Jews against Trump will create anti-Jewish backlash?


Gold Member
Apr 13, 2017
Putnam Lake, NY raised, Pawling, NY resident.
It would make sense, but the problem is most Republicans are obsessed with loving Jews, reading little dribbles about Jews in the bible, and so called Jewish IQ.

If Trump falls, the testimonies of Cohen, Pecker and Weisselberg could spark an anti-Semitic backlash

Testimonies of Cohen, Pecker and Weisselberg Could Spark an anti-Semitic Backlash

The trio’s public profile is a Jewish stereotype: the lawyer-fixer, the smut-dealing publisher and the numbers whiz who knows it all

Chemi Shalev
Aug 26, 2018 11:47 AM
37comments Subscribe

From left: David Pecker, Michael Cohen and Allen Weisselberg.Stringer/Reuters, Richard Drew/AP, Screenshot from CBS News
Cohen turned on Trump at Holocaust-survivor father's urging[/paste:font]
The name of the lawyer who implicated Donald Trump in the commission of federal crimes is Cohen. The name of the publisher who has agreed to tell investigators how he turned his newspaper into a clearinghouse for Cohen’s payments to women is Pecker. And the name of the accountant who has been granted immunity in order to testify about the role played by the Trump Organization in Cohen’s endeavors is Weisselberg. The common denominators of Cohen, Pecker and Weisselberg, beside their willingness to do whatever it takes for Trump in the past and their apparent willingness to inform on him now, is that all three are indisputably and recognizably Jewish.

Even though it’s too much of a coincidence to ignore, politicians and pundits in the U.S. are in no hurry to dwell on the common characteristics of Cohen, Pecker and Weisselberg. Anyone who does so risks being accused of generalizing, if not actively encouraging anti-Semitism. But this is just the first act: It’s clear that the Jewish gun will go off in the future, somewhere down the line. The racist, supremacist and neo-Nazi element of Trump’s base is already drooling at the impending opportunity of enlisting disgruntled rank and file Trump fans in a battle against the Jewish conspiracy aimed at their idol.

To really understand Israel and the Middle East - subscribe to Haaretz

They may not have to wait long. Trump is in serious trouble and it’s getting worse by the day. Cohen’s admissions in a New York courtroom last week that his payments to porn’s Stormy Daniels and Playboy’s Karen MacDougal were made in accordance with Trump’s instructions have cast the President as a criminal who violated campaign finance laws. Pecker’s testimony could reportedly make clear that the two payments were part of a nefarious system. And Weisselberg’s account, though currently limited to Cohen’s payments, could pave the way to exposure of the long line of alleged misdeeds carried out by Trump as real estate mogul, franchising czar, reality star, presidential candidate and commander in chief.

The road to impeachment is still long, at least until the elections that will be held in 70+ days. Republicans, nonetheless, seem to realize that a Rubicon was crossed this week, and that Trump’s presidency is in real danger. Before Special Counsel Robert Mueller presents his findings on the cardinal question of Trump’s alleged collusion with the Kremlin, Cohen’s hush money capers, hitherto regarded as a sideshow, have captured center stage. They threaten Trump directly, courtesy of Cohen, Pecker and Weisselberg.

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Trump’s immediate reaction mirrored that of Benjamin Netanyahu, who is also facing damning testimonies from former confidantes who signed plea deals or were granted immunity. Both leaders launched assaults on what Trump calls “flipping”, known in Israel as “state witnesses”: To save his own hide, Trump, like Netanyahu, is openly trying to undermine a long-accepted prosecutorial ploy that is crucial to convicting criminals. Perhaps it should be made illegal, he suggested.


President Donald Trump speaks during the 2018 Ohio Republican Party State Dinner, August 24, 2018, in Columbus, Ohio.AP Photo/John Minchillo
Trump repeatedly and profusely praises Paul Manafort, who isn’t Jewish, for remaining loyal despite the past and future convictions awaiting him. Cohen, Pecker and Weisselberg, who sound like a stand-up’s Jewish law firm, are, by implication, part of the vast conspiracy that sounds suspiciously similar to the one confronting Netanyahu, that seeks to bring the President down and to undermine the voters’ verdict.

If Trump emerges unscathed, a scenario that seems increasingly unlikely, fears of anti-Semitic backlash could recede. If Trump is impeached, or forced to resign, or impaired in any other way, shape or form, the outrage against his incriminators and their common heritage could turn into a clear and present danger for American Jews. The American right’s adoration of Israel won’t be an obstacle: Many of Trump’s constituents, like Netanyahu’s, can easily ignore the common bonds between Israel and its greatest Diaspora. Israel is the country of proud and nationalistic Jew-heroes that man the West’s forward outpost against radical Islam and who play a critical role in advancing the End of Days.

American Jews, on the other hand, are prominent carriers of the liberal epidemic that is jointly reviled by Trump and Netanyahu’s bases. Cohen, Pecker and Weisselberg can be easily cast as their malicious or unwitting partners in crime.
No. We will blame all liberals. Non-jew libs will not get a pass.
  • Thread starter
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  • #6
No. We will blame all liberals. Non-jew libs will not get a pass.

Jews apparently contribute 1/2 of all Democrat campaign money, Jews pound for pound are the biggest ethnicity / religious group behind the Democrats.


Not sure why you are giving a pass to hate mongers like Rev Wright.

Blacks are also big Democrats, but even their Mulatto Obama was brought to power largely by Jewish campaign financiers, as well as Jews like Axelrod, or David Plouffe who backed him.
  • Thread starter
  • Banned
  • #8
No. We will blame all liberals. Non-jew libs will not get a pass.

Jews apparently contribute 1/2 of all Democrat campaign money, Jews pound for pound are the biggest ethnicity / religious group behind the Democrats.

And Liberals hate Jews.
And who do Jewish liberals hate?

Jews whom are Democrats seem to be more concerned with White power as an issue, and Jews whom are Republicans seem to be concerned with Arab power as an issue.
No. We will blame all liberals. Non-jew libs will not get a pass.

Jews apparently contribute 1/2 of all Democrat campaign money, Jews pound for pound are the biggest ethnicity / religious group behind the Democrats.


Not sure why you are giving a pass to hate mongers like Rev Wright.

Blacks are also big Democrats, but even their Mulatto Obama was brought to power largely by Jewish campaign financiers, as well as Jews like Axelrod, or David Plouffe who backed him.

I see that you seem to think that money is what drives politics.

I think it is more votes. Blacks vote in a bloc. If Trump just cuts that from 90 plus % to 70 plus %, it will change the world.

There are also a lot of religious whites, some of which might be naive enough to listen to lefty religious people, such as the new Pope.

You are unreasonable when it comes to jews.
It would make sense, but the problem is most Republicans are obsessed with loving Jews, reading little dribbles about Jews in the bible, and so called Jewish IQ.

If Trump falls, the testimonies of Cohen, Pecker and Weisselberg could spark an anti-Semitic backlash

Testimonies of Cohen, Pecker and Weisselberg Could Spark an anti-Semitic Backlash

The trio’s public profile is a Jewish stereotype: the lawyer-fixer, the smut-dealing publisher and the numbers whiz who knows it all

Chemi Shalev
Aug 26, 2018 11:47 AM
37comments Subscribe

From left: David Pecker, Michael Cohen and Allen Weisselberg.Stringer/Reuters, Richard Drew/AP, Screenshot from CBS News
Cohen turned on Trump at Holocaust-survivor father's urging[/paste:font]
The name of the lawyer who implicated Donald Trump in the commission of federal crimes is Cohen. The name of the publisher who has agreed to tell investigators how he turned his newspaper into a clearinghouse for Cohen’s payments to women is Pecker. And the name of the accountant who has been granted immunity in order to testify about the role played by the Trump Organization in Cohen’s endeavors is Weisselberg. The common denominators of Cohen, Pecker and Weisselberg, beside their willingness to do whatever it takes for Trump in the past and their apparent willingness to inform on him now, is that all three are indisputably and recognizably Jewish.

Even though it’s too much of a coincidence to ignore, politicians and pundits in the U.S. are in no hurry to dwell on the common characteristics of Cohen, Pecker and Weisselberg. Anyone who does so risks being accused of generalizing, if not actively encouraging anti-Semitism. But this is just the first act: It’s clear that the Jewish gun will go off in the future, somewhere down the line. The racist, supremacist and neo-Nazi element of Trump’s base is already drooling at the impending opportunity of enlisting disgruntled rank and file Trump fans in a battle against the Jewish conspiracy aimed at their idol.

To really understand Israel and the Middle East - subscribe to Haaretz

They may not have to wait long. Trump is in serious trouble and it’s getting worse by the day. Cohen’s admissions in a New York courtroom last week that his payments to porn’s Stormy Daniels and Playboy’s Karen MacDougal were made in accordance with Trump’s instructions have cast the President as a criminal who violated campaign finance laws. Pecker’s testimony could reportedly make clear that the two payments were part of a nefarious system. And Weisselberg’s account, though currently limited to Cohen’s payments, could pave the way to exposure of the long line of alleged misdeeds carried out by Trump as real estate mogul, franchising czar, reality star, presidential candidate and commander in chief.

The road to impeachment is still long, at least until the elections that will be held in 70+ days. Republicans, nonetheless, seem to realize that a Rubicon was crossed this week, and that Trump’s presidency is in real danger. Before Special Counsel Robert Mueller presents his findings on the cardinal question of Trump’s alleged collusion with the Kremlin, Cohen’s hush money capers, hitherto regarded as a sideshow, have captured center stage. They threaten Trump directly, courtesy of Cohen, Pecker and Weisselberg.

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Trump’s immediate reaction mirrored that of Benjamin Netanyahu, who is also facing damning testimonies from former confidantes who signed plea deals or were granted immunity. Both leaders launched assaults on what Trump calls “flipping”, known in Israel as “state witnesses”: To save his own hide, Trump, like Netanyahu, is openly trying to undermine a long-accepted prosecutorial ploy that is crucial to convicting criminals. Perhaps it should be made illegal, he suggested.


President Donald Trump speaks during the 2018 Ohio Republican Party State Dinner, August 24, 2018, in Columbus, Ohio.AP Photo/John Minchillo
Trump repeatedly and profusely praises Paul Manafort, who isn’t Jewish, for remaining loyal despite the past and future convictions awaiting him. Cohen, Pecker and Weisselberg, who sound like a stand-up’s Jewish law firm, are, by implication, part of the vast conspiracy that sounds suspiciously similar to the one confronting Netanyahu, that seeks to bring the President down and to undermine the voters’ verdict.

If Trump emerges unscathed, a scenario that seems increasingly unlikely, fears of anti-Semitic backlash could recede. If Trump is impeached, or forced to resign, or impaired in any other way, shape or form, the outrage against his incriminators and their common heritage could turn into a clear and present danger for American Jews. The American right’s adoration of Israel won’t be an obstacle: Many of Trump’s constituents, like Netanyahu’s, can easily ignore the common bonds between Israel and its greatest Diaspora. Israel is the country of proud and nationalistic Jew-heroes that man the West’s forward outpost against radical Islam and who play a critical role in advancing the End of Days.

American Jews, on the other hand, are prominent carriers of the liberal epidemic that is jointly reviled by Trump and Netanyahu’s bases. Cohen, Pecker and Weisselberg can be easily cast as their malicious or unwitting partners in crime.
Good for them.
No. We will blame all liberals. Non-jew libs will not get a pass.

Jews apparently contribute 1/2 of all Democrat campaign money, Jews pound for pound are the biggest ethnicity / religious group behind the Democrats.


Not sure why you are giving a pass to hate mongers like Rev Wright.

Blacks are also big Democrats, but even their Mulatto Obama was brought to power largely by Jewish campaign financiers, as well as Jews like Axelrod, or David Plouffe who backed him.

I see that you seem to think that money is what drives politics.

I think it is more votes. Blacks vote in a bloc. If Trump just cuts that from 90 plus % to 70 plus %, it will change the world.

There are also a lot of religious whites, some of which might be naive enough to listen to lefty religious people, such as the new Pope.

You are unreasonable when it comes to jews.

Blacks are a major voting bloc, but that doesn't mean that Jews aren't a voting bloc.

Jews are big enough to have made it so Florida voted Obama...

Without Jews, presumably Obama wouldn't have become a U.S President.
No. We will blame all liberals. Non-jew libs will not get a pass.

Jews apparently contribute 1/2 of all Democrat campaign money, Jews pound for pound are the biggest ethnicity / religious group behind the Democrats.

And Liberals hate Jews.
And who do Jewish liberals hate?

America. Just like the rest of liberals.

Considering the Jewish position in America, they seem to have been manipulators of America to the Liberal side, rather than vice versa.
No. We will blame all liberals. Non-jew libs will not get a pass.

Jews apparently contribute 1/2 of all Democrat campaign money, Jews pound for pound are the biggest ethnicity / religious group behind the Democrats.


Not sure why you are giving a pass to hate mongers like Rev Wright.

Blacks are also big Democrats, but even their Mulatto Obama was brought to power largely by Jewish campaign financiers, as well as Jews like Axelrod, or David Plouffe who backed him.

I see that you seem to think that money is what drives politics.

I think it is more votes. Blacks vote in a bloc. If Trump just cuts that from 90 plus % to 70 plus %, it will change the world.

There are also a lot of religious whites, some of which might be naive enough to listen to lefty religious people, such as the new Pope.

You are unreasonable when it comes to jews.

Blacks are a major voting bloc, but that doesn't mean that Jews aren't a voting bloc.

Jews are big enough to have made it so Florida voted Obama...

Without Jews, presumably Obama wouldn't have become a U.S President.

Florida was meaningless. Obama thrashed Romney. You need to learn basic mathematics.
Sobieski is back with another Jew hating thread. Yawn. Sobieski needs professional help.

This comes from the Israeli Jewish Haaretz, they're Jew haters now?

Yes! Duh. LMAO....but they aren't the ones who started the thread. You are. Take responsibility. Don't be cowardly like your ancestors.

I just told you that any Jew that votes Blue again is a traitor. Not sure how many more times I need to repeat myself.
Jews apparently contribute 1/2 of all Democrat campaign money, Jews pound for pound are the biggest ethnicity / religious group behind the Democrats.


Not sure why you are giving a pass to hate mongers like Rev Wright.

Blacks are also big Democrats, but even their Mulatto Obama was brought to power largely by Jewish campaign financiers, as well as Jews like Axelrod, or David Plouffe who backed him.

I see that you seem to think that money is what drives politics.

I think it is more votes. Blacks vote in a bloc. If Trump just cuts that from 90 plus % to 70 plus %, it will change the world.

There are also a lot of religious whites, some of which might be naive enough to listen to lefty religious people, such as the new Pope.

You are unreasonable when it comes to jews.

Blacks are a major voting bloc, but that doesn't mean that Jews aren't a voting bloc.

Jews are big enough to have made it so Florida voted Obama...

Without Jews, presumably Obama wouldn't have become a U.S President.

Florida was meaningless. Obama thrashed Romney. You need to learn basic mathematics.

Florida was the most important swing state for Obama to have won.

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