Japan: Setback for US Nuclear Industry?

nah, because ours was never going anywhere anyways. Also you are a moron if you base having Nuc-plants is bad because of earthquakes.

This wasnt an earthquake. This was a motherfucking earthquake of epicness.

"motherfucking earthquake of epicness", kudos on a line full of win.
They've pumped salt water into the Japanese reactor to cool it, which means it's finished.

Japan disaster may mean setback for U.S. nuclear industry

we have not built a pant in how long? what setback could be any worse than that?

and for the record this means that we can add safety features that may abrogate a cataclysmic events that we see unfolding, not that the greens care....there is no energy industry they would allow, if it went back to horsepower Peta would close that 'loophole' to.

ugh, this freaking map again. I said before, the Rad is an obsolete method of measure for radiation, they use Rem and sieverts now.

Also you wouldnt make a map of rem/sievert anyway, you would make a map of curies, as this is the actual radioactivity of such a cloud. rem/sievert is a measure of exposure to a human body, and has more variables such as location, and if you are inside/outside.

Also the map doesnt even try to tell you the parameters of the source release or the model used for dispersion.

The map is a hoax, made up by someone with graphical skills, and zero knowledge of air modeling, or nuclear particle physics.
Agreed--the greens agenda would have us do without enough energy to survive. They use the energy they despise while demonizing it. Develoo all the alternative energy that you wish but don't kill what you will need to get that far.
They've pumped salt water into the Japanese reactor to cool it, which means it's finished.

Japan disaster may mean setback for U.S. nuclear industry

Jesus, the tree hungers are all over this, not surprising. How does a crisis at a reactor differ from a crisis at a coal fired plant, be careful now.

This is JUST news boys, and girls, nothing more, and if you let your emotions run away with themselves, well, your just adding to the panic, and NOT solving anything .
I just walked in from da barn and encountered a Brown Dwarf !!!!
Her name is Jessi and she loves Linux...............and home made coconut ice cream.


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How does a crisis at a reactor differ from a crisis at a coal fired plant, be careful now

If the coal plant ten miles from me explodes, no big deal. If the Calaway plant 100 miles west of me goes I worry about radiation and my kid's health.

Not that I am saying abandon nuclear power. Just gotta figure use this as a learning experience to make the ones we have and the ones we may someday build better.

Oh, BTW, everyone who is for building more nuclear power plants sign a petition. It is going 10 miles from one of your homes!
How does a crisis at a reactor differ from a crisis at a coal fired plant, be careful now

If the coal plant ten miles from me explodes, no big deal. If the Calaway plant 100 miles west of me goes I worry about radiation and my kid's health.

Why, do you even know what your talking about? There are more safety measures in place to insure your child's well being with a nuclear plant, than a coal fired plant ever DREAMED ABOUT .

Oh, BTW, everyone who is for building more nuclear power plants sign a petition. It is going 10 miles from one of your homes!

Are you fucking serious? You'd find my name at the top of the list, nuclear power is the absolutely safest power generating median that we have today.

Grow up, and start thinking about YOUR kids, and not yourself.:eusa_hand:
If I sign the petition, can I have one of the jobs it'll create? I'm no nuclear engineer, but I can mop a floor and you're gonna need someone to mop the hallways.
trobinett, I honestly support nuclear power. I have had interaction with regulations just transporting nuclear material so I assume the government is ALL OVER nuclear power plants. To the extent we have had only one mishap most anyone is familiar with.

Perhaps the limitations of typing are making me seem more in disagreement....

Still though, we have the safety procedures in place because it is dangerous stuff.
How does a crisis at a reactor differ from a crisis at a coal fired plant, be careful now

Why, do you even know what your talking about? There are more safety measures in place to insure your child's well being with a nuclear plant, than a coal fired plant ever DREAMED ABOUT .

Oh, BTW, everyone who is for building more nuclear power plants sign a petition. It is going 10 miles from one of your homes!

Are you fucking serious? You'd find my name at the top of the list, nuclear power is the absolutely safest power generating median that we have today.

Grow up, and start thinking about YOUR kids, and not yourself.:eusa_hand:
If you were concerned with kids you wouldn't live on top of the third or fourth most dangerous spot on the M-pyre.
I'll go ahead and clap for myself and B uh murkin.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
They've pumped salt water into the Japanese reactor to cool it, which means it's finished.

Japan disaster may mean setback for U.S. nuclear industry

we have not built a pant in how long? what setback could be any worse than that?

and for the record this means that we can add safety features that may abrogate a cataclysmic events that we see unfolding, not that the greens care....there is no energy industry they would allow, if it went back to horsepower Peta would close that 'loophole' to.

Pretty sure there are some new plants under construction (though you're right we did not build any for an extended period).
There will be a backlash, but the real results of all this will have to wait on the actual report of what the hell happened. This will allow current designers to revise thier safery parameters.

From the concensus of the inital reports, the problems main cause was the tsunami, that either completely trashed the backup diesel generators, or somehow contaminated the fuel for the generators. One would now assume that the standards for the backup systems will be increased, with the units and fuel supply being placed into a hardened structure to prevent this from happening.

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