    1. The standards developed by HHS must require that a plan “meet marketing requirements.” Those requirements are not spelled out, giving HHS free range. HHS could assert authority to regulate every aspect of marketing—content of promotional materials; which forms of distribution can be used, and for which enrollees; the languages that must be used; and the size of the type font. Section 2715 of the Public Health Service Act, added by Section 1001.
And, if drugs such as the one that saved Jimmy Carter are denied because they are deemed too expensive....
...then, yes, the dictators are a Death Panel.
And another lesson for our pal who'd like to support the dictatorship and the Death Panels....

"Under Obamacare, a 15 member panel known as the Medicare Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) was created to ‘oversee healthcare costs’. This panel consists of individuals appointed by the President and confirmed by Congress – two ingredients that make it highly unlikely that they would be truly independent. In addition, there is no requirement that members be practicing physicians which is a recipe for cuts that are highly likely to affect the delivery of quality individualized patient care.
[Death Panel]

Under his deficit reduction plan, the President proposes to expand the power of this unelected entity to increase the GDP growth per capita cut from the current 1% to 5%. In addition, under his proposal Medicaid payments to states would also be tightly controlled and access to drugs would be limited through spending on prescription drugs.

However, if the goal is to limit healthcare costs by reducing access to physicians, restricting choice of treatments, restricting access to medication and technology, and/or hoping that people will either be to sick or too frustrated to access the system while playing the crony politics of rewarding those who helped craft Obamacare, then it is well on its way."
Big Government Articles - Breitbart

"....access to drugs would be limited through spending on prescription drugs."

"...restricting choice of treatments,..."

Death Panel?

Speak up.

Is that drug that saved Carter available to those covered under ObamaCare?

Again: Ask the insurer.

Pleeeeeezzz.....don't play dumb.

I wouldn't presume to compete with anyone who believes ObamaCare is an insurance company.

So, for the adults seeking actual information, there's this:

Pembrolizumab - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Translation: Keytruda (generic name pembrolizumab) is a targeted gene therapy, meaning that it's used to treat specific cancers. (There are over 100 identified cancers; cancer treatment is no longer one-size-fits-all.)

As for whether or not insurance companies cover Keytruda, the manufacturer has a page where intelligent people can find the answers to the question PoliticalChic keeps asking while simultaneously sucking Breitbart's man-boobs:

KEYTRUDA® (pembrolizumab) | Access Program for Patients and Caregivers
Is that drug that saved Carter available to those covered under ObamaCare?

Again: Ask the insurer.

Pleeeeeezzz.....don't play dumb.

I wouldn't presume to compete with anyone who believes ObamaCare is an insurance company.

So, for the adults seeking actual information, there's this:

Pembrolizumab - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Translation: Keytruda (generic name pembrolizumab) is a targeted gene therapy, meaning that it's used to treat specific cancers. (There are over 100 identified cancers; cancer treatment is no longer one-size-fits-all.)

As for whether or not insurance companies cover Keytruda, the manufacturer has a page where intelligent people can find the answers to the question PoliticalChic keeps asking while simultaneously sucking Breitbart's man-boobs:

KEYTRUDA® (pembrolizumab) | Access Program for Patients and Caregivers

Why didn't you simply say that you don't know the answer to the question, you dope?

Now for another remedial lesson for you.
Totalitarian regimes, e.g., Obama's, are de facto in control of what appears to be private industry....insurance companies.

Here, an example:
1. [In much the way 'capitalism' is exercised n America,] private ownership of the means of production existed in name only under the Nazis and that the actual substance of ownership of the means of production resided in the German government.

2. .... it was the German government and not the nominal private owners that exercised all of the substantive powers of ownership: it, not the nominal private owners, decided what was to be produced, in what quantity, by what methods, and to whom it was to be distributed, as well as what prices would be charged and what wages would be paid, and what dividends or other income the nominal private owners would be permitted to receive. The position of the alleged private owners, Mises showed, was reduced essentially to that of government pensioners.

3. De factogovernment ownership of the means of production, as Mises termed it, was logically implied by such fundamental collectivist principles embraced by the Nazis as that the common good comes before the private good and the individual exists as a means to the ends of the State. If the individual is a means to the ends of the State, so too, of course, is his property. Just as he is owned by the State, his property is also owned by the State.
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

a. (The Bolsheviks used inflation to gain colleviziation and contro.....funeral industry)

b. (The FDR US government by going off the gold standard)

Now, don't you feel like a real imbecile?
Too bad you never got an education, huh?
Why didn't you simply say that you don't know the answer to the question?

Because that would be a lie.

I can understand why the answer upsets you, though.

There is a lie here...yours. If you know the answer.....what is it?

Haven't you noticed that you can't find a single error in my posts?

All you have posted is the usual Liberal "Oh, yeah??? Sez you!!!"
If you know the answer.....what is it?

The same as it was in Post #10, but here it is again:

KEYTRUDA® (pembrolizumab) | Access Program for Patients and Caregivers

The question was:
Is it covered under ObamaCare.

The answer is: It depends on the individual insurance company, and if you click on the link, you can find out.

Do you still not understand that ObamaCare is not an insurance company, and that each insurance company has its own company-specific list of drugs and treatments it will and will not cover?

Apparently not.

You're getting a free ride, aren't you? Employer coverage? You have no idea how these things work.
If you know the answer.....what is it?

The same as it was in Post #10, but here it is again:

KEYTRUDA® (pembrolizumab) | Access Program for Patients and Caregivers

The question was:
Is it covered under ObamaCare.

The answer is: It depends on the individual insurance company, and if you click on the link, you can find out.

Do you still not understand that ObamaCare is not an insurance company, and that each insurance company has its own company-specific list of drugs and treatments it will and will not cover?

Apparently not.

You're getting a free ride, aren't you? Employer coverage? You have no idea how these things work.

Connect the dots:

a. "The exorbitant price of drugs costs ALL of us…… in our employers ability to provide wages and benefits, to the taxpayer and costs of Medicare, Medicaid and now subsidized Healthcare ” ACA” “Obamacare”. These costs are not sustainable and will be the collapse of the Healthcare system as we know it today…."
Are Drug Companies Bankrupting Healthcare? - The People's Pharmacy

b. Pg 30 Sec 123 of HC Bill - THERE WILL BE A GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE that decides what treatments/benefits you get

Pg 42 of HC Bill - The Health Choices Commissioner will choose your benefits for you. You have no choice!

PG 430 Lines 11-15 The government will decide what level of treatment you will have at end of life.

c. "....slipped into the emergency stimulus legislation was substantial funding for a Federal Council on Comparative Effectiveness Research, comparative effectiveness research is generally code for limiting care based on the patient's age.” The CER would identify (this is language from the draft report on the legislation) medical "items, procedures, and interventions" that it deems insufficiently effective or excessively expensive. They "will no longer be prescribed" by federal health programs.” Are you thinking ‘seniors’?
George F. Will - How the GOP Should Measure the Stimulus

Democrat Governor Dick Lamm once created a firestorm in Colorado (a few years after leaving the Governor’s office) when he said: “the elderly have a duty to die.”
If you know the answer.....what is it?

The same as it was in Post #10, but here it is again:

KEYTRUDA® (pembrolizumab) | Access Program for Patients and Caregivers

The question was:
Is it covered under ObamaCare.

The answer is: It depends on the individual insurance company, and if you click on the link, you can find out.

Do you still not understand that ObamaCare is not an insurance company, and that each insurance company has its own company-specific list of drugs and treatments it will and will not cover?

Apparently not.

You're getting a free ride, aren't you? Employer coverage? You have no idea how these things work.

Connect the dots:

a. "The exorbitant price of drugs costs ALL of us…… in our employers ability to provide wages and benefits, to the taxpayer and costs of Medicare, Medicaid and now subsidized Healthcare ” ACA” “Obamacare”. These costs are not sustainable and will be the collapse of the Healthcare system as we know it today…."
Are Drug Companies Bankrupting Healthcare? - The People's Pharmacy

b. Pg 30 Sec 123 of HC Bill - THERE WILL BE A GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE that decides what treatments/benefits you get

Pg 42 of HC Bill - The Health Choices Commissioner will choose your benefits for you. You have no choice!

PG 430 Lines 11-15 The government will decide what level of treatment you will have at end of life.

c. "....slipped into the emergency stimulus legislation was substantial funding for a Federal Council on Comparative Effectiveness Research, comparative effectiveness research is generally code for limiting care based on the patient's age.” The CER would identify (this is language from the draft report on the legislation) medical "items, procedures, and interventions" that it deems insufficiently effective or excessively expensive. They "will no longer be prescribed" by federal health programs.” Are you thinking ‘seniors’?
George F. Will - How the GOP Should Measure the Stimulus

Democrat Governor Dick Lamm once created a firestorm in Colorado (a few years after leaving the Governor’s office) when he said: “the elderly have a duty to die.”

Nice rant, worthy of its own thread.

Nothing to do with the question you asked me, though. Thanks for playing.
If you know the answer.....what is it?

The same as it was in Post #10, but here it is again:

KEYTRUDA® (pembrolizumab) | Access Program for Patients and Caregivers

The question was:
Is it covered under ObamaCare.

The answer is: It depends on the individual insurance company, and if you click on the link, you can find out.

Do you still not understand that ObamaCare is not an insurance company, and that each insurance company has its own company-specific list of drugs and treatments it will and will not cover?

Apparently not.

You're getting a free ride, aren't you? Employer coverage? You have no idea how these things work.

Connect the dots:

a. "The exorbitant price of drugs costs ALL of us…… in our employers ability to provide wages and benefits, to the taxpayer and costs of Medicare, Medicaid and now subsidized Healthcare ” ACA” “Obamacare”. These costs are not sustainable and will be the collapse of the Healthcare system as we know it today…."
Are Drug Companies Bankrupting Healthcare? - The People's Pharmacy

b. Pg 30 Sec 123 of HC Bill - THERE WILL BE A GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE that decides what treatments/benefits you get

Pg 42 of HC Bill - The Health Choices Commissioner will choose your benefits for you. You have no choice!

PG 430 Lines 11-15 The government will decide what level of treatment you will have at end of life.

c. "....slipped into the emergency stimulus legislation was substantial funding for a Federal Council on Comparative Effectiveness Research, comparative effectiveness research is generally code for limiting care based on the patient's age.” The CER would identify (this is language from the draft report on the legislation) medical "items, procedures, and interventions" that it deems insufficiently effective or excessively expensive. They "will no longer be prescribed" by federal health programs.” Are you thinking ‘seniors’?
George F. Will - How the GOP Should Measure the Stimulus

Democrat Governor Dick Lamm once created a firestorm in Colorado (a few years after leaving the Governor’s office) when he said: “the elderly have a duty to die.”

Nice rant, worthy of its own thread.

Nothing to do with the question you asked me, though. Thanks for playing.

The point is simple....but not as simple as you.

There is no such thing as an insurance company not covered by ObamaCare.

Every company must conform to whatever ObamaCare demands of them.

"Some 15 million Americans, or about 6% of non-elderly adults, currently buy coverage on the individual market. Starting this fall, they'll be able to shop for and enroll in health insurance through state-based exchanges, with coverage taking effect in January. By 2016, some 24 million people will get insurance through the exchanges, while another 12 million will continue to get individual coverage outside of them, the Congressional Budget Office estimates.

Both groups will be affected by thenew Obamacare rules. Starting next year, nearly all individual plans -- both in and out of the exchanges -- will be required to cover an array of "essential" services, including medication, maternity and mental health care. Many plans don't currently offer those benefits.

So what happens to the plans that don't meet the new minimum standards? They will likely disappear. A handful of existing plans will be grandfathered in, but the qualifying criteria for that is hard to meet..."
Most individual health insurance isn't good enough for Obamacare

The question was:
Is it covered under ObamaCare.

The answer is: It depends on the individual insurance company, and if you click on the link, you can find out.

Do you still not understand that ObamaCare is not an insurance company, and that each insurance company has its own company-specific list of drugs and treatments it will and will not cover?

Apparently not.

You're getting a free ride, aren't you? Employer coverage? You have no idea how these things work.

Connect the dots:

a. "The exorbitant price of drugs costs ALL of us…… in our employers ability to provide wages and benefits, to the taxpayer and costs of Medicare, Medicaid and now subsidized Healthcare ” ACA” “Obamacare”. These costs are not sustainable and will be the collapse of the Healthcare system as we know it today…."
Are Drug Companies Bankrupting Healthcare? - The People's Pharmacy

b. Pg 30 Sec 123 of HC Bill - THERE WILL BE A GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE that decides what treatments/benefits you get

Pg 42 of HC Bill - The Health Choices Commissioner will choose your benefits for you. You have no choice!

PG 430 Lines 11-15 The government will decide what level of treatment you will have at end of life.

c. "....slipped into the emergency stimulus legislation was substantial funding for a Federal Council on Comparative Effectiveness Research, comparative effectiveness research is generally code for limiting care based on the patient's age.” The CER would identify (this is language from the draft report on the legislation) medical "items, procedures, and interventions" that it deems insufficiently effective or excessively expensive. They "will no longer be prescribed" by federal health programs.” Are you thinking ‘seniors’?
George F. Will - How the GOP Should Measure the Stimulus

Democrat Governor Dick Lamm once created a firestorm in Colorado (a few years after leaving the Governor’s office) when he said: “the elderly have a duty to die.”

Nice rant, worthy of its own thread.

Nothing to do with the question you asked me, though. Thanks for playing.

The point is simple....but not as simple as you.

There is no such thing as an insurance company not covered by ObamaCare.

Every company must conform to whatever ObamaCare demands of them.

"Some 15 million Americans, or about 6% of non-elderly adults, currently buy coverage on the individual market. Starting this fall, they'll be able to shop for and enroll in health insurance through state-based exchanges, with coverage taking effect in January. By 2016, some 24 million people will get insurance through the exchanges, while another 12 million will continue to get individual coverage outside of them, the Congressional Budget Office estimates.

Both groups will be affected by thenew Obamacare rules. Starting next year, nearly all individual plans -- both in and out of the exchanges -- will be required to cover an array of "essential" services, including medication, maternity and mental health care. Many plans don't currently offer those benefits.

So what happens to the plans that don't meet the new minimum standards? They will likely disappear. A handful of existing plans will be grandfathered in, but the qualifying criteria for that is hard to meet..."
Most individual health insurance isn't good enough for Obamacare

Again, fascinating stuff, but it obviously didn't provide you with the answer you were requesting specific to Keytruda, so I'm wondering why you're posting it in an attempt to derail your own thread.

If you're no longer interested in discussing Keytruda, let's move on.

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