It's Time to End Our Relationship With Pakistan


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Our relations with Pakistan are like the battered wife syndrome. The country keeps doing us wrong, but promises that next time things will be different.
We’re desperate for the relationship to work out, so we believe them. We take their excuses at face value, rationalizing away their behavior. We seize on the few moments when things are good, as proof that they will change we just hang on a little longer….or try a little harder. But of course nothing ever changes, and we get in deeper and deeper.

We, like the battered wife, need to face the reality that things are only going to get worse, and it’s time to walk away and make some new friends. But it won’t be easy and it won’t be without major risks.
Isn’t it unconscionable that we are paying Pakistan to kill our people in Afghanistan? Don’t we owe it to the men and women who have sacrificed so much for our country and who are still in Afghanistan to walk away from this abusive relationship?

Read more: It's Time To End Our Relationship With Pakistan | Fox News

Hell yes, it's time.
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Time to pull out of the middle east and tell the middle east that it can go fuck its self.

well good idea, except for the fact that obienoodle fucked up a campaign promise and has done ZIP about getting us off foreign oil.. remember that shit when you go to the polls.
Totally agree. But we are going to experience a whole lot of Blow-Back. We've supplied them with so much cash & weapons. I actually expect Blow-Back either way so i still agree we should end our relationship with them. They hid Bin Laden for many years. It's over.
Relationship? What relationship? I have never seen a sovereign nation that has been bombed, invaded and abused by the US like Pakistan. Are we at war with Pakistan under the convoluted NATO doctrine and strange Obama/Hillary foreign policy?
But, but how are we gonna' keep the Military Industrial Complex rollin' if we aint invading and waring with all these countries?

We should at least stay in Afghanistan so we can keep shipping in their opium.

Jeez Willow, you keep talking like this the next thing you know you're gonna' start supportin' Ron Paul or somethin'!
wait a second...found it:

Why do you even care? You where just blasting the democrats in this other thread. Now you want to pack up and leave? You have no fucking clue as to what you want.

Like all Rightwingers you seem to forget things get recorded now.

I haven't budged an inch you stupid fool of a swine. I said then and I said now.. they're killing us, they've stopped the supply lines to our troops in Afghanistan and you damn demoncrats are still sending them money. get a fucking tutor.
All Muslims hate us and Israel, wonder why...

You don't end a relationship with a country that has 80 nukes, and is central to the whole GD AREA, and a war we're trying to end...

You guys don't like thinking much, do you?

Their gov't needs us, but they don't want a revolution. They have to humor their population.

Time to solve the Israeli problem...this is ridiculous - Pay them and the Palestinians OFF.
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wait a second...found it:

Why do you even care? You where just blasting the democrats in this other thread. Now you want to pack up and leave? You have no fucking clue as to what you want.

Like all Rightwingers you seem to forget things get recorded now.

I haven't budged an inch you stupid fool of a swine. I said then and I said now.. they're killing us, they've stopped the supply lines to our troops in Afghanistan and you damn demoncrats are still sending them money. get a fucking tutor.

uh huh. you blamed dems for our situation as if you cared, when you really didnt. You are a hack

I did blame the demoncrats. they are the one's in power. dimbulb.. get a tutor
But, but how are we gonna' keep the Military Industrial Complex rollin' if we aint invading and waring with all these countries?

We should at least stay in Afghanistan so we can keep shipping in their opium.

Jeez Willow, you keep talking like this the next thing you know you're gonna' start supportin' Ron Paul or somethin'!

I'd be tempted to support Ron Paul myself if I thought that he would REALLY get us the hell otta the middle east.

All this sons a bitchin' war mongering has to cease. If some terrorist organization attacks us again, go in and bomb the mother fuckers into the stone age and say, SEE YA!

All this protracted, occupying, nation building is NOT what we should be doing.
But, but how are we gonna' keep the Military Industrial Complex rollin' if we aint invading and waring with all these countries?

We should at least stay in Afghanistan so we can keep shipping in their opium.

Jeez Willow, you keep talking like this the next thing you know you're gonna' start supportin' Ron Paul or somethin'!

I'd be tempted to support Ron Paul myself if I thought that he would REALLY get us the hell otta the middle east.

All this sons a bitchin' war mongering has to cease. If some terrorist organization attacks us again, go in and bomb the mother fuckers into the stone age and say, SEE YA!

All this protracted, occupying, nation building is NOT what we should be doing.

You should not be allowed to vote. LOL
But, but how are we gonna' keep the Military Industrial Complex rollin' if we aint invading and waring with all these countries?

We should at least stay in Afghanistan so we can keep shipping in their opium.

Jeez Willow, you keep talking like this the next thing you know you're gonna' start supportin' Ron Paul or somethin'!

I'd be tempted to support Ron Paul myself if I thought that he would REALLY get us the hell otta the middle east.

All this sons a bitchin' war mongering has to cease. If some terrorist organization attacks us again, go in and bomb the mother fuckers into the stone age and say, SEE YA!

All this protracted, occupying, nation building is NOT what we should be doing.

You should not be allowed to vote. LOL

Your liberal 'tolerance' is showing again... shit for brains.
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But, but how are we gonna' keep the Military Industrial Complex rollin' if we aint invading and waring with all these countries?

We should at least stay in Afghanistan so we can keep shipping in their opium.

Jeez Willow, you keep talking like this the next thing you know you're gonna' start supportin' Ron Paul or somethin'!

I'd be tempted to support Ron Paul myself if I thought that he would REALLY get us the hell otta the middle east.

All this sons a bitchin' war mongering has to cease. If some terrorist organization attacks us again, go in and bomb the mother fuckers into the stone age and say, SEE YA!

All this protracted, occupying, nation building is NOT what we should be doing.

You should not be allowed to vote. LOL

You're a waste of human flesh.
Thanks for repeating a Fox News story Willow :up: :anj_stfu: It isn't like you people don't watch it 24/7 :rolleyes:
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I apologize. You should not be allowed to watch the Rush/Fox/Moonie Propaganda Network- they should be Fairness Doctrine/debated to death, a disgrace.
Totally agree. But we are going to experience a whole lot of Blow-Back. We've supplied them with so much cash & weapons. I actually expect Blow-Back either way so i still agree we should end our relationship with them. They hid Bin Laden for many years. It's over.

We supplied Afghanistan with cash and weapons to fight USSR.

Now we give Pakistan cash and weapons to fight against our previously gifted weapons in Afghanistan.

We need to stop giving countries cash and weapons.

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