Jim Jordan beatifully defends Twitter journalists from the Dems attacks during hearings.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Free speech used to be something the left stood for but apparently those days are gone.

It's a remarkably stark difference between the Democrats and Republicans during this hearing and it speaks volumes of who is representing the American people and who's representing big govt and the globalist corporations.

And speaking for myself not being a Republican or a Democrat it's very refreshing having someone like Jim Jordan in that chair instead of Adam Schiff or Jerry Nadler
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Free speech used to be something the left stood for but apparently those days are gone.

It's a remarkably stark difference between the Democrats and Republicans during this hearing and it speaks volumes of who is representing the American people and who's representing big govt and the globalist corporations.

And speaking for myself not being a Republican or a Democrat it's very refreshing having someone like Jim Jordan in that chair instead of Adam Schiff or Jerry Nadler

He's defending the spreaders of misinformation and continuing the alt-right narrative of grievance against the political and social norms we've practiced as a country....up until a certain orange, spray-tanned fish stepped off the golden escalator.
He's defending the spreaders of misinformation and continuing the alt-right narrative of grievance against the political and social norms we've practiced as a country....up until a certain orange, spray-tanned fish stepped off the golden escalator.
Free Speech only becomes an issue with you guys when the truth is starting to come out. But apparently you've been peddling false narratives for so long you believe your own mind so there's no point in this discussion is there?

Trump Owens 24
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You could just tell by some of the questions & tones coming from the Dems they would've preferred their questioning to take place with those giving the answers cuffed behind a desk with a bright light shining in their eyes in Room 101.
Did you see the Debbie Wasserman Schultz interrogation ?
Nah, I barely pay attention to most of it now.
It's all Kabuki Theatre to keep us divided & distracted while the reset continues in the background.
I saw the "delegate" from the Virgin Islands(?) trying to force those testifying to divulge sources & then deny it happened.

I already recognize what's going on better than 90% of DC & the pundit shills.
The other 10% are aware because they are part of the deeper plan while the rest are clueless tools
Free Speech only becomes an issue with you guys when the truth is starting to come out. But apparently you've been peddling false narratives for so long you believe your own mind so there's no point in this discussion is there?

Trump Owens 24
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What discussion? You've already made your mind up that you've heard "the truth". Owens is gonna have to fight Lindsay Graham for that VP spot on the ticket. He was doing his best to suck up this weekend. :)
What discussion? You've already made your mind up that you've heard "the truth". Owens is gonna have to fight Lindsay Graham for that VP spot on the ticket. He was doing his best to suck up this weekend. :)
Lindsey Graham needs to retire as a Raytheon consultant and just get out of the way.

By the way..... next to Mr McConnell he's probably the most unpopular senator even within his own state.

Ask his constituents why South Carolina is one of the only four states where marijuana is completely illegal still.....cuz he's a dickhead.

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