I've been thinking


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
A dangerous past time, I know.

Anyway, I see alot of my posts, especially recently, and I have been extremely harsh to some people. My sarcasm in particular is very harsh at time. And while sarcasm can be fun sometimes, it can also destroy what's important. Particularly other people knowing that you care for them.

I don't hate anyone on this board. I am not your enemy no matter what you may think. But I am very passionate for what I think will be best for everyone. Especially for me, my family, and those around me.

However, part of changing is asking forgiveness. And I know Ive been harsh to some people and I ask you to please fogive me. Unfortunately, it's easy to get caught up in passions and i let my baser emotions get the best of me sometime.

I hope that no matter what our differences can be, we can get along. And I especially apologize to rdean, Chris, and Truthmatters, since i know I can be very harsh on you guys. I don't hate you guys. I just vehemetly disagree with you. And I hope I can be better with my relationships with you on this board as well as everyone else.
A dangerous past time, I know.

Anyway, I see alot of my posts, especially recently, and I have been extremely harsh to some people. My sarcasm in particular is very harsh at time. And while sarcasm can be fun sometimes, it can also destroy what's important. Particularly other people knowing that you care for them.

I don't hate anyone on this board. I am not your enemy no matter what you may think. But I am very passionate for what I think will be best for everyone. Especially for me, my family, and those around me.

However, part of changing is asking forgiveness. And I know Ive been harsh to some people and I ask you to please fogive me. Unfortunately, it's easy to get caught up in passions and i let my baser emotions get the best of me sometime.

I hope that no matter what our differences can be, we can get along. And I especially apologize to rdean, Chris, and Truthmatters, since i know I can be very harsh on you guys. I don't hate you guys. I just vehemetly disagree with you. And I hope I can be better with my relationships with you on this board as well as everyone else.

Fuck em if they can't take a joke! :lol:
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A dangerous past time, I know.

Anyway, I see alot of my posts, especially recently, and I have been extremely harsh to some people. My sarcasm in particular is very harsh at time. And while sarcasm can be fun sometimes, it can also destroy what's important. Particularly other people knowing that you care for them.

I don't hate anyone on this board. I am not your enemy no matter what you may think. But I am very passionate for what I think will be best for everyone. Especially for me, my family, and those around me.

However, part of changing is asking forgiveness. And I know Ive been harsh to some people and I ask you to please fogive me. Unfortunately, it's easy to get caught up in passions and i let my baser emotions get the best of me sometime.

I hope that no matter what our differences can be, we can get along. And I especially apologize to rdean, Chris, and Truthmatters, since i know I can be very harsh on you guys. I don't hate you guys. I just vehemetly disagree with you. And I hope I can be better with my relationships with you on this board as well as everyone else.

Fuck em if they can't take a joke! :lol:

It's not solely about them. It's about being the person I want to be. I don't want to be an @$$****.
A dangerous past time, I know.

Anyway, I see alot of my posts, especially recently, and I have been extremely harsh to some people. My sarcasm in particular is very harsh at time. And while sarcasm can be fun sometimes, it can also destroy what's important. Particularly other people knowing that you care for them.

I don't hate anyone on this board. I am not your enemy no matter what you may think. But I am very passionate for what I think will be best for everyone. Especially for me, my family, and those around me.

However, part of changing is asking forgiveness. And I know Ive been harsh to some people and I ask you to please fogive me. Unfortunately, it's easy to get caught up in passions and i let my baser emotions get the best of me sometime.

I hope that no matter what our differences can be, we can get along. And I especially apologize to rdean, Chris, and Truthmatters, since i know I can be very harsh on you guys. I don't hate you guys. I just vehemetly disagree with you. And I hope I can be better with my relationships with you on this board as well as everyone else.

If the people you mentioned and/or others take your posts personally, than that is their issue to deal with. What others say and do is not because of you or me or anyone else. It is merely a reflection of their own reality, their own dream, their own fears. With that said, I do agree with you 100% in regards to forgiveness. Not only with others, but with ourselves. Another part of change is self-forgiveness and self-acceptance.

I think it's great that you put this post out here Avatar. It does show your passion, respect for others and your desire to be a better person.

I read through these threads and can't believe the arguments and insults and attacks that go back and forth every damn day. Personaly, I try to avoid as much of it as I can. I'm not here to argue with people, though it does happen. Sure, I've thrown some insults at truthmatters. I have a low tolerance for folks like her, so instead of keeping it up and allowing her madness to irritate me to the point that I do throw insults, I threw her on my ignore list. I realize that is not always the answer, and up until recently I've never put anyone on a 'block list' on any of the websites I frequent. It's just that I too am trying to be a better person.
I've been reading literature put out by the Ford Family Foundation about what makes good leaders and they have some really interesting stuff to say about resolving conflict in communities. This is sort of like a community. Though it's a community where conflict is nurtured and enjoyed, as we don't have to come to any sort of concensus in order to solve any problems here (or build anything).

Anyway, it is interesting stuff and this thread made me think of it.

One of the premises is that the best way to navigate conflict is to meet in each others' homes, instead of in a neutral area, and share food.

Trippy! I think our ancestors knew that!
So maybe you should invite Dante, Dr. Grump and Anguille over for tea, Avatar!

Have fun!
A dangerous past time, I know.

Anyway, I see alot of my posts, especially recently, and I have been extremely harsh to some people. My sarcasm in particular is very harsh at time. And while sarcasm can be fun sometimes, it can also destroy what's important. Particularly other people knowing that you care for them.

I don't hate anyone on this board. I am not your enemy no matter what you may think. But I am very passionate for what I think will be best for everyone. Especially for me, my family, and those around me.

However, part of changing is asking forgiveness. And I know Ive been harsh to some people and I ask you to please fogive me. Unfortunately, it's easy to get caught up in passions and i let my baser emotions get the best of me sometime.

I hope that no matter what our differences can be, we can get along. And I especially apologize to rdean, Chris, and Truthmatters, since i know I can be very harsh on you guys. I don't hate you guys. I just vehemetly disagree with you. And I hope I can be better with my relationships with you on this board as well as everyone else.

Fuck em if they can't take a joke! :lol:

It's not solely about them. It's about being the person I want to be. I don't want to be an @$$****.

I truly understand what you are saying. I fought it myself for a long time. The fight got so difficult I threw up my hands and just let the assholeness slither forth. It's just natural for some of us.
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So maybe you should invite Dante, Dr. Grump and Anguille over for tea, Avatar!

Have fun!

Well other than the fact that I don't drink Tea, I'd love to have them over. Im sure they are fun to hang around if they arent all focused on the politics of the day.
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Fuck em if they can't take a joke! :lol:

It's not solely about them. It's about being the person I want to be. I don't want to be an @$$****.

I truly understand what you are saying. I fought it myself for a long time. The fight got so difficult I threw up my hands and just let the assholeness slither forth. It's just natural for some of us.

It is natural. But one of the beautiful things about being human is we dont have to let our nature control who we are. We can change our nature.
A dangerous past time, I know.

Anyway, I see alot of my posts, especially recently, and I have been extremely harsh to some people. My sarcasm in particular is very harsh at time. And while sarcasm can be fun sometimes, it can also destroy what's important. Particularly other people knowing that you care for them.

I don't hate anyone on this board. I am not your enemy no matter what you may think. But I am very passionate for what I think will be best for everyone. Especially for me, my family, and those around me.

However, part of changing is asking forgiveness. And I know Ive been harsh to some people and I ask you to please fogive me. Unfortunately, it's easy to get caught up in passions and i let my baser emotions get the best of me sometime.

I hope that no matter what our differences can be, we can get along. And I especially apologize to rdean, Chris, and Truthmatters, since i know I can be very harsh on you guys. I don't hate you guys. I just vehemetly disagree with you. And I hope I can be better with my relationships with you on this board as well as everyone else.

That's very nice of you.

I feel the same way. I like and respect the majority of the people on here, even those with whom I completely disagree.

However, there are a very few people on here that I loathe and likely will abhor until they are no longer with us.
In the spirt of the OP:

To everyone I have insulted and belittled, eat shit and die. You deserved it.

Have a nice day.
I've been reading literature put out by the Ford Family Foundation about what makes good leaders and they have some really interesting stuff to say about resolving conflict in communities. This is sort of like a community. Though it's a community where conflict is nurtured and enjoyed, as we don't have to come to any sort of concensus in order to solve any problems here (or build anything).

Anyway, it is interesting stuff and this thread made me think of it.

One of the premises is that the best way to navigate conflict is to meet in each others' homes, instead of in a neutral area, and share food.

Trippy! I think our ancestors knew that!

*******APOCALYPSE ALERT!!*******
Apocalypse alerts are brought to you whenever ABikerSailor agrees with someone he's been known to disagree with.

Yes, they did, which is why in the Bible, meals with others (Last Supper as well as others) is important. Matter of fact, deals were sometimes made over dinners.

The same thing happens even today in the form of a business lunch. Why? Sharing food is a way of telling someone that you are willing to share life and sustenance with them, and therefore, they are an ally.

Allie Babba is right.

*******APOCALYPSE ALERT!!*******
Apocalypse alerts are brought to you whenever ABikerSailor agrees with someone he's been known to disagree with./CENTER]
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A dangerous past time, I know.

Anyway, I see alot of my posts, especially recently, and I have been extremely harsh to some people. My sarcasm in particular is very harsh at time. And while sarcasm can be fun sometimes, it can also destroy what's important. Particularly other people knowing that you care for them.

I don't hate anyone on this board. I am not your enemy no matter what you may think. But I am very passionate for what I think will be best for everyone. Especially for me, my family, and those around me.

However, part of changing is asking forgiveness. And I know Ive been harsh to some people and I ask you to please fogive me. Unfortunately, it's easy to get caught up in passions and i let my baser emotions get the best of me sometime.

I hope that no matter what our differences can be, we can get along. And I especially apologize to rdean, Chris, and Truthmatters, since i know I can be very harsh on you guys. I don't hate you guys. I just vehemetly disagree with you. And I hope I can be better with my relationships with you on this board as well as everyone else.

That's very nice of you.

I feel the same way. I like and respect the majority of the people on here, even those with whom I completely disagree.

However, there are a very few people on here that I loathe and likely will abhor until they are no longer with us.

What'd I do to piss you off THIS time, baaaaaaaybeeeeeeeee?

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