Jared busted on further case of Chronic Russia Amnesia Syndrome


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
My hunch is, that J-Rod will be spending a few years in prison. Like Father like Son! :)

Either Jared Kushner is trying to hide something, or his memory is very poor for a 36-year-old.

On Friday, the New York Times and NBC News reported that the “Russian backdoor overture and dinner invite” Kushner failed to disclose to Senate investigators involved a banker with close ties to Vladimir Putin — and possibly organized crime.

The man at the center of the story is Aleksander Torshin, who is the deputy head of Russia’s central bank, a major Trump fan, and a stalwart ally of Vladimir Putin. He has also been accused by Spanish police of being a mafia “godfather,” which he denies, as one would.​

‘Russian Backdoor Overture’ to Kushner Involved Close Putin Ally
Still living the dream.

Keep trying. You'll get that mean ol' Trump yet. :confused:
Wikileaks, russia and the trump campaign all worked together to undermine our democracy. All of these bastards should be thrown in prison.

Oh fuck off. We just get leaders assassinated. Or worse yet support ISIS to take out two rulers in the Middle east. Don't even try a holier than though asshole when we are whacking or attempt to whack world leaders we don't like. Fuck you and your version of democracy when America KILLS foreign leaders.
My hunch is, that J-Rod will be spending a few years in prison. Like Father like Son! :)

Either Jared Kushner is trying to hide something, or his memory is very poor for a 36-year-old.

On Friday, the New York Times and NBC News reported that the “Russian backdoor overture and dinner invite” Kushner failed to disclose to Senate investigators involved a banker with close ties to Vladimir Putin — and possibly organized crime.

The man at the center of the story is Aleksander Torshin, who is the deputy head of Russia’s central bank, a major Trump fan, and a stalwart ally of Vladimir Putin. He has also been accused by Spanish police of being a mafia “godfather,” which he denies, as one would.​

‘Russian Backdoor Overture’ to Kushner Involved Close Putin Ally

Kushners are all Democrats and Jared and Ivanka aka JAVANKA need to be investigated and imprisoned over the whole fucking Kushner family,.
My hunch is, that J-Rod will be spending a few years in prison. Like Father like Son! :)

Either Jared Kushner is trying to hide something, or his memory is very poor for a 36-year-old.

On Friday, the New York Times and NBC News reported that the “Russian backdoor overture and dinner invite” Kushner failed to disclose to Senate investigators involved a banker with close ties to Vladimir Putin — and possibly organized crime.

The man at the center of the story is Aleksander Torshin, who is the deputy head of Russia’s central bank, a major Trump fan, and a stalwart ally of Vladimir Putin. He has also been accused by Spanish police of being a mafia “godfather,” which he denies, as one would.​

‘Russian Backdoor Overture’ to Kushner Involved Close Putin All


fucking love it. send the rest of the bloody democrats to jail. oh be still my heart. The kushners are evil and democrat.
Wait a holdit. I thought the whole purpose of the "investigation" was to uncover collusion between Donald trump and Putin?

Why haven't the investigators done that yet?
My hunch is, that J-Rod will be spending a few years in prison. Like Father like Son! :)

Either Jared Kushner is trying to hide something, or his memory is very poor for a 36-year-old.

On Friday, the New York Times and NBC News reported that the “Russian backdoor overture and dinner invite” Kushner failed to disclose to Senate investigators involved a banker with close ties to Vladimir Putin — and possibly organized crime.

The man at the center of the story is Aleksander Torshin, who is the deputy head of Russia’s central bank, a major Trump fan, and a stalwart ally of Vladimir Putin. He has also been accused by Spanish police of being a mafia “godfather,” which he denies, as one would.​

‘Russian Backdoor Overture’ to Kushner Involved Close Putin Ally
I just read the article you IDIOT!
What you are claiming is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what is in the article.
Jared NEVER 'met' with the russian EVER!!!!!!
He refused to in fact.
Fucking grow up!!!!!
All this hype and hysteria by the crooked media is to hide the fact that there is actual evidence that Hillary and the DNC colluded with the Russians. The investigation that will soon be launched will lock that wicked bitch up once and for all and rid the American people of this cancer of the Clinton Mafia.
I just read the article you IDIOT!
What you are claiming is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what is in the article.
Jared NEVER 'met' with the russian EVER!!!!!!
He refused to in fact.
Fucking grow up!!!!!

I didn't SAY he met this particular dude ... IDIOT
The OP and link are about his continuing case of Chronic Russian Amnesia (suffered by many in this admin)
The Russian Mafia dude did score a consolation prize: Guido Trump!

Nevertheless, Torshin scored a consolation prize: a seat at a dinner Donald Trump Jr. attended during the Louisville convention.​

I win, and you would be the one who should fucking grow up :)
Wait a holdit. I thought the whole purpose of the "investigation" was to uncover collusion between Donald trump and Putin?

Why haven't the investigators done that yet?

Only Mueller knows at this point - but there are clear cases to make even now against Tangerine Tornado on pay to play quid pro quo - and obstruction of justice.

Patience my son .. PATIENCE :D

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