Jailed Russian call girl ready to dump on Trump

How deranged are the left today? They bet their hopes on criminals, Russians, call girls, comedians, movie stars, drug addled rockstars and teenagers.

This is what a year of butthurt does to a brain that wasn’t too stable to begin with.
This is YOUR president who cheats on his wife and cavorts and pays off porn stars.
Yet like the asshole you are you blame the democrats for Trump being a scumbag.

Reading comprehension not your strong suit I see.

You see what you want to see, much as you hear what you want to hear. Trump knows this, and that is why his demagoguery is so effective on people like you.

People like you, you may ask. I'll tell you. People like you are callous, selfish, ignorant, poorly educated and not very bright. Worse, people like you are incurious, bigoted and cannot learn from experience or the experience of others.

all they are saying................ is give trump a chance..............
Mueller is all over this Russian hooker
Strzok has already demonstrated a 'Slick Willy-esque' propensity for engaging in adulterous affairs. Perhaps he will be the one to drag a Ruble through the proverbial Russian 'trailer park'... :p
Think of it this way: Mueller's had the full power of the Federal government at his disposal for a year, including illegally obtained FISA warrants on Trump Campaign, and a set up from Obama allowing the Russian lawyer to overstay her visa and attempt to entrap the Trump Campaign, and his best shot is a Russian hooker in a jail in Thailand.

Shut her down!
If true (highly doubtful) all I gotta say is nice job Mr. President. This seals my vote for 2020! Oh, and Liberals approve of the cheating part.

ever get the feeling that if trump didn't pay he'd get nothing?

feeling? anybody with eyes & ears knows that to be fact.
Think of it this way: Mueller's had the full power of the Federal government at his disposal for a year, including illegally obtained FISA warrants on Trump Campaign, and a set up from Obama allowing the Russian lawyer to overstay her visa and attempt to entrap the Trump Campaign, and his best shot is a Russian hooker in a jail in Thailand.

Shut her down!

Not even close Sherlock....as Mueller encircled the Orange One...he is losing his mind....as insignificant as it is.
Think of it this way: Mueller's had the full power of the Federal government at his disposal for a year, including illegally obtained FISA warrants on Trump Campaign, and a set up from Obama allowing the Russian lawyer to overstay her visa and attempt to entrap the Trump Campaign, and his best shot is a Russian hooker in a jail in Thailand.

Shut her down!

Not even close Sherlock....as Mueller encircled the Orange One...he is losing his mind....as insignificant as it is.

Don't take CrusaderFrank seriously, serious issues are beyond the scope of his knowledge, or in some of the immortal words of Rod Serling, CF's posts take you to another dimension, a dimension not only of the sights and sounds of idiot-grams, but a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imaginations. That's the signpost up ahead - your next stop, the Conspiracy Zone.
Think of it this way: Mueller's had the full power of the Federal government at his disposal for a year, including illegally obtained FISA warrants on Trump Campaign, and a set up from Obama allowing the Russian lawyer to overstay her visa and attempt to entrap the Trump Campaign, and his best shot is a Russian hooker in a jail in Thailand.

Shut her down!

Not even close Sherlock....as Mueller encircled the Orange One...he is losing his mind....as insignificant as it is.

LOL!!! Yeah, that's why a Russian Hooker in a Thai prison is your new hero.
Think of it this way: Mueller's had the full power of the Federal government at his disposal for a year, including illegally obtained FISA warrants on Trump Campaign, and a set up from Obama allowing the Russian lawyer to overstay her visa and attempt to entrap the Trump Campaign, and his best shot is a Russian hooker in a jail in Thailand.

Shut her down!

Not even close Sherlock....as Mueller encircled the Orange One...he is losing his mind....as insignificant as it is.

Don't take CrusaderFrank seriously, serious issues are beyond the scope of his knowledge, or in some of the immortal words of Rod Serling, CF's posts take you to another dimension, a dimension not only of the sights and sounds of idiot-grams, but a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imaginations. That's the signpost up ahead - your next stop, the Conspiracy Zone.

Check under the Russian hookers prison garb for the "Trump consipred to collude with Putin" evidence.

You guys are a scream!
Jailed Russian hooker+ Thailand prison = Trump conspired to collude with Putin.

She waited until she got arrested in Thailand to spit out this new intel.

The dossier was fake. This is how demented y'all are.
C'mon, LBT. Don't ruin their fun! And besides, it's entertaining to see just how loony these shitbirds can be. They've been firing at Trump since June '15, predicting each new salvo was gonna be THE one to sink him, and all they've accomplished is getting him nominated, elected, and watching his agenda pass them by. Quite the hoot IMO.
Democrats have thrown boomerangs at the President. only to have them return and hit them in their own heads, exposing their own crimes, then they try to distract and / or claim that they are the victims of a vicious false attack...initiated by themselves...

Snowflakes be like...


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