Jews run Ukraine.

You anti Semitic pieces of shit are worst than racists. You guys are all obsessed. See a shrink and tell him about your behavior and see what he prescribes you.
Well. The shrink is likely a **** and will prescribe something a "Joo' came up with that is made and distributed by a company pretty much all "Joos" on it's board.
It may cause you to hang yourself and that would only be bad..... but your kids will take over the scrip from more"depression" within the family post event

You anti Semitic pieces of shit are worst than racists. You guys are all obsessed. See a shrink and tell him about your behavior and see what he prescribes you.
Well. The shrink is likely a **** and will prescribe something a "Joo' came up with that is made and distributed by a company pretty much all "Joos" on it's board.
It may cause you to hang yourself and that would only be bad..... but your kids will take over the scrip from more"depression" within the family post event

Rocko's a lot worse than a racist, or anti-Semite, he's a genocidal thug.
In 1934 Jew Genrikh Yagoda was the chief in charge of the NKVD.

Genrikh Yagoda - Wikipedia
Yagoda was a chief of NKVD in 1934-1936. In the time of Holodomor (1932-1933) the chief was Wieslaw Mezynski.
i think he wanted to say that Lazar Kaganovich (a Jewish commie) was responsible for genocide against Ukrainians. well, yes Kaganovich played an important role in Holodomor, but he did it on behave of Muscovite commie empire (ussr) and World communism.

Lazar Kaganovich - Wikipedia

Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich was a Soviet politician and administrator and one of the main .... Chubar and other Soviet Communist Party functionaries guilty of genocide against Ukrainians during the catastrophic Holodomor famine.
he was a jew by virtue of having jewish parents and a leather worker. Stalin
was eastern orthodox and a divinity student of that religion. <<<therefore the
entire genocide was MADE by jews
If Jews ran Ukraine, it would be in a lot better shape.

Is this wishful thinking on your part?

Jewish Communism / Jewish Communists ruined Ukraine.
Just look at Jewish Communist Lazar Kaganovich & his Holodomor terror famine upon Ukraine.

good news-----UKRAINE might do well now------it was a real mess under the
filth of the Eastern Orthodox Church

Your Jewish dominated NKVD butchered Ukrainians.

Your Jewish dominated NKVD butchered Ukrainians.

no Mongols juchi did it

"Red Famine: Stalin's War on Ukraine" by Anne Applebaum

Ukrainian Institute, London

9.4K views 1 year ago

Anne Applebaum talking to Edward Lucas about her new book, "Red Famine: Stalin's War on Ukraine" at the event organised by ...

The early 1930's were terrible for Ukrainians in the Holodomor, Vanitsa massacre, and Gulag deportations.

In 1934 over 38% of the NKVD was Jewish, and over 31% was Russian.

Jewish Holocaust, Jedwabne Neighbors, Nalibki, Kielce, never forget, Concentration Camp, Gas Chamber, Nazi-Germany, Ghetto Uprising

In 1934 Jew Genrikh Yagoda was the chief in charge of the NKVD.

Genrikh Yagoda - Wikipedia

Jew Lazar Kaganovich also orchestrated the Holodomor genocide.

Lazar Kaganovich - Wikipedia

In much of the 1930's Jew Matvei Berman ran the GULAG system.

Matvei Berman - Wikipedia

as more as i read about stalinism , as less i understand how it worked practically . the totally animal farm


"In August 1937, Berman's fall began in the time of the Great Terror. On August 17, 1937, he lost his position as head of the GULAG and was appointed People's Commissar of Posts and Telecommunications (Russian: ). On December 23, 1938, he was expelled from the Soviet Communist Party, arrested the next day in the office of Georgi Malenkov, and sent to prison at Lubyanka. He was found guilty by the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR of belonging to a "terrorist and sabotage organization" and shot on March 7, 1939 at Kommunarka.[4]"

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