Jaw-Dropping Liberalism


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. There are simply so very many ways to prove that Liberalism truly is a mental aberration that it takes some effort to decide which permutation to point to to prove the contention.

2. Here's one way:
"In logic, reductio ad absurdum (Latin for "reduction to absurdity"; or argumentum ad absurdum, "argument to absurdity") is a form of argument which attempts either to disprove a statement by showing it inevitably leads to a ridiculous, absurd, or impractical conclusion."
Reductio ad absurdum - Wikipedia

Fox's latest centerpiece, the Tucker Carlson Show, regularly uses this methodology, and the following couldn't be more instructive of Liberalism's method:
In the assault on tradition and the values that made this nation 'the shining city on the hill' Liberals come up with some view that....

...at first....

...normal folks say 'can't be...can't happen.....they couldn't possibly....'

...but they do.

And come up with some made-up slurs, like 'homophobia' or something.

3. First it was acceptance of 'transgenderism'....and now.....


...a demand...DEMAND....they they be considered attractive by all!

4. "The new rules don't seem to comport with the high school biology you once learned...

..remember when the goal for 'transgender rights' was acceptance....then it was legal enforcement of transgender identity....punishment for those who don't use the right pronouns or eagerly share bathrooms.....

Now we're advancing toward mandatory transgender dating....."

5. Transgender activist Zinia Jones:
Zinnia Jones


I don't see a problem with telling straight guys who are exclusionary of trans women partners that they should try to work through that

6:51 PM - 1 Jul 2017

Zinnia Jones


Being exclusionary of trans women partners should be an outlier and marginal position for straight men, not some commonplace expectation

6:52 PM - 1 Jul 2017


Zinnia Jones


These angry declarations that they have some absolute right to not want to be with trans women are just misplaced and inappropriate

6:53 PM - 1 Jul 2017

Today you will say..'nooo....that's an absurd position.'

Tomorrow you may lose your job or face contumely if you don't toe that line.
Most self proclaimed liberals arent liberals. Why do you contribute to their psychosis?
If political chick didnt regurgitate worn out rhetoric, would she even speak? :dunno:
Zinnia Jones


I also don't believe the blanket claim of "straight men don't want to be with someone who has a dick!"

6:56 PM - 1 Jul 2017

Of course, she/he/it must mean 'Liberal men.'

Not for a moment should any consider this as anything but a logical extension of Liberalism's motif.

If you accept Liberalism's promises of cradle to grave cosseting, you give up every single right you ever imagined that you had.

"You thought you had some absolute right to date who you want...silly you.....your personal romantic preferences are no longer your own, but are an extension of your political preferences and therefore public property.

So....if you are a biological man who prefers biological women.....

....you are a bigot!"
Tucker Carlson.
Being empathetic to your fellow man is a mental disorder?
Caitlyn Jenner is a big time conservative.

And why do I care if Bruce Jenner wants to wear a dress .
He's also not a woman.

He's simply a man who has undergone voluntary genital mutilation surgery (has he cut it off yet?), and has picked up a drug habit (hormones).

Neither of which has anything to do with gender. He still has the X and Y chromosomes throughout his body, and a lifetime of being brought up as a male.
And just as predicted in the OP:

...at first....

...normal folks say 'can't be...can't happen.....they couldn't possibly....'

...but they do.

And come up with some made-up slurs, like 'homophobia' or something.

Zinnia Jones


It's subject to the effect of *incredible* numbers of straight men who want us but refuse to ever admit to it, and cover it with transphobia

6:57 PM - 1 Jul 2017

I'd be remiss not to use this occasion to remind that no individuality, no rights to your own thinking or decisions, is allowable in any of these sicknesses:

Liberalism, Progressivism, Socialism, Communism, Nazism nor Fascism.
Being empathetic to your fellow man is a mental disorder?

Sooooo.....you got Caitlyn Jenner's number?

You two have decided on "We've Only Just Begun" as your first song?

Dang, you're a good Liberal.

Caitlyn Jenner is a big time conservative.

And why do I care if Bruce Jenner wants to wear a dress .

Don't try to change the subject...put your Dinaro where you put your dinner.

Let me know how the date works out.

And remember....if you don't....you're a bigot.
"Being exclusionary of trans women partners should be an outlier and marginal position for straight men, not some commonplace expectation"
LOL, wake me up when we get to the part where the dingbats start yelping about straight men "being exclusionary of non-human partners" 'cause you know that's coming next.:cool:

..... in the meantime I have a solution for these "trans women" that are all bent out of shape because they're being snubbed by straight men; find some "trans men" to partner with.
And just as predicted in the OP:

...at first....

...normal folks say 'can't be...can't happen.....they couldn't possibly....'

...but they do.

And come up with some made-up slurs, like 'homophobia' or something.

Zinnia Jones


It's subject to the effect of *incredible* numbers of straight men who want us but refuse to ever admit to it, and cover it with transphobia

6:57 PM - 1 Jul 2017

I'd be remiss not to use this occasion to remind that no individuality, no rights to your own thinking or decisions, is allowable in any of these sicknesses:

Liberalism, Progressivism, Socialism, Communism, Nazism nor Fascism.
Being empathetic to your fellow man is a mental disorder?

Sooooo.....you got Caitlyn Jenner's number?

You two have decided on "We've Only Just Begun" as your first song?

Dang, you're a good Liberal.

Caitlyn Jenner is a big time conservative.

And why do I care if Bruce Jenner wants to wear a dress .

Don't try to change the subject...put your Dinaro where you put your dinner.

Let me know how the date works out.

And remember....if you don't....you're a bigot.

I wasn't changing the subject . You brought up Jenner . Your dumbass didn't even realize he's a republican .
"Being exclusionary of trans women partners should be an outlier and marginal position for straight men, not some commonplace expectation"
LOL, wake me up when we get to the part where the dingbats start yelping about straight men "being exclusionary of non-human partners" 'cause you know that's coming next.:cool:

..... in the meantime I have a solution for these "trans women" that are all bent out of shape because they're being snubbed by straight men; find some "trans men" to partner with.

Zinnia Jones


Replying to @ZJemptv
Being exclusionary of trans women partners should be an outlier and marginal position for straight men, not some commonplace expectation

Zinnia Jones


These angry declarations that they have some absolute right to not want to be with trans women are just misplaced and inappropriate

6:53 PM - 1 Jul 2017
Pay attention now, because I'll explain EXACTLY what's taking place in our LGBT world.


A. Spoiled populace with nothing real to complain about, so they make shit up to occupy their time and add meaning to their lives.

B. For the most part, LGBT is a representation of contrary behavior, actions and confusion.

C. Democrat politicians seeking votes.

D. 24-7 gadgets up our ass programming us into vegetables.

E. An over-population that's corrupt and in decay. A dumbing down at an alarming rate.

EFFECT: Dissemination of confusion from the individual to the public. It's their little contribution toward more of the above. Yeah, it's a circle-jerk.

Perhaps "homophobia" is a real term, because we have something to fear alright. Look at the video. You can bet your ass a good portion of liberals have adopted this rhetoric, because adopting contrary thoughts is how they operate. Besides, they're mostly cowards and wouldn't dare deny it.
And just as predicted in the OP:

...at first....

...normal folks say 'can't be...can't happen.....they couldn't possibly....'

...but they do.

And come up with some made-up slurs, like 'homophobia' or something.

Zinnia Jones


It's subject to the effect of *incredible* numbers of straight men who want us but refuse to ever admit to it, and cover it with transphobia

6:57 PM - 1 Jul 2017

I'd be remiss not to use this occasion to remind that no individuality, no rights to your own thinking or decisions, is allowable in any of these sicknesses:

Liberalism, Progressivism, Socialism, Communism, Nazism nor Fascism.
Being empathetic to your fellow man is a mental disorder?

Sooooo.....you got Caitlyn Jenner's number?

You two have decided on "We've Only Just Begun" as your first song?

Dang, you're a good Liberal.

Caitlyn Jenner is a big time conservative.

And why do I care if Bruce Jenner wants to wear a dress .

Don't try to change the subject...put your Dinaro where you put your dinner.

Let me know how the date works out.

And remember....if you don't....you're a bigot.

I wasn't changing the subject . You brought up Jenner . Your dumbass didn't even realize he's a republican .

There will never come a time when you point out something that I 'didn't realize.'

You've served the purpose life cut out out for you......proof that Liberalism is a mental aberration.

Just remember...based on Liberal accords, you have no right to decline dating your equals, mentally unbalanced 'transgenders.'
Pay attention now, because I'll explain EXACTLY what's taking place in our LGBT world.


A. Spoiled populace with nothing real to complain about, so they make shit up to occupy their time and add meaning to their lives.

B. For the most part, LGBT is a representation of contrary behavior, actions and confusion.

C. Democrat politicians seeking votes.

D. An over-population that's corrupt and in decay. A dumbing down at an alarming rate.

EFFECT: Dissemination of confusion from the individual to the public. It's their little contribution toward more of A., B, C & D. Yeah, it's a circle-jerk.

Perhaps "homophobia" is a real term, because we have something to fear alright. Look at the video. You can bet your ass a good portion of liberals have adopted this rhetoric, because adopting contrary thoughts is the model. Besides, they're mostly cowards and wouldn't dare deny it.

You know, your post is an affront to the titular head of the LBGT Movement, Hussein Obama.

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