I've Been Challenged By FDR Groupies!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Sometimes when the truth is revealed....feelings are bruised. Especially when the one injured by the truth is a loved one.

The following was wailed....bleated....by one of the Leftist FDR-groupies.....(is that redundant?):

"How can you possibly blame Mao's victory in China on FDR? Not to mention the Korean War?"

FDR is the proximate cause of the Korean War, and of China becoming Communist.

So...the following is the exposition required.

1. President Roosevelt did many good things, but in the Leftist cosmos, Shakespeare's aphorism is turned upside-down: not "The evil that men do lives after them, the good is oft interred with their bones" but, rather, there is neither recognition nor retribution for the evil....or, the evil consequences.

2. The Roosevelt administration was riddled with Soviet spies...folks who reported to Stalin....and advised FDR.

a. The major player in the Alger Hiss saga was fellow Communist, Whitaker Chambers. In his book, "Witness," Chambers explains his disillusionment. In 1938, he determined not only to break with the Communist Party, but to inform on the Party when he could. ... As Hitler marched into Poland, Chambers arranged a private meeting with Adolf Berle, President Roosevelt’s assistant Sec’y of State. Chambers detailed the Communist espionage network, naming at least two dozen Soviet spies in Roosevelt’s administration, including Alger Hiss. Berle reported this to Roosevelt, who laughed, and told Berle to go f--- himself.
Arthur Herman, "Joseph McCarthy: Reexaming the Life and Legacy of America’s Most Hated Senator," p. 60

No action was taken, and in fact, Roosevelt promoted Hiss.

3. Major George Racey Jordan was in charge of expediting materials to the USSR. He testified before Congress that materials and instructions to build that atomic bomb were sent. Jordan had proof that the orders he received from the White House insisted that everything requested be sent....priority! Even ahead of material the US army needed.

4. And the result, a disaster for America. On April 5, 1951, Judge Irving R. Kaufman sentenced the Rosenbergs to death for theft of atomic secrets, and, resulted in "the communist aggression in Korea, with the resultant casualties exceeding 50,000 and who knows but that millions more of innocent people may pay the price of your treason."
Judge Kaufman's Sentencing Statement in the Rosenberg Case

a. It is clear today, based on archival evidence, unearthed by researchers in Russia and released in the United States, that Kaufman was correct.
"Absent an atomic bomb, Stalin would not have released Pyongyang's army to conquer the entire Korean peninsula. Confident that his possession of atomic weapons neutralized America's strategic advantage, Stalin was emboldened to unleash war in Korea in 1950."
Haynes, Klehr, and Vassiliev, "Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America," p. 143, 545.
And Romerstein and Breindel,"The Venona Secrets," p. xv, 253.

b. It is important to connect the treachery with the impact of that treachery, the theft of the nuclear technology with 36,940 Americans killed, 91,134 wounded, and 8,176 still missing, and this does not include at least two million civilian lives claimed on both sides.
Bruce Cumings, "The Korean War: A History.'
Included were 1.3 million South Korean casualties, including 400,000 dead. North Korea, 2 million casualties, and 900,000 Chinese soldiers killed.
FDR's willingness, or blindness, resulted in the Korean War.

5. FDR's insistence on the Soviet agents who infiltrated his administration resulted in the United States sabotage of Chaing Kai-Shek and the Nationalists in China in favor of the Mao and the Communists.
From the book “Blacklisted From History,” by M. Stanton Evans: Soviet agents in the U.S. State department (and Treasury) worked actively to damage confidence of our government, in the (Nationalist) Chinese fighting in their own country, as our allies against the Japanese, and in favor of the Communist unsurgency of Mao Tse-Tung and Chou En-Lai.

While Chiang Kai-Shek was busy as our ally fighting the Japanese, White, Currie, Coe, Glasser, and Hiss were doing all they could to undermine him in favor of Mao and the communists.

a. “Another example of [Harry Dexter] White acting as an agent of influence for the Soviet Union was his obstruction of a proposed $200 million loan to Nationalist China in 1943, which he had been officially instructed to execute,[52] at a time when inflation was spiraling out of control.”
Harry Dexter White - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. [Owen] Lattimore was leaking information to the Soviets while he was an advisor to Chiang Kai-shek and that the Soviets considered Lattimore to be "working for them". http://foia.fbi.gov/owenlatt/owenlatt1a.pdf

c. The spies that FDR put in place continued to move Democrats in the Communist Direction. This, from a newspaper at the time:

"Mr. Truman said that the nationalists should have surrendered because they didn't have a chance to win...the opinion of American ambassador Leighton Stuart was that the failure of American aid to come at the opportune moment was the real cause of the weakness of nationalists and the disintegration of their armies....many military commanders went over to the enemy because they saw the United States withdrawing moral support from Chiang Kai-shek. Mr. Truman boldly defends what Treasury did. He doesn't mention Harry Dexter White, mentioned in congressional hearings as a communist spy, sat at Treasury with full power to say when the money promised Chiang Kai-shek would be forwarded or withheld." Toledo Blade, Toledo Blade - Google News Archive Search

As more and more scholarship is invested in FDR's tenure, it becomes easier to view the damage he caused.

"Can you possibly blame Mao's victory in China on FDR? Not to mention the Korean War?"

Gee.....the two guys who were ready to defend FDR against my statement that he is responsible for
the Korean war....

....and for pushing China into the Communist camp.

Silence from both......

Guess they learned something today.
Gee.....the two guys who were ready to defend FDR against my statement that he is responsible for
the Korean war....

....and for pushing China into the Communist camp.

Silence from both......

Guess they learned something today.

In crime---the issue of MENS REA is paramount-----your entire essay is
based on issues of UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES---------something like
a bullet---which happens to have ricocheted off my 40 Carat Diamond
ring------into the head of a baby destined to become a king------who
would save the world from famine and invent a cure for baldness-----
being a crime of which I am guilty. In the time of FDR----Russia was
out ally----communism was a cafe ideology for the parents of future hippies
FDR nuthuggers generally rely on ignorance, hypocrisy, logical fallacy, and when all else fails - flat out dishonesty. They don't do well in direct sunlight.
FDR nuthuggers generally rely on ignorance, hypocrisy, logical fallacy, and when all else fails - flat out dishonesty. They don't do well in direct sunlight.

FDR is still number one according to those that really know their history, the historians, and he was number one with the people, actually number one four times in a row. A record. Can you believe that there is anything that the historians have not researched? Pretty pathetic.
FDR nuthuggers generally rely on ignorance, hypocrisy, logical fallacy, and when all else fails - flat out dishonesty. They don't do well in direct sunlight.

FDR is still number one according to those that really know their history, the historians, and he was number one with the people, actually number one four times in a row. A record. Can you believe that there is anything that the historians have not researched? Pretty pathetic.

Low information teacher and voters, they never heard that FDR perverted Tuskegee into a Nazi experiment and they think turning China and Eastern Europe Communist was a good thing


The lot of them, total morons
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I see no need to argue with ya' PC. I KNOW the US helped put Mao in power. Today the US helps Al Qaida and the Muslim Brotherhood (an MI6 construct that was taken over by the CIA in 1947). The more things change...

You just have to look beyond Party and see the Monied Interests (Bankers) that control Politicians and then it becomes clear.
FDR nuthuggers generally rely on ignorance, hypocrisy, logical fallacy, and when all else fails - flat out dishonesty. They don't do well in direct sunlight.

FDR is still number one according to those that really know their history, the historians, and he was number one with the people, actually number one four times in a row. A record. Can you believe that there is anything that the historians have not researched? Pretty pathetic.

As I was saying...... :eusa_whistle:
It's possible that FDR was the victim of brain trauma and/or a stroke during his latter years. Records that survived indicate that his blood pressure always hovered in the red. His medical records disappeared from a locked safe shortly after he died and were never seen again. The liberal media thought nothing of it at the time. Democrats knew they were running a corpse with a pulse for his last term so they fixed it by running the first V.P. without a college education. Harry Truman proved to be all the democrat hoped for when he woke up one April morning in 1945 and found himself president. The ignorant former clothing store owner was downsizing the Military after WW2 and the Army was ill-equipped and under trained for Korea. The UN forces were getting their asses kicked in Korea before the Chinese even entered the war.
Gee.....the two guys who were ready to defend FDR against my statement that he is responsible for
the Korean war....

....and for pushing China into the Communist camp.

Silence from both......

Guess they learned something today.

In crime---the issue of MENS REA is paramount-----your entire essay is
based on issues of UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES---------something like
a bullet---which happens to have ricocheted off my 40 Carat Diamond
ring------into the head of a baby destined to become a king------who
would save the world from famine and invent a cure for baldness-----
being a crime of which I am guilty. In the time of FDR----Russia was
out ally----communism was a cafe ideology for the parents of future hippies

1. So....upon viewing an unending number of inordinately pro-USSR acts by Roosevelt, your carefully thought out explanation is that he is in no way responsible for the outcome, the results of said acts?


So...FDR was the intellectual equivalent of pavement?

As you are.

2. I particularly enjoyed this: "In the time of FDR----Russia was
out ally----communism was a cafe ideology for the parents of future hippies."

a. "We have no eternal allies and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow. . ."
Realism in British Foreign Policy | Foreign Affairs

b. If there was any doubt as to your abysmal stupidity, it was disabused by your quote above.

"Fifty years of liberal propaganda people to thinking of Communist Party member as lovable idealists and the urge to fire them from their government jobs as an irrational anachronistic prejudice. Allowing card-carrying members of the Communist Party to handle classified material after the Alger Hiss case would be like encouraging al-Qaeda members to carry box cutters on airplanes after 9-11."

If/when you learn to read, begin with:

"The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression" by Jean-Louis Panné, Andrzej Paczkowski, Karel Bartosek and Jean-Louis Margolin

When you come up with a quality response…just give me a call…I’ll be ice skating in Hell.
It's possible that FDR was the victim of brain trauma and/or a stroke during his latter years. Records that survived indicate that his blood pressure always hovered in the red. His medical records disappeared from a locked safe shortly after he died and were never seen again. The liberal media thought nothing of it at the time. Democrats knew they were running a corpse with a pulse for his last term so they fixed it by running the first V.P. without a college education. Harry Truman proved to be all the democrat hoped for when he woke up one April morning in 1945 and found himself president. The ignorant former clothing store owner was downsizing the Military after WW2 and the Army was ill-equipped and under trained for Korea. The UN forces were getting their asses kicked in Korea before the Chinese even entered the war.

"...possible that FDR was the victim of brain trauma and/or a stroke during his latter years."

FDR took office March 4, 1933.

One of his first official acts was the United States recognizing the Soviet Union, November 20th, 1933.
It's possible that FDR was the victim of brain trauma and/or a stroke during his latter years. Records that survived indicate that his blood pressure always hovered in the red. His medical records disappeared from a locked safe shortly after he died and were never seen again. The liberal media thought nothing of it at the time. Democrats knew they were running a corpse with a pulse for his last term so they fixed it by running the first V.P. without a college education. Harry Truman proved to be all the democrat hoped for when he woke up one April morning in 1945 and found himself president. The ignorant former clothing store owner was downsizing the Military after WW2 and the Army was ill-equipped and under trained for Korea. The UN forces were getting their asses kicked in Korea before the Chinese even entered the war.

"...possible that FDR was the victim of brain trauma and/or a stroke during his latter years."

FDR took office March 4, 1933.

One of his first official acts was the United States recognizing the Soviet Union, November 20th, 1933.

Imagine with no FDR recognition there would have been no USSR, no power, no influence nothing, just a blob somewhere in Europe and Asia.
It's possible that FDR was the victim of brain trauma and/or a stroke during his latter years. Records that survived indicate that his blood pressure always hovered in the red. His medical records disappeared from a locked safe shortly after he died and were never seen again. The liberal media thought nothing of it at the time. Democrats knew they were running a corpse with a pulse for his last term so they fixed it by running the first V.P. without a college education. Harry Truman proved to be all the democrat hoped for when he woke up one April morning in 1945 and found himself president. The ignorant former clothing store owner was downsizing the Military after WW2 and the Army was ill-equipped and under trained for Korea. The UN forces were getting their asses kicked in Korea before the Chinese even entered the war.

"...possible that FDR was the victim of brain trauma and/or a stroke during his latter years."

FDR took office March 4, 1933.

One of his first official acts was the United States recognizing the Soviet Union, November 20th, 1933.

Imagine with no FDR recognition there would have been no USSR, no power, no influence nothing, just a blob somewhere in Europe and Asia.


....what has happened to you???

You're a mere shell of your former self....I can hold you to my ear and hear the ocean.

One empty post after another.

How about a real post that I can beat you up over????
FDR was elected on a promise to end the recession. Under his leadership the recession turned into a soup line depression. Hitler rose to power at the same time and FDR's foreign policy seemed focused on angering Japan and ignoring Hitler's atrocities. Advisers in the Navy warned the administration that the Fleet should be moved to the West Coast but FDR ignored it. FDR appointed a inept general as Chief/Staff and Marshall actually had the decoded Japanese attack message in his hand and he dilly dallied around until it was too late and amazingly he sent a Western Union telegram that arrived in Hawaii about the same time as the Zeroes. MacArthur was a disaster as a front line commander in the area considered to be the main target of the Japanese invasion. He failed to follow the "war plan" and he lost his entire air force shot to pieces on the ground. By April 1942 he lost his entire Army and abandoned it (under orders) to horrible atrocities. For his inept leadership he was awarded the MOH.
3. Major George Racey Jordan was in charge of expediting materials to the USSR. He testified before Congress that materials and instructions to build that atomic bomb were sent. Jordan had proof that the orders he received from the White House insisted that everything requested be sent....priority! Even ahead of material the US army needed.

You'd think that with all of the FDR greatness, there would be pages if responses in his favor.
Americans were and are taught in the government schools, that FDR ended the Great Depression and lead America to victory in WWII. They were/are taught that Hoover was an awful advocate of Laissez Faire capitalism that caused the Great Depression. All lies, but many Americans continue to believe the lies.

Today we have similar lies, propaganda, and misinformation about the current POTUS...and amazingly, many Americans continue to believe this crap. When will we ever learn???
Americans were and are taught in the government schools, that FDR ended the Great Depression and lead America to victory in WWII. They were/are taught that Hoover was an awful advocate of Laissez Faire capitalism that caused the Great Depression. All lies, but many Americans continue to believe the lies.

Today we have similar lies, propaganda, and misinformation about the current POTUS...and amazingly, many Americans continue to believe this crap. When will we ever learn???


Unless we take back the schools....it's over.

Or....homeschooling is an option.

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