James Comey’s Book


Gold Member
Feb 9, 2017
In his absorbing new book, “A Higher Loyalty,” the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey calls the Trump presidency a “forest fire” that is doing serious damage to the country’s norms and traditions.
“This president is unethical, and untethered to truth and institutional values,” Comey writes. “His leadership is transactional, ego driven and about personal loyalty.”

James Comey unleashed.
What Comey has stated has been repeated thousands of times by generals, ambassadors, former CIA operatives and even people working for him.

James Comey Has a Story to Tell. It’s Very Persuasive. — The New York Times
And yet it is Trump who has rolled back obummers illegal EO's. EO's that contravened the Constitution of the USA. Seems like it was your hero, the obummer who had dreams of being a dictator. Further, it has been revealed that comey, along with his "mentor" mueller, railroaded four innocent men to prison for life, and they knew they were innocent, but they did it to protect one of their buddies.

That is about as unethical, and criminal an act as you can commit. Not sure I would want to associate with such now well known scumbags.
The Republican Party is complicit to at attack on American Institutions. They will pay at the polls for decades to come. trump is a cancer on this country.

Yes, Comey, an honorable man, is being trashed by the complicit Republican Party. I think the search on Cowen's home and office will be the death bell for trump. He will be found to be one of the most notorious criminals ever to sit in the White House. As I have said over and over before, trump is the scum of dog shit on the bottom of my boot.
The Irony....when trump begins to trash Comey's book, he will actually be selling it. The idiot is not smart enough to know that.
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And yet it is Trump who has rolled back obummers illegal EO's. EO's that contravened the Constitution of the USA. Seems like it was your hero, the obummer who had dreams of being a dictator. Further, it has been revealed that comey, along with his "mentor" mueller, railroaded four innocent men to prison for life, and they knew they were innocent, but they did it to protect one of their buddies.

That is about as unethical, and criminal an act as you can commit. Not sure I would want to associate with such now well known scumbags.
Have you forgotten all the EO’s Trump signed?
I bet you just love the one giving Big Coal the right to pollute with immunity.
In his absorbing new book, “A Higher Loyalty,” the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey calls the Trump presidency a “forest fire” that is doing serious damage to the country’s norms and traditions.
“This president is unethical, and untethered to truth and institutional values,” Comey writes. “His leadership is transactional, ego driven and about personal loyalty.”

James Comey unleashed.
What Comey has stated has been repeated thousands of times by generals, ambassadors, former CIA operatives and even people working for him.

James Comey Has a Story to Tell. It’s Very Persuasive. — The New York Times

I am not going to read this book, as far as I am concerned Comey was also responsible for interferring into the election, and really doesn't deserve to be recognized. In fact, Comey was under investigation over his interference into the election, prior to Trump firing him.
'None of it makes much sense': Experts are baffled by Comey's use of a fake Russian document to skirt the DOJ
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey's 'breach of protocol'
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election

I don't want to hear about James Comey's "loyalty to this country" & other B.S. he will spew about himself after what he has done.


Rod Rosenstein was right about James Comey in what he said in his memo--that Trump used to fire him.

There's a better book out there anyway.


Top seller on Amazon. Very well written, easy to follow, and hard to put down.
And yet it is Trump who has rolled back obummers illegal EO's. EO's that contravened the Constitution of the USA. Seems like it was your hero, the obummer who had dreams of being a dictator. Further, it has been revealed that comey, along with his "mentor" mueller, railroaded four innocent men to prison for life, and they knew they were innocent, but they did it to protect one of their buddies.

That is about as unethical, and criminal an act as you can commit. Not sure I would want to associate with such now well known scumbags.
Have you forgotten all the EO’s Trump signed?
I bet you just love the one giving Big Coal the right to pollute with immunity.

I haven't forgotten a single one. The important ones have rolled back obummers illegal ones.
Comey said that Hillary was 'Extremely careless,' but advises no charges for Clinton's illegal email server.
Attorney General Loretta Lynch has said she would accept the bureau's views in this case. LOL
The Democratic Party is totally corrupt.
We are seeing our democracy slip away with their abuse of power and lawlessness.
The Country's "norms and traditions"? Last time I looked the Trump rallies were chanting USA, USA. Does that damage Comey's idea of tradition?

Why won't president Trump attend a baseball game and throw out the first pitch? He was a ballplayer and must love the game?

What gives?
Fake news and absorbers of fake news talking points claim there is a conspiracy to "discredit" Comey. :p Reality discredits Comey!
Lots of those on the far right are already trashing his book and trying to discredit it.
Of course they are. You’re either for law and order or you’re with Trump.
The Left is for law and order. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! Obama and Hillary were both up to their respective asses in corruption and the Left couldn't care less. You are so full of it.
I heard the DNC is buying a bunch of the books and giving them away................part of the go fund me campaign..............

OOPS.............wrong book

This one.
Has Comey been outside Washington D.C. in the past couple of decades? Maybe he has bureaucratic bullshit confused with tradition. You almost gotta laugh that an FBI director would become hysterical about "norms and traditions" in an administration that is barely a year and a half old while the FBI failed to find two Russians in Boston, failed to find a troubled kid in Florida who shares a name with only six other people in the U.S. and dropped the investigation on a monster (who's father was a FBI informant) who opened fire in a crowded Florida nightclub. Meanwhile I read a recent article in Sports Illustrated that alleges that the FBI was used to intimidate a witness who would have blown the whistle on a sex scandal in the NCAA. When you factor in the leaks of fake news intended to undermine a sitting President you get an FBI that is leaderless and corrupt. Who polices the federal police?
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And yet it is Trump who has rolled back obummers illegal EO's. EO's that contravened the Constitution of the USA. Seems like it was your hero, the obummer who had dreams of being a dictator. Further, it has been revealed that comey, along with his "mentor" mueller, railroaded four innocent men to prison for life, and they knew they were innocent, but they did it to protect one of their buddies.

That is about as unethical, and criminal an act as you can commit. Not sure I would want to associate with such now well known scumbags.
Have you forgotten all the EO’s Trump signed?
I bet you just love the one giving Big Coal the right to pollute with immunity.

I haven't forgotten a single one. The important ones have rolled back obummers illegal ones.
So you’re FOR coal waste getting into people’s drinking water if Obama was against it.
Got it.

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