I've Got 'Ya 1% Right Here!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
I just heard two interviews with Peter Schweizer discussing his new book, "Throw Them All Out."

I'll bet most of us suspected this legal-illegal game that politicians play, but Schweizer names names and explains the game. While I have only ordered the book, not read it, the following is from several reviews on Amazon; read, and watch your blood pressure rise.

1. Schweizer points out that if you're an elected official and you sit on an important committee, you are allowed to trade on the information that comes to you or even results from your committee-related decisions. It stands to reason that if you're on the banking committee, you probably trade bank stocks, playing it both long and short. If you're a staffer, you may accumulate sensitive information and sell it to hedge funds. A lot of careerists trade on non-public information.

2. Nancy Pelosi, the 60th Speaker of the United States House of Representatives with an estimated net worth of $58 million, bought 5,000 shares of V (Visa) at the privileged IPO price $44. This trade showed a profit immediately and the shares went up to about $88 in a matter of days. However, Pelosi worked on major legislation that if it had not been killed in the body she led, would have had a strong negative affect on the price right at that time. The rest of us can't do it because we're subject to strict conflict of interest rules, unlike lawmakers. Plus, we're not invited to participate in IPOs until after the price is run up.

3. Congressmen are big winners in the stock market. They cultivate companies in their loyalty structure from whom they get insider information often at the committee level. There are many ways they get rich while serving constituents, especially if you know what big deal Warren Buffett will do and when. Many names are given in this book of successful inside information operators within Congress.

4. The Pay-to-Play regime and the flow of insider information can be used by even the most novice traders using an online brokerage account. One big story is how Congressman Spensor [sic] Bachus used a private meeting with Fed Chair Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Paulson. Bachus was in the role of Ranking Member on the House Financial Services Committee. He used the dire information presented to him in this meeting to bet heavily that the market would go down, using option trades. Bachus, working with Bernanke and Paulson from July 2008 to November 2008, scalped $50K out of the falling market. The book has lots of war stories like that.

5. …the political class is so intelligent that they--get this!--compel CEOs to let them buy lucrative shares in IPOs at very low prices in exchange for passing favorable legislation for those CEOs! And all the while, the stupid idiot people of America--that would be you and me who have a 9 to 5 job, worship God and like to go to a ballgame every now and then--just carry on with their ignorance-is-bliss lives while the political class keeps enriching their wealth, power and influence in this way!! Genius...simply genius!

"Our government is completely corrupt.

Yes, this behavior may be technically legal, because of an absurd loophole that makes insider-trading rules not apply to Congress."
Rep. Spencer Bachus Should Resign In Disgrace - Business Insider
I'm no fan of Nancy Pelosi but I gotta ask my self; "Why does "The Machine" want to destroy Nancy Pelosi and why now"? :confused:

But yeah, our gov't is not only completely corrupt but because of that corruption has been taken over by The Privately Owned Federal Reserve and it's International Shareholders.

You wonder why Politicians and Judges always seem to go against what the People want? This is why. Our entire Gov't is being held hostage. That's not an exaggeration.
I'm no fan of Nancy Pelosi but I gotta ask my self; "Why does "The Machine" want to destroy Nancy Pelosi and why now"? :confused:

But yeah, our gov't is not only completely corrupt but because of that corruption has been taken over by The Privately Owned Federal Reserve and it's International Shareholders.

You wonder why Politicians and Judges always seem to go against what the People want? This is why. Our entire Gov't is being held hostage. That's not an exaggeration.

Doc, help me with this...it seems a straight line from pols having the inside info, to using same to become wealthy.

Seems to fit as per Occam's Razor.

So...wheredoes the Fed fit in?
Would there not be this corruption based on opportunity without the Fed?
I'm no fan of Nancy Pelosi but I gotta ask my self; "Why does "The Machine" want to destroy Nancy Pelosi and why now"? :confused:

But yeah, our gov't is not only completely corrupt but because of that corruption has been taken over by The Privately Owned Federal Reserve and it's International Shareholders.

You wonder why Politicians and Judges always seem to go against what the People want? This is why. Our entire Gov't is being held hostage. That's not an exaggeration.

Doc, help me with this...it seems a straight line from pols having the inside info, to using same to become wealthy.

Seems to fit as per Occam's Razor.

So...wheredoes the Fed fit in?
Would there not be this corruption based on opportunity without the Fed?
Corruption has existed since the beginning of time and as long as men have power over other men, there will be corruption. But using the Federal Reserve, that corruption is increased by orders of magnitude.

The Constitution says that Congress shall control the money supply. But thanks to the Federal Reserve Act that established the Bank in 1913 (And also established the IRS) Congress doesn't control the money supply anymore, the Fed does. And the name "Federal Reserve" is a trick. It's no more Federal than Federal Express. It's a Privately Owned Bank.

It used to be that the gov't printed money when it was needed. As economic activity increased the gov't would increase the money supply. There was never more dollars in circulation than was needed to cover the current economic activity. A dollar issued in 1900 was worth a dollar, it had no interest attached to it that needed to be paid to any banker.

But when a dollar is issued by the Federal Reserve it's issued "at interest" because the US Gov't is borrowing it from the Federal Reserve. US Gov't borrows it, the Tax Payers pay it back with interest.

Now the US Gov't has the power to revoke the Federal Reserve's Charter when they wish. How much corruption would you think is involved by the Federal Reserve and it's leaders along with our Congressmen in keeping the Bank open. Trillions of dollars are at stake, you think the Bank is just gonna' let that all get away from them? I guarantee you they have Congress in their pockets. And those that aren't paid off are blackmailed by something else in their past. Pedophelia, adultery, closet gays, drug use, etc.

I know this is a difficult concept to grasp as we've been living under the "debt money" system all of our lives. We know nothing else.

Did you know that without the Federal Reserve the House you own would only cost the List Price plus a few fees?

If you bought a house for 159,000, you would pay back 159,000 plus associated fees. Not the 100-200,000 or so that the Federal Reserve adds on in compound interest.

The reason you do is because the US gov't borrows money from the Federal Reserve at interest and loans it to US Banks who then loan it to you. So the Federal Reserve gets free money from Congress who then loans it out at about a 3% interest rate. Pretty good scam eh?

FRB: The Discount Rate
The discount rate is the interest rate charged to commercial banks and other depository institutions on loans they receive from their regional Federal Reserve Bank's lending facility--the discount window. The Federal Reserve Banks offer three discount window programs to depository institutions: primary credit, secondary credit, and seasonal credit, each with its own interest rate. All discount window loans are fully secured (by the taxpayers).
The FED creates money from nothing, it loans it back to us through banks, and charges interest on our currency. The FED also buys Gov't debt with money printed on a printing press and charges US Taxpayers interest.

You think there could be any corruption there?
I'm no fan of Nancy Pelosi but I gotta ask my self; "Why does "The Machine" want to destroy Nancy Pelosi and why now"? :confused:

But yeah, our gov't is not only completely corrupt but because of that corruption has been taken over by The Privately Owned Federal Reserve and it's International Shareholders.

You wonder why Politicians and Judges always seem to go against what the People want? This is why. Our entire Gov't is being held hostage. That's not an exaggeration.

Doc, help me with this...it seems a straight line from pols having the inside info, to using same to become wealthy.

Seems to fit as per Occam's Razor.

So...wheredoes the Fed fit in?
Would there not be this corruption based on opportunity without the Fed?
Corruption has existed since the beginning of time and as long as men have power over other men, there will be corruption. But using the Federal Reserve, that corruption is increased by orders of magnitude.

The Constitution says that Congress shall control the money supply. But thanks to the Federal Reserve Act that established the Bank in 1913 (And also established the IRS) Congress doesn't control the money supply anymore, the Fed does. And the name "Federal Reserve" is a trick. It's no more Federal than Federal Express. It's a Privately Owned Bank.

It used to be that the gov't printed money when it was needed. As economic activity increased the gov't would increase the money supply. There was never more dollars in circulation than was needed to cover the current economic activity. A dollar issued in 1900 was worth a dollar, it had no interest attached to it that needed to be paid to any banker.

But when a dollar is issued by the Federal Reserve it's issued "at interest" because the US Gov't is borrowing it from the Federal Reserve. US Gov't borrows it, the Tax Payers pay it back with interest.

Now the US Gov't has the power to revoke the Federal Reserve's Charter when they wish. How much corruption would you think is involved by the Federal Reserve and it's leaders along with our Congressmen in keeping the Bank open. Trillions of dollars are at stake, you think the Bank is just gonna' let that all get away from them? I guarantee you they have Congress in their pockets. And those that aren't paid off are blackmailed by something else in their past. Pedophelia, adultery, closet gays, drug use, etc.

I know this is a difficult concept to grasp as we've been living under the "debt money" system all of our lives. We know nothing else.

Did you know that without the Federal Reserve the House you own would only cost the List Price plus a few fees?

If you bought a house for 159,000, you would pay back 159,000 plus associated fees. Not the 100-200,000 or so that the Federal Reserve adds on in compound interest.

The reason you do is because the US gov't borrows money from the Federal Reserve at interest and loans it to US Banks who then loan it to you. So the Federal Reserve gets free money from Congress who then loans it out at about a 3% interest rate. Pretty good scam eh?

FRB: The Discount Rate
The discount rate is the interest rate charged to commercial banks and other depository institutions on loans they receive from their regional Federal Reserve Bank's lending facility--the discount window. The Federal Reserve Banks offer three discount window programs to depository institutions: primary credit, secondary credit, and seasonal credit, each with its own interest rate. All discount window loans are fully secured (by the taxpayers).
The FED creates money from nothing, it loans it back to us through banks, and charges interest on our currency. The FED also buys Gov't debt with money printed on a printing press and charges US Taxpayers interest.

You think there could be any corruption there?

This is why I support abolishing the Fed and going back to the gold standard. We wouldn't be in the financial mess we're in today had we done this a long time ago. Freaking phantom currency.. MOVE OVER MONOPOLY, here comes the Fed Reserve!
I'm no fan of Nancy Pelosi but I gotta ask my self; "Why does "The Machine" want to destroy Nancy Pelosi and why now"? :confused:

But yeah, our gov't is not only completely corrupt but because of that corruption has been taken over by The Privately Owned Federal Reserve and it's International Shareholders.

You wonder why Politicians and Judges always seem to go against what the People want? This is why. Our entire Gov't is being held hostage. That's not an exaggeration.

if you read it, you would know it is by no means partisan..,..I did not reads it however....but I saw exerpts that cited people of both sides of the aisle.
It is not about "the machine" taking down Pelosi.
It cites a stock deal Pelosi was involved in that netted her a nice little profit in a matter of days as an example of the issue
It also cited a congressman who bought a plot of farmland in the middle of nowhere for a song...and then put in an earmark to have a highway built that went right along the land he bought...doubling its value...and, of course, he then sold it.
Well PC, it seems that you have it all figured out. Our only problem is Democrats. Get rid of them and our problems are over...
I'm no fan of Nancy Pelosi but I gotta ask my self; "Why does "The Machine" want to destroy Nancy Pelosi and why now"? :confused:

But yeah, our gov't is not only completely corrupt but because of that corruption has been taken over by The Privately Owned Federal Reserve and it's International Shareholders.

You wonder why Politicians and Judges always seem to go against what the People want? This is why. Our entire Gov't is being held hostage. That's not an exaggeration.

if you read it, you would know it is by no means partisan..,..I did not reads it however....but I saw exerpts that cited people of both sides of the aisle.
It is not about "the machine" taking down Pelosi.
It cites a stock deal Pelosi was involved in that netted her a nice little profit in a matter of days as an example of the issue
It also cited a congressman who bought a plot of farmland in the middle of nowhere for a song...and then put in an earmark to have a highway built that went right along the land he bought...doubling its value...and, of course, he then sold it.
But a corrupted Nanci Pelosi is an ally to "The Machine".

You cite her crimes yet I can say with confidence that the vast majority of our Congressmen are corrupted in some way, shape or form. That isn't the real story.

is she being destroyed and why now? Can you answer that? :confused:
I'm no fan of Nancy Pelosi but I gotta ask my self; "Why does "The Machine" want to destroy Nancy Pelosi and why now"? :confused:

But yeah, our gov't is not only completely corrupt but because of that corruption has been taken over by The Privately Owned Federal Reserve and it's International Shareholders.

You wonder why Politicians and Judges always seem to go against what the People want? This is why. Our entire Gov't is being held hostage. That's not an exaggeration.

if you read it, you would know it is by no means partisan..,..I did not reads it however....but I saw exerpts that cited people of both sides of the aisle.
It is not about "the machine" taking down Pelosi.
It cites a stock deal Pelosi was involved in that netted her a nice little profit in a matter of days as an example of the issue
It also cited a congressman who bought a plot of farmland in the middle of nowhere for a song...and then put in an earmark to have a highway built that went right along the land he bought...doubling its value...and, of course, he then sold it.
But a corrupted Nanci Pelosi is an ally to "The Machine".

You cite her crimes yet I can say with confidence that the vast majority of our Congressmen are corrupted in some way, shape or form. That isn't the real story.

is she being destroyed and why now? Can you answer that? :confused:

This is not a book written to destroy Pelosi.
It is written to expose the corruption in congress.
Pelosi is one of MANY cited as being invoilved in questionable insider practices...

This is a book attacking congress as a whole....as is evident by its title.
Well PC, it seems that you have it all figured out. Our only problem is Democrats. Get rid of them and our problems are over...

I'm OK with Scoop Jackson Democrats....

....but the communists who have co-opted the party must go.

Gonna miss ya', BoringFriendlessGuy!
Well PC, it seems that you have it all figured out. Our only problem is Democrats. Get rid of them and our problems are over...

I'm OK with Scoop Jackson Democrats....

....but the communists who have co-opted the party must go.

Gonna miss ya', BoringFriendlessGuy!

Scoop Jackson Democrats are now Republicans. They are called neo(new)conservatives.

Like they say Robins and Blue Jays don't nest together...
Well PC, it seems that you have it all figured out. Our only problem is Democrats. Get rid of them and our problems are over...

I'm OK with Scoop Jackson Democrats....

....but the communists who have co-opted the party must go.

Gonna miss ya', BoringFriendlessGuy!

Scoop Jackson Democrats are now Republicans. They are called neo(new)conservatives.

Like they say Robins and Blue Jays don't nest together...

Are you still upset because Sam Webb doesn't accept your mash notes??

You remain more outta' left field than Brett Gardner!

The far left communist/socialists took control of the Democrat Party, and pushedd it into postions that marginalized normal Democrats.

Folks with no mind of their own (shoe fit?) remained and accepted the change.

In your case, I knew all I had to know when you signed your name ‘Jenius.’
I'm OK with Scoop Jackson Democrats....

....but the communists who have co-opted the party must go.

Gonna miss ya', BoringFriendlessGuy!

Scoop Jackson Democrats are now Republicans. They are called neo(new)conservatives.

Like they say Robins and Blue Jays don't nest together...

Are you still upset because Sam Webb doesn't accept your mash notes??

You remain more outta' left field than Brett Gardner!

The far left communist/socialists took control of the Democrat Party, and pushedd it into postions that marginalized normal Democrats.

Folks with no mind of their own (shoe fit?) remained and accepted the change.

In your case, I knew all I had to know when you signed your name ‘Jenius.’

Actually, the commies left the party, they ARE the neocons. The "commies" are ALL in the GOP...Ronbo Reagan welcomed them into OUR government ...The NEOCONS



Irving Kristol

Widely referred to as the "godfather" of neoconservatism, Mr. Kristol was part of the "New York Intellectuals," a group of critics mainly of Eastern European Jewish descent. In the late 1930s, he studied at City College of New York where he became a Trotskyist. From 1947 to 1952, he was the managing editor of Commentary magazine, later called the "neocon bible."

By the late 1960s, Kristol had shifted from left to right on the political spectrum, due partly to what he considered excesses and anti-Americanism among liberals. Kristol built the intellectual framework of neoconservatism, founding and editing journals such as The Public Interest and The National Interest.

Kristol is a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and author of numerous books, including "Neoconservatism: The Autobiography of an Idea." He is the father of Weekly Standard editor and oft-quoted neoconservative William Kristol.

Key figures

US News / Special: Empire Builders | Christian Science Monitor

Leon Trotsky


Scoop Jackson Democrats are now Republicans. They are called neo(new)conservatives.

Like they say Robins and Blue Jays don't nest together...

Are you still upset because Sam Webb doesn't accept your mash notes??

You remain more outta' left field than Brett Gardner!

The far left communist/socialists took control of the Democrat Party, and pushedd it into postions that marginalized normal Democrats.

Folks with no mind of their own (shoe fit?) remained and accepted the change.

In your case, I knew all I had to know when you signed your name ‘Jenius.’

Actually, the commies left the party, they ARE the neocons. The "commies" are ALL in the GOP...Ronbo Reagan welcomed them into OUR government ...The NEOCONS



Irving Kristol

Widely referred to as the "godfather" of neoconservatism, Mr. Kristol was part of the "New York Intellectuals," a group of critics mainly of Eastern European Jewish descent. In the late 1930s, he studied at City College of New York where he became a Trotskyist. From 1947 to 1952, he was the managing editor of Commentary magazine, later called the "neocon bible."

By the late 1960s, Kristol had shifted from left to right on the political spectrum, due partly to what he considered excesses and anti-Americanism among liberals. Kristol built the intellectual framework of neoconservatism, founding and editing journals such as The Public Interest and The National Interest.

Kristol is a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and author of numerous books, including "Neoconservatism: The Autobiography of an Idea." He is the father of Weekly Standard editor and oft-quoted neoconservative William Kristol.

Key figures

US News / Special: Empire Builders | Christian Science Monitor

Leon Trotsky



....you always trick me into giving you free lessons!


1. In 1923 Georg Lukacs helped establish a Marxist research center at the University of Frankfurt under the sponsorship of Felix Weil. Like Marx’s benefactor, Friedrich Engels, Weil was the son of a wealthy capitalist and an ardent Marxist who had earned a Ph.D. in political science from Frankfurt University. These rich slackers used family money to fund the Institute for Social Research, best known as the institutional home of the Frankfurt School and critical theory. http://www.lust-for-life.org/Lust-F...turalMarxismAndPoliticalCorrectness-part2.pdf

a. …the Institute attracted gifted scholars not only in economics but also in philosophy, history, psychology, sociology… convinced that the major impediment to the spread of Marxism was Western culture. In particular, they despised traditional Judeo/Christian ethics and morality, which they believed prevented the widespread acceptance of Marxism.

b. The Frankfurt School propagated a revisionistic Neo-Marxist interpretation of Western culture called Critical Theory, an aggressive promotion of a radical left-wing socio/political agenda. In essence, Critical Theory was a comprehensive and unrelenting assault on the values and institutions of Western civilization. Based on utopian social and political ideals, Critical Theory offered no realistic alternatives, but it was nonetheless a devastating critique of the history, philosophy, politics, social and economic structures, major institutions, and religious foundations of Western civilization.

2. The Frankfurt School’s research was never impartial scholarship but the aggressive promotion of a radical left-wing socio/political agenda. “the true object of Marxism... was not the uncovering of immutable truths, but the fostering of social change.”

a. The conservative research scholar,William S. Lind, is more blunt: The goal of Critical Theory was not truth but praxis, or revolutionary action: bringing the current society and culture down through unremitting, destructive criticism. [William S. Lind, “Further Readings in the Frankfurt School,”
in Political Correctness: A Short History of an ideology.

b. For these intellectuals, neither truth nor reason (including Marxist dogmas) were immutable nor transcendent,, and, in fact, truth is only related to the historic time period in which it is found. So, truth, for them, is whatever fosters social change, and if there is an enduring truth, it is the critique of bourgeois society and its values.

3. “Under Horkheimer’s leadership the Frankfurt School attracted some brilliant scholars and intellectuals such as Theodor Adorno, Eric Fromm, Wilhelm Reich, Walter Benjamin, Leo Lowenthal and Herbert Marcuse. Like Trotsky, Luxemburg, Lukacs, Bela Kun and other notable European Marxists in the early 1900s, many of the Frankfurt scholars were secular Jews, a fact that the Nazis successfully exploited in their propaganda regarding a “Jewish conspiracy” of Communist intellectuals who were perverting German society.” Ibid.

a. The Critical Theorists held a common commitment to Neo-Marxism and the belief that Western civilization has been an imperialistic and repressive force in human history – especially, Western Christianity. In their view, Western civilization was built on aggression, oppression, racism, slavery, classism and sexual repression.

b. Thus, there is a straight line from the Frankfurt School to the formation in many colleges and universities of programs, and departments of African-American Studies, Ethnic Studies, Feminist Studies, Peace Studies, and LGBT (Lesbian/Gay/Bi-sexual/Transgender) Studies.

c. While taking the lead in the culture war on behalf of the downtrodden, our friends in the Frankfurt School kept their distance from the unwashed masses, and while repudiating the capitalist system, they continued the lifestyles of haute bourgeoisie.”

4. Based on their influence on the New Left from the ‘60’s, these neo-Marxists have largely succeeded in terms of secularizing American culture and undermining traditional values and institutions, and much of its ideology, inspiration and tactics were gleaned from the Frankfurt School’s Institute of Social Research.

a. A key component of Critical Theory was its integration of Marxism with Darwinism and Freudianism, which, based on the idea of sexual repression, could be used against Judeo-Christian morality. Wilhelm Reich combined Darwin and Freud, and propounded the idea that humans are no different than any other animals in terms of sex, and therefore, there need be no sexual restrictions, and the blame should be placed on the authoritarian structure of the traditional family.

5. As a result of the ascension of the Nazis, the Frankfurt School moved to Geneva, and then to New York City. The openness, freedom and liberty of the United States is all they needed to infect this society and its cultural institutions. Too many simply ignored the onslaught…”And the most dangerous thing you can do with a driven leftist intellectual clique is ignore it!” Breitbart, “Righteous Indignation,” p. 114.

a. Who could imagine that that a group could come to our nation, learn of our incredible freedom and liberty, yet wish to destroy it??? That’s exactly what the Frankfurt School wanted to do.

b. “The Frankfurt School of philosophers emigrated from Nazi Germany and became dyspeptic critics of American culture. Several landed in Southern California where they were disturbed by the consumer culture and the gospel of relentless cheeriness. Depressive by nature, they focused on the disappointments and venality that surrounded them and how unnecessary it all was. It could be paradise, Theodor Adorno complained, but it was only California.” Editorial Observer - What’s Hot on This BBC Podcast? The Siege of Munster (1534-35) - NYTimes.com

6. Waiting to ally themselves with the Frankfurt School Marxists were the Americans who had accepted the Wilson/TR synthesis of Hegel and Marx. And a welcoming ‘nest’ was provided for these vipers by the Columbia University Sociology department. And, the perfect storm: America was up for helping scholars fleeing from Germany. The guy in charge of this was Edward R. Murrow, the Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars.

Bet you just loved Murrow, huh?
Are you still upset because Sam Webb doesn't accept your mash notes??

You remain more outta' left field than Brett Gardner!

The far left communist/socialists took control of the Democrat Party, and pushedd it into postions that marginalized normal Democrats.

Folks with no mind of their own (shoe fit?) remained and accepted the change.

In your case, I knew all I had to know when you signed your name ‘Jenius.’

Actually, the commies left the party, they ARE the neocons. The "commies" are ALL in the GOP...Ronbo Reagan welcomed them into OUR government ...The NEOCONS



Irving Kristol

Widely referred to as the "godfather" of neoconservatism, Mr. Kristol was part of the "New York Intellectuals," a group of critics mainly of Eastern European Jewish descent. In the late 1930s, he studied at City College of New York where he became a Trotskyist. From 1947 to 1952, he was the managing editor of Commentary magazine, later called the "neocon bible."

By the late 1960s, Kristol had shifted from left to right on the political spectrum, due partly to what he considered excesses and anti-Americanism among liberals. Kristol built the intellectual framework of neoconservatism, founding and editing journals such as The Public Interest and The National Interest.

Kristol is a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and author of numerous books, including "Neoconservatism: The Autobiography of an Idea." He is the father of Weekly Standard editor and oft-quoted neoconservative William Kristol.

Key figures

US News / Special: Empire Builders | Christian Science Monitor

Leon Trotsky



....you always trick me into giving you free lessons!


1. In 1923 Georg Lukacs helped establish a Marxist research center at the University of Frankfurt under the sponsorship of Felix Weil. Like Marx’s benefactor, Friedrich Engels, Weil was the son of a wealthy capitalist and an ardent Marxist who had earned a Ph.D. in political science from Frankfurt University. These rich slackers used family money to fund the Institute for Social Research, best known as the institutional home of the Frankfurt School and critical theory. http://www.lust-for-life.org/Lust-F...turalMarxismAndPoliticalCorrectness-part2.pdf

a. …the Institute attracted gifted scholars not only in economics but also in philosophy, history, psychology, sociology… convinced that the major impediment to the spread of Marxism was Western culture. In particular, they despised traditional Judeo/Christian ethics and morality, which they believed prevented the widespread acceptance of Marxism.

b. The Frankfurt School propagated a revisionistic Neo-Marxist interpretation of Western culture called Critical Theory, an aggressive promotion of a radical left-wing socio/political agenda. In essence, Critical Theory was a comprehensive and unrelenting assault on the values and institutions of Western civilization. Based on utopian social and political ideals, Critical Theory offered no realistic alternatives, but it was nonetheless a devastating critique of the history, philosophy, politics, social and economic structures, major institutions, and religious foundations of Western civilization.

2. The Frankfurt School’s research was never impartial scholarship but the aggressive promotion of a radical left-wing socio/political agenda. “the true object of Marxism... was not the uncovering of immutable truths, but the fostering of social change.”

a. The conservative research scholar,William S. Lind, is more blunt: The goal of Critical Theory was not truth but praxis, or revolutionary action: bringing the current society and culture down through unremitting, destructive criticism. [William S. Lind, “Further Readings in the Frankfurt School,”
in Political Correctness: A Short History of an ideology.

b. For these intellectuals, neither truth nor reason (including Marxist dogmas) were immutable nor transcendent,, and, in fact, truth is only related to the historic time period in which it is found. So, truth, for them, is whatever fosters social change, and if there is an enduring truth, it is the critique of bourgeois society and its values.

3. “Under Horkheimer’s leadership the Frankfurt School attracted some brilliant scholars and intellectuals such as Theodor Adorno, Eric Fromm, Wilhelm Reich, Walter Benjamin, Leo Lowenthal and Herbert Marcuse. Like Trotsky, Luxemburg, Lukacs, Bela Kun and other notable European Marxists in the early 1900s, many of the Frankfurt scholars were secular Jews, a fact that the Nazis successfully exploited in their propaganda regarding a “Jewish conspiracy” of Communist intellectuals who were perverting German society.” Ibid.

a. The Critical Theorists held a common commitment to Neo-Marxism and the belief that Western civilization has been an imperialistic and repressive force in human history – especially, Western Christianity. In their view, Western civilization was built on aggression, oppression, racism, slavery, classism and sexual repression.

b. Thus, there is a straight line from the Frankfurt School to the formation in many colleges and universities of programs, and departments of African-American Studies, Ethnic Studies, Feminist Studies, Peace Studies, and LGBT (Lesbian/Gay/Bi-sexual/Transgender) Studies.

c. While taking the lead in the culture war on behalf of the downtrodden, our friends in the Frankfurt School kept their distance from the unwashed masses, and while repudiating the capitalist system, they continued the lifestyles of haute bourgeoisie.”

4. Based on their influence on the New Left from the ‘60’s, these neo-Marxists have largely succeeded in terms of secularizing American culture and undermining traditional values and institutions, and much of its ideology, inspiration and tactics were gleaned from the Frankfurt School’s Institute of Social Research.

a. A key component of Critical Theory was its integration of Marxism with Darwinism and Freudianism, which, based on the idea of sexual repression, could be used against Judeo-Christian morality. Wilhelm Reich combined Darwin and Freud, and propounded the idea that humans are no different than any other animals in terms of sex, and therefore, there need be no sexual restrictions, and the blame should be placed on the authoritarian structure of the traditional family.

5. As a result of the ascension of the Nazis, the Frankfurt School moved to Geneva, and then to New York City. The openness, freedom and liberty of the United States is all they needed to infect this society and its cultural institutions. Too many simply ignored the onslaught…”And the most dangerous thing you can do with a driven leftist intellectual clique is ignore it!” Breitbart, “Righteous Indignation,” p. 114.

a. Who could imagine that that a group could come to our nation, learn of our incredible freedom and liberty, yet wish to destroy it??? That’s exactly what the Frankfurt School wanted to do.

b. “The Frankfurt School of philosophers emigrated from Nazi Germany and became dyspeptic critics of American culture. Several landed in Southern California where they were disturbed by the consumer culture and the gospel of relentless cheeriness. Depressive by nature, they focused on the disappointments and venality that surrounded them and how unnecessary it all was. It could be paradise, Theodor Adorno complained, but it was only California.” Editorial Observer - What’s Hot on This BBC Podcast? The Siege of Munster (1534-35) - NYTimes.com

6. Waiting to ally themselves with the Frankfurt School Marxists were the Americans who had accepted the Wilson/TR synthesis of Hegel and Marx. And a welcoming ‘nest’ was provided for these vipers by the Columbia University Sociology department. And, the perfect storm: America was up for helping scholars fleeing from Germany. The guy in charge of this was Edward R. Murrow, the Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars.

Bet you just loved Murrow, huh?

You never pass up the opportunity to prove that your active ignorance is voluminous.

In 1980, the GOP was hijacked by far right Christians and far left neocons. That is not only my opinion...


Vic Gold was deputy press secretary for Barry Goldwater's 1964 presidential campaign, which launched the conservative revolution in the Republican Party. He went on to collaborate with President George H. W. Bush on his autobiography and to coauthor a satirical novel with Lynne Cheney. But today, he says, the Republican Party is run by people Barry Goldwater wouldn't recognize-some of whom are identified in his polemical subtitle. His new book is a lively jeremiad against "a fiscally irresponsible, ever-expanding federal government," a messianic foreign policy, a theocratic view of church and state, and a Republican Party that has accepted all those unconservative ideas.

The Cato Institute

Today, the teapublicans have moved the party so far to the right we have the most ideologically rigid and anti-environmental House of Representatives in history.

Socialism is liberal. More people (preferably everyone) have some say in how the economy works. Democracy is liberal. More people (preferably everyone) have some say in how the government works. "Democracy," said Marx, "is the road to socialism." He was wrong about how economics and politics interact, but he did see their similar underpinnings.

Communism is conservative. Fewer and fewer people (preferably just the Party Secretary) have any say in how the economy works. Republicans are conservative. Fewer and fewer people (preferably just people controlling the Party figurehead) have any say in how the government works. The conservatives in the US are in the same position as the communists in the 30s, and for the same reason: Their revolutions failed spectacularly but they refuse to admit what went wrong.
Actually, the commies left the party, they ARE the neocons. The "commies" are ALL in the GOP...Ronbo Reagan welcomed them into OUR government ...The NEOCONS



Irving Kristol

Widely referred to as the "godfather" of neoconservatism, Mr. Kristol was part of the "New York Intellectuals," a group of critics mainly of Eastern European Jewish descent. In the late 1930s, he studied at City College of New York where he became a Trotskyist. From 1947 to 1952, he was the managing editor of Commentary magazine, later called the "neocon bible."

By the late 1960s, Kristol had shifted from left to right on the political spectrum, due partly to what he considered excesses and anti-Americanism among liberals. Kristol built the intellectual framework of neoconservatism, founding and editing journals such as The Public Interest and The National Interest.

Kristol is a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and author of numerous books, including "Neoconservatism: The Autobiography of an Idea." He is the father of Weekly Standard editor and oft-quoted neoconservative William Kristol.

Key figures

US News / Special: Empire Builders | Christian Science Monitor

Leon Trotsky



....you always trick me into giving you free lessons!


1. In 1923 Georg Lukacs helped establish a Marxist research center at the University of Frankfurt under the sponsorship of Felix Weil. Like Marx’s benefactor, Friedrich Engels, Weil was the son of a wealthy capitalist and an ardent Marxist who had earned a Ph.D. in political science from Frankfurt University. These rich slackers used family money to fund the Institute for Social Research, best known as the institutional home of the Frankfurt School and critical theory. http://www.lust-for-life.org/Lust-F...turalMarxismAndPoliticalCorrectness-part2.pdf

a. …the Institute attracted gifted scholars not only in economics but also in philosophy, history, psychology, sociology… convinced that the major impediment to the spread of Marxism was Western culture. In particular, they despised traditional Judeo/Christian ethics and morality, which they believed prevented the widespread acceptance of Marxism.

b. The Frankfurt School propagated a revisionistic Neo-Marxist interpretation of Western culture called Critical Theory, an aggressive promotion of a radical left-wing socio/political agenda. In essence, Critical Theory was a comprehensive and unrelenting assault on the values and institutions of Western civilization. Based on utopian social and political ideals, Critical Theory offered no realistic alternatives, but it was nonetheless a devastating critique of the history, philosophy, politics, social and economic structures, major institutions, and religious foundations of Western civilization.

2. The Frankfurt School’s research was never impartial scholarship but the aggressive promotion of a radical left-wing socio/political agenda. “the true object of Marxism... was not the uncovering of immutable truths, but the fostering of social change.”

a. The conservative research scholar,William S. Lind, is more blunt: The goal of Critical Theory was not truth but praxis, or revolutionary action: bringing the current society and culture down through unremitting, destructive criticism. [William S. Lind, “Further Readings in the Frankfurt School,”
in Political Correctness: A Short History of an ideology.

b. For these intellectuals, neither truth nor reason (including Marxist dogmas) were immutable nor transcendent,, and, in fact, truth is only related to the historic time period in which it is found. So, truth, for them, is whatever fosters social change, and if there is an enduring truth, it is the critique of bourgeois society and its values.

3. “Under Horkheimer’s leadership the Frankfurt School attracted some brilliant scholars and intellectuals such as Theodor Adorno, Eric Fromm, Wilhelm Reich, Walter Benjamin, Leo Lowenthal and Herbert Marcuse. Like Trotsky, Luxemburg, Lukacs, Bela Kun and other notable European Marxists in the early 1900s, many of the Frankfurt scholars were secular Jews, a fact that the Nazis successfully exploited in their propaganda regarding a “Jewish conspiracy” of Communist intellectuals who were perverting German society.” Ibid.

a. The Critical Theorists held a common commitment to Neo-Marxism and the belief that Western civilization has been an imperialistic and repressive force in human history – especially, Western Christianity. In their view, Western civilization was built on aggression, oppression, racism, slavery, classism and sexual repression.

b. Thus, there is a straight line from the Frankfurt School to the formation in many colleges and universities of programs, and departments of African-American Studies, Ethnic Studies, Feminist Studies, Peace Studies, and LGBT (Lesbian/Gay/Bi-sexual/Transgender) Studies.

c. While taking the lead in the culture war on behalf of the downtrodden, our friends in the Frankfurt School kept their distance from the unwashed masses, and while repudiating the capitalist system, they continued the lifestyles of haute bourgeoisie.”

4. Based on their influence on the New Left from the ‘60’s, these neo-Marxists have largely succeeded in terms of secularizing American culture and undermining traditional values and institutions, and much of its ideology, inspiration and tactics were gleaned from the Frankfurt School’s Institute of Social Research.

a. A key component of Critical Theory was its integration of Marxism with Darwinism and Freudianism, which, based on the idea of sexual repression, could be used against Judeo-Christian morality. Wilhelm Reich combined Darwin and Freud, and propounded the idea that humans are no different than any other animals in terms of sex, and therefore, there need be no sexual restrictions, and the blame should be placed on the authoritarian structure of the traditional family.

5. As a result of the ascension of the Nazis, the Frankfurt School moved to Geneva, and then to New York City. The openness, freedom and liberty of the United States is all they needed to infect this society and its cultural institutions. Too many simply ignored the onslaught…”And the most dangerous thing you can do with a driven leftist intellectual clique is ignore it!” Breitbart, “Righteous Indignation,” p. 114.

a. Who could imagine that that a group could come to our nation, learn of our incredible freedom and liberty, yet wish to destroy it??? That’s exactly what the Frankfurt School wanted to do.

b. “The Frankfurt School of philosophers emigrated from Nazi Germany and became dyspeptic critics of American culture. Several landed in Southern California where they were disturbed by the consumer culture and the gospel of relentless cheeriness. Depressive by nature, they focused on the disappointments and venality that surrounded them and how unnecessary it all was. It could be paradise, Theodor Adorno complained, but it was only California.” Editorial Observer - What’s Hot on This BBC Podcast? The Siege of Munster (1534-35) - NYTimes.com

6. Waiting to ally themselves with the Frankfurt School Marxists were the Americans who had accepted the Wilson/TR synthesis of Hegel and Marx. And a welcoming ‘nest’ was provided for these vipers by the Columbia University Sociology department. And, the perfect storm: America was up for helping scholars fleeing from Germany. The guy in charge of this was Edward R. Murrow, the Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars.

Bet you just loved Murrow, huh?

You never pass up the opportunity to prove that your active ignorance is voluminous.

In 1980, the GOP was hijacked by far right Christians and far left neocons. That is not only my opinion...


Vic Gold was deputy press secretary for Barry Goldwater's 1964 presidential campaign, which launched the conservative revolution in the Republican Party. He went on to collaborate with President George H. W. Bush on his autobiography and to coauthor a satirical novel with Lynne Cheney. But today, he says, the Republican Party is run by people Barry Goldwater wouldn't recognize-some of whom are identified in his polemical subtitle. His new book is a lively jeremiad against "a fiscally irresponsible, ever-expanding federal government," a messianic foreign policy, a theocratic view of church and state, and a Republican Party that has accepted all those unconservative ideas.

The Cato Institute

Today, the teapublicans have moved the party so far to the right we have the most ideologically rigid and anti-environmental House of Representatives in history.

Socialism is liberal. More people (preferably everyone) have some say in how the economy works. Democracy is liberal. More people (preferably everyone) have some say in how the government works. "Democracy," said Marx, "is the road to socialism." He was wrong about how economics and politics interact, but he did see their similar underpinnings.

Communism is conservative. Fewer and fewer people (preferably just the Party Secretary) have any say in how the economy works. Republicans are conservative. Fewer and fewer people (preferably just people controlling the Party figurehead) have any say in how the government works. The conservatives in the US are in the same position as the communists in the 30s, and for the same reason: Their revolutions failed spectacularly but they refuse to admit what went wrong.

"Communism is conservative."

I know your plan....say the dumbest things possible in the hopes that I'll succomb to my inner goodness and try to educate you....

...but to receive education, there's got to be something there to work with....

And in your case, you're the kind of individual who thinks an innuendo is an Italian suppository…

OK, ok...I feel guilty: I'll teach you one more thing: Never test the depth of the water with both feet.
....you always trick me into giving you free lessons!


1. In 1923 Georg Lukacs helped establish a Marxist research center at the University of Frankfurt under the sponsorship of Felix Weil. Like Marx’s benefactor, Friedrich Engels, Weil was the son of a wealthy capitalist and an ardent Marxist who had earned a Ph.D. in political science from Frankfurt University. These rich slackers used family money to fund the Institute for Social Research, best known as the institutional home of the Frankfurt School and critical theory. http://www.lust-for-life.org/Lust-F...turalMarxismAndPoliticalCorrectness-part2.pdf

a. …the Institute attracted gifted scholars not only in economics but also in philosophy, history, psychology, sociology… convinced that the major impediment to the spread of Marxism was Western culture. In particular, they despised traditional Judeo/Christian ethics and morality, which they believed prevented the widespread acceptance of Marxism.

b. The Frankfurt School propagated a revisionistic Neo-Marxist interpretation of Western culture called Critical Theory, an aggressive promotion of a radical left-wing socio/political agenda. In essence, Critical Theory was a comprehensive and unrelenting assault on the values and institutions of Western civilization. Based on utopian social and political ideals, Critical Theory offered no realistic alternatives, but it was nonetheless a devastating critique of the history, philosophy, politics, social and economic structures, major institutions, and religious foundations of Western civilization.

2. The Frankfurt School’s research was never impartial scholarship but the aggressive promotion of a radical left-wing socio/political agenda. “the true object of Marxism... was not the uncovering of immutable truths, but the fostering of social change.”

a. The conservative research scholar,William S. Lind, is more blunt: The goal of Critical Theory was not truth but praxis, or revolutionary action: bringing the current society and culture down through unremitting, destructive criticism. [William S. Lind, “Further Readings in the Frankfurt School,”
in Political Correctness: A Short History of an ideology.

b. For these intellectuals, neither truth nor reason (including Marxist dogmas) were immutable nor transcendent,, and, in fact, truth is only related to the historic time period in which it is found. So, truth, for them, is whatever fosters social change, and if there is an enduring truth, it is the critique of bourgeois society and its values.

3. “Under Horkheimer’s leadership the Frankfurt School attracted some brilliant scholars and intellectuals such as Theodor Adorno, Eric Fromm, Wilhelm Reich, Walter Benjamin, Leo Lowenthal and Herbert Marcuse. Like Trotsky, Luxemburg, Lukacs, Bela Kun and other notable European Marxists in the early 1900s, many of the Frankfurt scholars were secular Jews, a fact that the Nazis successfully exploited in their propaganda regarding a “Jewish conspiracy” of Communist intellectuals who were perverting German society.” Ibid.

a. The Critical Theorists held a common commitment to Neo-Marxism and the belief that Western civilization has been an imperialistic and repressive force in human history – especially, Western Christianity. In their view, Western civilization was built on aggression, oppression, racism, slavery, classism and sexual repression.

b. Thus, there is a straight line from the Frankfurt School to the formation in many colleges and universities of programs, and departments of African-American Studies, Ethnic Studies, Feminist Studies, Peace Studies, and LGBT (Lesbian/Gay/Bi-sexual/Transgender) Studies.

c. While taking the lead in the culture war on behalf of the downtrodden, our friends in the Frankfurt School kept their distance from the unwashed masses, and while repudiating the capitalist system, they continued the lifestyles of haute bourgeoisie.”

4. Based on their influence on the New Left from the ‘60’s, these neo-Marxists have largely succeeded in terms of secularizing American culture and undermining traditional values and institutions, and much of its ideology, inspiration and tactics were gleaned from the Frankfurt School’s Institute of Social Research.

a. A key component of Critical Theory was its integration of Marxism with Darwinism and Freudianism, which, based on the idea of sexual repression, could be used against Judeo-Christian morality. Wilhelm Reich combined Darwin and Freud, and propounded the idea that humans are no different than any other animals in terms of sex, and therefore, there need be no sexual restrictions, and the blame should be placed on the authoritarian structure of the traditional family.

5. As a result of the ascension of the Nazis, the Frankfurt School moved to Geneva, and then to New York City. The openness, freedom and liberty of the United States is all they needed to infect this society and its cultural institutions. Too many simply ignored the onslaught…”And the most dangerous thing you can do with a driven leftist intellectual clique is ignore it!” Breitbart, “Righteous Indignation,” p. 114.

a. Who could imagine that that a group could come to our nation, learn of our incredible freedom and liberty, yet wish to destroy it??? That’s exactly what the Frankfurt School wanted to do.

b. “The Frankfurt School of philosophers emigrated from Nazi Germany and became dyspeptic critics of American culture. Several landed in Southern California where they were disturbed by the consumer culture and the gospel of relentless cheeriness. Depressive by nature, they focused on the disappointments and venality that surrounded them and how unnecessary it all was. It could be paradise, Theodor Adorno complained, but it was only California.” Editorial Observer - What’s Hot on This BBC Podcast? The Siege of Munster (1534-35) - NYTimes.com

6. Waiting to ally themselves with the Frankfurt School Marxists were the Americans who had accepted the Wilson/TR synthesis of Hegel and Marx. And a welcoming ‘nest’ was provided for these vipers by the Columbia University Sociology department. And, the perfect storm: America was up for helping scholars fleeing from Germany. The guy in charge of this was Edward R. Murrow, the Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars.

Bet you just loved Murrow, huh?

You never pass up the opportunity to prove that your active ignorance is voluminous.

In 1980, the GOP was hijacked by far right Christians and far left neocons. That is not only my opinion...


Vic Gold was deputy press secretary for Barry Goldwater's 1964 presidential campaign, which launched the conservative revolution in the Republican Party. He went on to collaborate with President George H. W. Bush on his autobiography and to coauthor a satirical novel with Lynne Cheney. But today, he says, the Republican Party is run by people Barry Goldwater wouldn't recognize-some of whom are identified in his polemical subtitle. His new book is a lively jeremiad against "a fiscally irresponsible, ever-expanding federal government," a messianic foreign policy, a theocratic view of church and state, and a Republican Party that has accepted all those unconservative ideas.

The Cato Institute

Today, the teapublicans have moved the party so far to the right we have the most ideologically rigid and anti-environmental House of Representatives in history.

Socialism is liberal. More people (preferably everyone) have some say in how the economy works. Democracy is liberal. More people (preferably everyone) have some say in how the government works. "Democracy," said Marx, "is the road to socialism." He was wrong about how economics and politics interact, but he did see their similar underpinnings.

Communism is conservative. Fewer and fewer people (preferably just the Party Secretary) have any say in how the economy works. Republicans are conservative. Fewer and fewer people (preferably just people controlling the Party figurehead) have any say in how the government works. The conservatives in the US are in the same position as the communists in the 30s, and for the same reason: Their revolutions failed spectacularly but they refuse to admit what went wrong.

"Communism is conservative."

I know your plan....say the dumbest things possible in the hopes that I'll succomb to my inner goodness and try to educate you....

...but to receive education, there's got to be something there to work with....

And in your case, you're the kind of individual who thinks an innuendo is an Italian suppository…

OK, ok...I feel guilty: I'll teach you one more thing: Never test the depth of the water with both feet.

OK PC, let's test your ability to reason and think outside your parochial indoctrination and solipsism.

Describe a conservative in Russia? What tenets, ideology, orthodoxy and beliefs would a Russian conservative want to conserve? Laissez-faire capitalism? The United States Constitution?? The writings of Thomas Jefferson???

Conservatism is based on latitude, longitude and date of birth.

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer - The Authoritarians
You never pass up the opportunity to prove that your active ignorance is voluminous.

In 1980, the GOP was hijacked by far right Christians and far left neocons. That is not only my opinion...


Vic Gold was deputy press secretary for Barry Goldwater's 1964 presidential campaign, which launched the conservative revolution in the Republican Party. He went on to collaborate with President George H. W. Bush on his autobiography and to coauthor a satirical novel with Lynne Cheney. But today, he says, the Republican Party is run by people Barry Goldwater wouldn't recognize-some of whom are identified in his polemical subtitle. His new book is a lively jeremiad against "a fiscally irresponsible, ever-expanding federal government," a messianic foreign policy, a theocratic view of church and state, and a Republican Party that has accepted all those unconservative ideas.

The Cato Institute

Today, the teapublicans have moved the party so far to the right we have the most ideologically rigid and anti-environmental House of Representatives in history.

Socialism is liberal. More people (preferably everyone) have some say in how the economy works. Democracy is liberal. More people (preferably everyone) have some say in how the government works. "Democracy," said Marx, "is the road to socialism." He was wrong about how economics and politics interact, but he did see their similar underpinnings.

Communism is conservative. Fewer and fewer people (preferably just the Party Secretary) have any say in how the economy works. Republicans are conservative. Fewer and fewer people (preferably just people controlling the Party figurehead) have any say in how the government works. The conservatives in the US are in the same position as the communists in the 30s, and for the same reason: Their revolutions failed spectacularly but they refuse to admit what went wrong.

"Communism is conservative."

I know your plan....say the dumbest things possible in the hopes that I'll succomb to my inner goodness and try to educate you....

...but to receive education, there's got to be something there to work with....

And in your case, you're the kind of individual who thinks an innuendo is an Italian suppository…

OK, ok...I feel guilty: I'll teach you one more thing: Never test the depth of the water with both feet.

OK PC, let's test your ability to reason and think outside your parochial indoctrination and solipsism.

Describe a conservative in Russia? What tenets, ideology, orthodoxy and beliefs would a Russian conservative want to conserve? Laissez-faire capitalism? The United States Constitution?? The writings of Thomas Jefferson???

Conservatism is based on latitude, longitude and date of birth.

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer - The Authoritarians

Solipsist? Nah.
OK...I'll cop to supercilious.

This is it, Boring...just one more lesson:

This is from chapter two of "Terror and Liberalism," by Berman....you wouldn't know it, 'cause it's a book:
"The Western urge to rebel, coming out of the French Revolution, mutated quickly into several cults of death and mayhem. No matter the particular movement, there were two key conditions in all: 1. it was based on a submission to a central authority, the total state, and 2. it was based on the idea of one, instead of many."

So, if you think about....Ooops! Did I actually say that???
Have someone explain to you: all of the totalist philosophies, as per above, including communism, socialism, progressivism, liberalism, etc., and any of the clean thing that folks call you, are all of a kind. As bolded above.

Now, fold your paper, number one to five, no erasing and no crossing out.

After the test, there will be a bonus question. I'll give you a shot at it right now: Was Mickey Mouse a cat or a dog?
"Communism is conservative."

I know your plan....say the dumbest things possible in the hopes that I'll succomb to my inner goodness and try to educate you....

...but to receive education, there's got to be something there to work with....

And in your case, you're the kind of individual who thinks an innuendo is an Italian suppository…

OK, ok...I feel guilty: I'll teach you one more thing: Never test the depth of the water with both feet.

OK PC, let's test your ability to reason and think outside your parochial indoctrination and solipsism.

Describe a conservative in Russia? What tenets, ideology, orthodoxy and beliefs would a Russian conservative want to conserve? Laissez-faire capitalism? The United States Constitution?? The writings of Thomas Jefferson???

Conservatism is based on latitude, longitude and date of birth.

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer - The Authoritarians

Solipsist? Nah.
OK...I'll cop to supercilious.

This is it, Boring...just one more lesson:

This is from chapter two of "Terror and Liberalism," by Berman....you wouldn't know it, 'cause it's a book:
"The Western urge to rebel, coming out of the French Revolution, mutated quickly into several cults of death and mayhem. No matter the particular movement, there were two key conditions in all: 1. it was based on a submission to a central authority, the total state, and 2. it was based on the idea of one, instead of many."

So, if you think about....Ooops! Did I actually say that???
Have someone explain to you: all of the totalist philosophies, as per above, including communism, socialism, progressivism, liberalism, etc., and any of the clean thing that folks call you, are all of a kind. As bolded above.

Now, fold your paper, number one to five, no erasing and no crossing out.

After the test, there will be a bonus question. I'll give you a shot at it right now: Was Mickey Mouse a cat or a dog?

You can't answer a simple question. Pretty sad...
I'm no fan of Nancy Pelosi but I gotta ask my self; "Why does "The Machine" want to destroy Nancy Pelosi and why now"? :confused:

But yeah, our gov't is not only completely corrupt but because of that corruption has been taken over by The Privately Owned Federal Reserve and it's International Shareholders.

You wonder why Politicians and Judges always seem to go against what the People want? This is why. Our entire Gov't is being held hostage. That's not an exaggeration.

"INternational Jewish Shareholders" is what you mean.
Yeah, you're a Ron Paul Wookie-suiter all right.

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