Jeb Bush Won't Talk About Wars His Brother Started

The Democrats aren't the ones on TV every chance they get to scare America about ISIS, Syria, Iraq, Iran.
Nope they sure aren't - theys da ones trying to shield us ignorant peasants from the truth - Gawd bless doze wunderfull Dumbycrats - wit-out dem we all might be tinking for ourselves .... and ya know what dat leads to dontcha ? - all kindsa crazy notions bout free will and dat sorta shit .
JEB will in the debates. He will have no choice.

The mods have decided to force candidates to answer questions and not go off on their own answers to questions not asked.

Jeb Bush Won't Talk About Wars His Brother Started
If they do that to Hillary, I might believe they have integrity. And the bottom line remains, she is much more responsible the Iraq war than Jeb will ever be. So, if he's questioned about it, she should be as well.
Depends on who the moderators are - historically the media moderators have done their utmost to position liberal candidates to win - going at least as far back as Nixon-Kennedy debates.

Its highly unlikely Hillary would be asked any difficult questions , by anyone other than her opponent - in which case she will deflect and evade - just like the libtards on this board.

Gulf War 2 a Bush Disaster? So was Gulf War 1.

In light of the shocking advances of the Islamic State, the sense that Iraq is coming apart at the seams despite the huge toll of lives and treasure squandered over more than a decade, it's clear that George W. Bush's decision to invade Iraq in 2003 was the most fateful foreign policy blunder ever made by an American leader.

What's remarkable, however, is that critics of George W.'s actions overlook the fact that it was his father, George H.W.Bush, who, in 1990, set the stage for his son's disastrous moves 13 years later.

It was Papa Bush, after all, who sent American troops halfway around the world to launch the First Gulf War--an error of tragic proportions; responsible in its own way for much of the horror that afflicts the Greater Middle East (and America) to this day.

Ironically, it happened just as the U.S. seemed about to become king of the global roost---the greatest military power the planet had ever known. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, there was no power around to challenge U.S. hegemony. It was left to America to blight its own future.

What is also extraordinary about the First Gulf War is that--like the outbreak of World War I--it was all so unnecessary--the result of feckless leadership, inept diplomacy and shocking miscalculations by both leaders--Saddam Hussein and George H.W. Bush. (I dealt with this at length in my book, "Web of Deceit, The History of Western Complicity in Iraq, from Churchill to Kennedy to George w.Bush."

Saddam's ignorance can be understood: a brutal dictator, surrounded for the most part by sycophants, the Iraqi president knew little of the outside world. George H.W. Bush on the other hand, had been Ambassador to China, head of the CIA, had an impressive stable of experienced advisors and could draw upon the U.S.'s vast intelligence capacities.

The problem, however, in the summer of 1990 was that Bush and his top aides were obsessed by the disintegrating Soviet empire. They were largely oblivious to the political storm that was brewing in the Gulf between Saddam Hussein and the leaders of Kuwait.

Saddam had just "won" an incredibly bloody nine-year war with Iran, only to find himself in a mounting feud with his immensely wealthy Gulf neighbor, Kuwait. Saddam's charges against the Kuwaitis were not at all unreasonable.

For starters, they were beggaring Iraq's ravaged economy by manipulating the price of oil. They were also demanding that the bankrupt Iraq pay back huge loans Kuwait had made to help finance Baghdad's sanguinary war against Iran.

As Saddam saw it, by attacking revolutionary Iran, he had been defending Kuwait's interests as well. But now that Iran was defeated and Iraq was bled white, the Kuwaitis wanted their money back.

The Kuwaitis dismissed Saddam's claims and continued to demand their loans be repaid. Riled by what he saw as their arrogant, aggressive stance, Saddam became increasingly belligerent.

At the same time, however, as he was mobilizing his troops, the Iraqi dictator was attempting to figure out how the U.S. would react if he actually proceeded to invade Kuwait. He never got a clear signal.

The blame for that is usually laid at the feet of America's ambassador at the time, April Glaspie. Saddam called her to the Foreign Ministry, railed about the Kuwaitis, and made vague references to his aggressive plans. She replied with the standard line, that the U.S. had no interest in border disputes between Iraq and Kuwait. Washington hoped that everything could be settled peacefully.

But by not flashing a red light, Ambassador Glaspie was simply relaying the very confused and self-contradictory policies of the George H.W. Bush administration itself.

MUCH MORE: Gulf War 2 a Bush Disaster? So was Gulf War 1. Barry Lando

Below is a transcript of the meeting on July 25, 1990 between then-US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie and President Saddam Hussein that the Iraqi leader interpreted as a green light from Washington for his invasion of Kuwait eight days later. It speaks for itself. Saddam was shafted by the Bushes - TWICE. rightwinger

How did the Democrats vote on bombing Syria?
The Democrats aren't the ones on TV every chance they get to scare America about ISIS, Syria, Iraq, Iran.

Can you name a Democratic Senator doing what McCain and Lindsey Graham do, regarding the constant push for military intervention?

Apparently there isn't a Democrat Senator that considers ISIS a threat to the US. They didn't think the Taliban aiding Osama bin laden was a threat before 9-11 either.
How did the Democrats vote on bombing Syria?
The Democrats aren't the ones on TV every chance they get to scare America about ISIS, Syria, Iraq, Iran.

Can you name a Democratic Senator doing what McCain and Lindsey Graham do, regarding the constant push for military intervention?
Apparently there isn't a Democrat Senator that considers ISIS a threat to the US. They didn't think the Taliban aiding Osama bin laden was a threat before 9-11 either.
These types of Too Small comments demonstrate why modern American laughs at our far right.
The Democrats aren't the ones on TV every chance they get to scare America about ISIS, Syria, Iraq, Iran.
Nope they sure aren't - theys da ones trying to shield us ignorant peasants from the truth - Gawd bless doze wunderfull Dumbycrats - wit-out dem we all might be tinking for ourselves .... and ya know what dat leads to dontcha ? - all kindsa crazy notions bout free will and dat sorta shit .
Hi Pogo Possum/Spinach! Long time, no see.
How did the Democrats vote on bombing Syria?
The Democrats aren't the ones on TV every chance they get to scare America about ISIS, Syria, Iraq, Iran.

Can you name a Democratic Senator doing what McCain and Lindsey Graham do, regarding the constant push for military intervention?

Apparently there isn't a Democrat Senator that considers ISIS a threat to the US. They didn't think the Taliban aiding Osama bin laden was a threat before 9-11 either.
Who was president in March 2001?

Buddhas of Bamiyan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The words in the Iraq resolution read:
The Bush Family is among the Elite of the NWO Globalist Elites. But baby Bush wasn't involved with the planning of the Iraq War. He was merely a dimwitted pawn. His Father and other top Elites planned the war a long time ago. And it has been a success for those Elites. They have their puppet Government in Iraq. They own its banking system and oil.

They really don't care how many Iraqi children were brutally slaughtered to achieve that. These are truly evil people you're dealing with. The reality is, average American Citizens and Iraqi Citizens lost bigtime on the Iraq War. But the top Elites won.

Bush was pushing for the Iraq War long before 9/11. He was the puppeteer Various credible reports bear that out.

So were many prominent Dems before Bush ever set foot in the WH.


Dems didn't invade Iraq. Bush did.

Bush and a Democrat Congress invaded Iraq... all duly authorized bub.

Deal with it.
That all duly authorization reads: "The president is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he (Bush) determines to be necessary and appropriate in order to...."
It doesn't say The President will be impeached if he doesn't, nor we're gonna really be pissed if you don't. It was Bush's call, his baby, his chance to land on a carrier deck and reap the Mission Accomplished glory.
Hey, while we're holding family members responsible for things, let's keep reminding everyone of HIllary's association with Bubba's shabby treatment of women. She should have to defend that, especially since she was involved in trashing them.

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