I've obtained a course syllabus for Obama's black Ed Dept.


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
9:00 Beginning Basketball
10:00 How to avoid math, science, and work
11:00 Intermediate Basketball
12:00 lunch
1:00 English Composition. fall qtr Dreams of my Father Winter qtr: Audicity of Hope Spring:
change we can believe in.
2:00 Advanced Basketball
3:00 How to bankroll the muslim faith at the university you plan on attending.

anyone believe that these students will be held to the same standards as other graduates are or just soft bigotry of low expectations.
9:00 Beginning Basketball
10:00 How to avoid math, science, and work
11:00 Intermediate Basketball
12:00 lunch
1:00 English Composition. fall qtr Dreams of my Father Winter qtr: Audicity of Hope Spring:
change we can believe in.
2:00 Advanced Basketball
3:00 How to bankroll the muslim faith at the university you plan on attending.

anyone believe that these students will be held to the same standards as other graduates are or just soft bigotry of low expectations.

I think it's funny, because it's not just blacks, it the schools themselves that do it. Public schools are a joke. We had a class called Perspectives on Death, worst class I've ever had...wtf????
Schools should have Civics, history, math, science, geography, and then maybe home ec and woodshop to put something fun. I didnt mind PE, it was fun, we did bball, volleyball and learned weightlifting, all that stuff. But trying to practice life type classes is stupid, like Moving In (a real class at my high school) where people pretended to be roomates, you cant simulate real life and that's the kind of crap they try to put in.
EXACTLY...if they'd spend HALF as much time time and effort teaching just the 3 r's as they are trying to teach grade school kids who will likely never meet a gay till they are adults that it's OK to be gay or cultural awareness and on and on...we wouldn't BE 25th in the world or whatever it is.

By the way tyrone...it's Dreams FROM My Father, NOT Dreams OF My Father. VERY different things. And if you know ANYTHING about his fathers...EITHER ONE...you will know just exactly WHY that difference is so important!

NOT men I'd be getting my or want anyone I gave a crap about getting their dreams from!
I'll tell you where expectations are NOT LOW.. That's in the Oakland Military Academy that Jerry Brown risked his career to help start. Kids going there 8 - 10 hours a day, rigorous discipline, more advanced placement test-takers than any other ghetto in California. Same with academies in Harlem started by folks who got tired of "low expectations"..

We KNOW these kids can compete. We KNOW how to motivate them.. The public school system is incapable of seeing these kids as future Chemical Engineers, CEOs and Scientists. Now -- that's disgusting and racist.

I put a challenge to Jesse Jackson in the San Jose Mercury news when he showed up in Silicon Valley to shake down the hi tech community for guilt money.. Basically told him the same thing. You bring a train-load of qualified young black engineers and scientists to me and I'd quit my job until everyone was employed. Would have taken me less than a month. And my boss read the article and offered me the time off to do it.. LOL...
9:00 Beginning Basketball
10:00 How to avoid math, science, and work
11:00 Intermediate Basketball
12:00 lunch
1:00 English Composition. fall qtr Dreams of my Father Winter qtr: Audicity of Hope Spring:
change we can believe in.
2:00 Advanced Basketball
3:00 How to bankroll the muslim faith at the university you plan on attending.

anyone believe that these students will be held to the same standards as other graduates are or just soft bigotry of low expectations.

I think it's funny, because it's not just blacks, it the schools themselves that do it. Public schools are a joke. We had a class called Perspectives on Death, worst class I've ever had...wtf????
Schools should have Civics, history, math, science, geography, and then maybe home ec and woodshop to put something fun. I didnt mind PE, it was fun, we did bball, volleyball and learned weightlifting, all that stuff. But trying to practice life type classes is stupid, like Moving In (a real class at my high school) where people pretended to be roomates, you cant simulate real life and that's the kind of crap they try to put in.

I remember a High School class called Americanism versus Communism.. Required by the state of Florida in the 70s.. And to make it interesting -- they hired a card - carrying Commie to teach it !!!!!!!!!!!

A little poke in the eye to the Conservatives that legislated that requirement? doya think?

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