Jeb Bush 2012


Jun 25, 2009
Not fucking there !
How many of you idiots would vote for Jebby ?


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I feel sorry for Jeb Bush. He is clearly the one Bush son best suited to be President of the United States

Unfortunately, brother George has poisoned that well and Jeb will no longer be able to run for president.

The Stink of Bush is upon him
It wont matter who the tea party people would vote for, whoever they back cant win.
I feel sorry for Jeb Bush. He is clearly the one Bush son best suited to be President of the United States

Unfortunately, brother George has poisoned that well and Jeb will no longer be able to run for president.

The Stink of Bush is upon him

Ayup. Say what you will about his views, but I'd say it's pretty obvious that Jeb is an intellegent guy.
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It wont matter who the tea party people would vote for, whoever they back cant win.
Don't be so sure.
I think there are more RepublicanTs in Murka than democraps. They'll be out in full force since most of them are unemployed,need dental work and sealer for the trailer roof.
More change.Kill the taxes on tobakky and give free season tickets to NASCAR and rasslin for all Murkins !
They'll get rid of Social security,medicaire/aid, libraries, kill the health care bill and all of dat thar kommyniss, Markziss, evil, unMurkin nonsense !
Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran !
Gawd Blass Murka !
Jeb / Palin 2012.
Be there.
I feel sorry for Jeb Bush. He is clearly the one Bush son best suited to be President of the United States

Unfortunately, brother George has poisoned that well and Jeb will no longer be able to run for president.

The Stink of Bush is upon him

Ayup. Say what you will about his views, but I'd say it's pretty obvious that Jeb is an intellegent guy.

I don't know if he's qualified, intelligent enough, or whatever.

But for christssakes, I'd hope the Republicans could choose SOMEONE that could effectively campaign against Obama in 2012 over a platform of shrinking the Federal Government: HOW FUCKING COMPLICATED IS THIS????
I feel sorry for Jeb Bush. He is clearly the one Bush son best suited to be President of the United States

Unfortunately, brother George has poisoned that well and Jeb will no longer be able to run for president.

The Stink of Bush is upon him

Ayup. Say what you will about his views, but I'd say it's pretty obvious that Jeb is an intellegent guy.

I don't know if he's qualified, intelligent enough, or whatever.

But for christssakes, I'd hope the Republicans could choose SOMEONE that could effectively campaign against Obama in 2012 over a platform of shrinking the Federal Government: HOW FUCKING COMPLICATED IS THIS????

They just better hope no one asks them what that meaningless slogan means.
I loved that show - twas a wonderful guilty pleasure.

I'm going to reserve my decision until I actually see who the GOP candidate is.
I feel sorry for Jeb Bush. He is clearly the one Bush son best suited to be President of the United States

Unfortunately, brother George has poisoned that well and Jeb will no longer be able to run for president.

The Stink of Bush is upon him

Yes of's always a wise thing to smear, besmurch and judge someone based on another persons actions....thank you for confirming what a bunch of dipshits left wingers are.
I feel sorry for Jeb Bush. He is clearly the one Bush son best suited to be President of the United States

Unfortunately, brother George has poisoned that well and Jeb will no longer be able to run for president.

The Stink of Bush is upon him

His wife and children aren't really up to family values scrutiny. That could play VERY WELL for the Democrats.
I feel sorry for Jeb Bush. He is clearly the one Bush son best suited to be President of the United States

Unfortunately, brother George has poisoned that well and Jeb will no longer be able to run for president.

The Stink of Bush is upon him

Yes of's always a wise thing to smear, besmurch and judge someone based on another persons actions....thank you for confirming what a bunch of dipshits left wingers are.

You want to run a third member of the Bush family??

Good luck to you
I feel sorry for Jeb Bush. He is clearly the one Bush son best suited to be President of the United States

Unfortunately, brother George has poisoned that well and Jeb will no longer be able to run for president.

The Stink of Bush is upon him

Yes of's always a wise thing to smear, besmurch and judge someone based on another persons actions....thank you for confirming what a bunch of dipshits left wingers are.

You want to run a third member of the Bush family??

Good luck to you

I didn't say that...I voiced my opinion on your obvious prejudices.

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