Jews Were Responsible For Bringing Down Moscow Marxist empire USSR

Now think with me here -- WHO in the whole world CARES if "Eisenhower was Jewish"? So where do you THINK those search engines replies to that strange query are gonna come from?

I understand. We all do it.
WHO in the whole world CARES if "Eisenhower was Jewish"

, fellow Jew Boi!
You really have been consuming gas station sushi as historical facts. Who TOLD you Eisenhower was a Jew? I bet I know.

And yet 99.998% of America does NOT KNOW -- we've already had the 1st Jewish president.

Actually if you want to include Presidents with Jewish genetic markers we've had maybe four, Hamilton, Jefferson, and the two Roosevelts. Jefferson for certain had Sephardic ancestors, Hamilton attended a Jewish school, not conclusive evidence but definitely makes him a possibility, and the Roosevelts were also probably descended from Spanish Jews who fled to Britain. Religiously speaking, nearly all of them claimed to be Christians, which is a Jewsih sect, regardless of all the sniveling from the usual bigots. The colonies wre pretty open so assimilation was easy here and many Jews no longer had to band together like they did in Europe, so many just abandoned the ethnic culture as time went on. It wasn't until the mass waves from Russia came whole ghettos of Jews and other ethnicities came along. Ford and other manufacturers were still having to give employees English lessons until well into the 1930's even after the immigration quotas of 1920 and 1924 had been in place.
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As far as CREATORS of the ACLU -- fine. The ACLU is NOT what it used to be. YOU said -- "over the past couple decades".

What went RIGHT with the Civil RIghts movement all occurred in the 60s and 70s. What's gone WRONG is everything "over the past couple decades".

The decades around the Civil Right era, which is the time frame in question. Jewish influence in NYC and by extension the Democratic Party was important then, for the same reasons California has its out-sized influence on Congress and the Federal court system today. It had a huge population, and Jews were a significant voting bloc, in a city that dominated its state, its largest city, and something like 1/ 8th of the U.S. economy at the time, larger than LA and Chicago combined, and also the state and city still had literacy tests, which meant the black population's voters were at about the same percentages then as Mississippi's, i.e. small compare to their population; states like New York and California exempted themselves from the legislation forced on the seven Southern states, a compromise necessary to get the Bill passed. It wasn't until the sunset provisions on the legislation expired under Nixon and his drive to win back black voters to the Republican Party that led to to them applying those same provisions to all the states, with the result that our worst race riots were in the North and California took place, and most of them are still in northern cities.
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I am not sure about it. all Jews in politburo were extremely russificated individuals without any connection (after 1917) to Jewry . look, a good exmple Koba (stalin) his daughter wrote that she (as a teenager ) didn´t even know that her father was a Georgian, they both believed that he was a "russian "

True. The religion doesn't really apply to an ethnic group per se. A lot of dishonest Jews like to confuse the point for their own agendas, like yelling 'antisemitism!!! Da Holocaust!!!' whenever some faction or other gets legitmate criticisms or some real history pops up that they don't want 'outsiders' to know. They have their own Nazi-like little cults among their ethnic group, same as others do, at the moment those make up over 10% at least of Israel's population and rising; they're having the most children. They're also a large presence in New York City as well; many of the Jewish far right leadership comes from Brooklyn, like the Kahanists and some of the JDL factions.
Ok, if you say so.

I suspect he changed to Christian to run for prez, but, give credit where credit is due....

Eisenhower did not arm Israel. LBJ did....
Eisenhower was not a Jew,
what is interesting here, the Muscovites suggest that anyone who they don't like to be part of " Jewish race " , according them Lenin, Gorbachev , Yeltsin, Navalny all came from the Jewish families. Which is not true of cos
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Why on earth do you think it's a Jewish name?

Eisenhower is a German name. You're as dumb as Trump.

Eisen is a Jewish last name. Rich eisen is one for ESPN.

Hower is another, although it can also be spelled hauer like Bauer and lauer, all Jewish names.

The three letters "how" are very present in many Jewish names

Many people claim Biden is not Jewish. His last name is... Biden or Beiden or Byden

Ron wyden
Eric Heiden
Ken Dryden

All Jews, 2 of them left wing pols...
Eisen is a Jewish last name. Rich eisen is one for ESPN.

Hower is another, although it can also be spelled hauer like Bauer and lauer, all Jewish names.

The three letters "how" are very present in many Jewish names

Many people claim Biden is not Jewish. His last name is... Biden or Beiden or Byden

Ron wyden
Eric Heiden
Ken Dryden

All Jews, 2 of them left wing pols...

It's okay. Trump is real stupid too and he would think Eisenhower is a Jewish name.
It's okay. Trump is real stupid too and he would think Eisenhower is a Jewish name.

Trump appears to take the person's word as true.

Trump may still believe pence is Christian. Pence is a Jew fraud of a Christian, a fetterman clone family loser from a family of rich Jews in the investment business.
Trump appears to take the person's word as true.

Trump may still believe pence is Christian. Pence is a Jew fraud of a Christian, a fetterman clone family loser from a family of rich Jews in the investment business.

Lololol 😂 Pence's family is in the gas station business and the name Pence is Anglo Saxon.
Lololol 😂 Pence's family is in the gas station business and the name Pence is Anglo Saxon.

Yeah, they just own one gas station in Columbus IN....

Tom? Pence was worth tens of millions in the early 1990s

Another spelling - PenTZ

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