JFK Assassination: My problem with the lone nut theory


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
I fully believe Oswald was the lone gunman in Dealy Plaza on that day. But was he the only conspirator? I doubt it.

Do I have any proof? No. I don't have any proof that there are people at work across the street right now but I see lights on through my office window, I see cars arriving in their parking garage. I see cars leaving their parking garage. I see people leave in the morning when I leave. I make the assumption that they are working. There is a lack of evidence of their working but a strong conclusion could be drawn that they are in fact, working right now (which is what I should be doing instead of posting this comment I suppose).

Anyway, we are told the following about Oswald's motives from the Warren Commission Report:

He sought for himself a place in history--a role as the "great man" who would be recognized as having been in advance of his times. His commitment to Marxism and communism appears to have been another important factor in his motivation.

Chapter 7

It seems to me that if the "lone nut" theory was valid, we would have lone nuts constantly sniping at the famous, powerful, successful, to get their place in history. While Presidents enjoy what is perhaps, the most advanced protection apparatus ever fielded, certainly the same could not be said for governors, other members of the federal government, and other dignitaries. Further much less security is provided for others who are powerful (the heads of corporations that could be described as "evil" by a lone nut), those who are the leaders of movements (political or otherwise) and those who are famous (celebrities, authors, personalities).

We have more lonely people than ever as a result of technology that focuses your attention on your phone or screen. And we have more weaponry than ever before as well. It would seem as though the conditions for a lone nut have been perfect for some time now. That we have had very few armed slayings of the famous, powerful, or successful seems to be antithetical to the lone nut theory.

I think the Israelis did it in coercion with western central economic planners who felt threated by his talk of going back to real money. He was poking his nose around the Israeli nuclear program back then. The program they denied for decades thereafter.

One of those you scratch my back and I'll scratch your back kind of deals.

And woudn't you know it? These are the two biggest modern troublemakers.
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Oswald was an insecure nut. Seeking fame and fortune. Went to USSR with the belief they would treat him as a hero defector, shower him with fame and fortune. Instead they gave him a factory job

Prior to shooting JFK, he tried to shoot Gen Walker who was on the opposite side of the political spectrum. JFK was a target of opportunity parading past his office window

Why don’t we have these assasination nuts today like we did in the 60s and 70s?
Seems they have moved to mass shootings to gain their fame
I think the Israelis did it in coercion with western central economic planners who felt threated by his talk of going back to real money. He was poking his nose around the Israeli nuclear program back then. The program they denied for decades thereafter.

One of those you scratch my back and I'll scratch your back kind of deals.

And woudn't you know it? These are the two biggest modern troublemakers.

western central economic planners who felt threated by his talk of going back to real money.

How was finally detaching the dollar from silver, "going back to real money"?
western central economic planners who felt threatened by his talk of going back to real money.

How was finally detaching the dollar from silver, "going back to real money"?

Thing about you Keynesian guys working on commission is you don't know the difference between money and currency, Toddster. "Money'' has to be a 'store of value'. So, no, we don't have that. Huh uh.
Oswald was an insecure nut. Seeking fame and fortune. Went to USSR with the belief they would treat him as a hero defector, shower him with fame and fortune. Instead they gave him a factory job

Prior to shooting JFK, he tried to shoot Gen Walker who was on the opposite side of the political spectrum. JFK was a target of opportunity parading past his office window

Why don’t we have these assasination nuts today like we did in the 60s and 70s?
Seems they have moved to mass shootings to gain their fame

All of them?
They made a collective effort to shoot innocent people?
There are no more politically partisan nut-jobs?

Sounds odd considering our group here.
Oswald was working for Russia.

I doubt it.

I think he offered his services to someone in Mexico City working for either the Cuban Embassy or the USSR Embassy (or both), they said—in so many words—“knock yourself out” offering him only token assurance of an escape after he killed Kennedy. I don’t think he had any idea that Kennedy was coming to Texas but knowing LBJ was from there…it was a pretty easy conclusion to draw.
Oswald was an insecure nut. Seeking fame and fortune. Went to USSR with the belief they would treat him as a hero defector, shower him with fame and fortune. Instead they gave him a factory job

Prior to shooting JFK, he tried to shoot Gen Walker who was on the opposite side of the political spectrum. JFK was a target of opportunity parading past his office window

Why don’t we have these assasination nuts today like we did in the 60s and 70s?
Seems they have moved to mass shootings to gain their fame

All of them?
They made a collective effort to shoot innocent people?
There are no more politically partisan nut-jobs?

Sounds odd considering our group here.
Seems to be a societal shift, not just here, but abroad
Why? I don't know
But it doesn't indicate a conspiracy
Oswald was working for Russia.

I doubt it.

I think he offered his services to someone in Mexico City working for either the Cuban Embassy or the USSR Embassy (or both), they said—in so many words—“knock yourself out” offering him only token assurance of an escape after he killed Kennedy. I don’t think he had any idea that Kennedy was coming to Texas but knowing LBJ was from there…it was a pretty easy conclusion to draw.
Oswald did not know JFK would be in Dallas when he went to Mexico City

JFK was a target of opportunity
Oswald was an insecure nut. Seeking fame and fortune. Went to USSR with the belief they would treat him as a hero defector, shower him with fame and fortune. Instead they gave him a factory job

Prior to shooting JFK, he tried to shoot Gen Walker who was on the opposite side of the political spectrum. JFK was a target of opportunity parading past his office window

Why don’t we have these assasination nuts today like we did in the 60s and 70s?
Seems they have moved to mass shootings to gain their fame

All of them?
They made a collective effort to shoot innocent people?
There are no more politically partisan nut-jobs?

Sounds odd considering our group here.
Seems to be a societal shift, not just here, but abroad
Why? I don't know
But it doesn't indicate a conspiracy


Just seems strange that we have more nuts and more guns but fewer political/“street cred” assassinations. Security is at an all time high as far as capabilities go and probably staffing numbers too.
But almost zero?

Strange. I’m not convinced.
Oswald was working for Russia.

I doubt it.

I think he offered his services to someone in Mexico City working for either the Cuban Embassy or the USSR Embassy (or both), they said—in so many words—“knock yourself out” offering him only token assurance of an escape after he killed Kennedy. I don’t think he had any idea that Kennedy was coming to Texas but knowing LBJ was from there…it was a pretty easy conclusion to draw.
Oswald did not know JFK would be in Dallas when he went to Mexico City

JFK was a target of opportunity

Probably correct. If it wasn’t JFK, it may have been LBJ, Gov. Conally, etc… Or JFK in some other place. Again, I don’t know. Just seems weird that with more guns and more gun nuts (and nuts in general), we have fewer political assassinations.
Oswald was working for Russia.

I doubt it.

I think he offered his services to someone in Mexico City working for either the Cuban Embassy or the USSR Embassy (or both), they said—in so many words—“knock yourself out” offering him only token assurance of an escape after he killed Kennedy. I don’t think he had any idea that Kennedy was coming to Texas but knowing LBJ was from there…it was a pretty easy conclusion to draw.
Oswald did not know JFK would be in Dallas when he went to Mexico City

JFK was a target of opportunity

Probably correct. If it wasn’t JFK, it may have been LBJ, Gov. Conally, etc… Or JFK in some other place. Again, I don’t know. Just seems weird that with more guns and more gun nuts (and nuts in general), we have fewer political assassinations.

I don't recall any after Reagan, John Lennon and the Pope

Only ones you see are with rap stars
Oswald was working for Russia.

I doubt it.

I think he offered his services to someone in Mexico City working for either the Cuban Embassy or the USSR Embassy (or both), they said—in so many words—“knock yourself out” offering him only token assurance of an escape after he killed Kennedy. I don’t think he had any idea that Kennedy was coming to Texas but knowing LBJ was from there…it was a pretty easy conclusion to draw.
Oswald did not know JFK would be in Dallas when he went to Mexico City

JFK was a target of opportunity

Probably correct. If it wasn’t JFK, it may have been LBJ, Gov. Conally, etc… Or JFK in some other place. Again, I don’t know. Just seems weird that with more guns and more gun nuts (and nuts in general), we have fewer political assassinations.

I don't recall any after Reagan, John Lennon and the Pope

Only ones you see are with rap stars


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