It's the Liberal Media's Fault

Those questions were fucked up. I mean, they asked Huckabee about Trumps morality. I mean COME ON
ummm..... Huckabee is a paid book writer from a thumper POV. Its what he does. The Donald, OTOH, opens casinos. If you can't see the reasoning for that question, I can't help you
Morality of someone else isn't a debate question. It is a flame fest.

trump made it a flame fest in the first & 2nd debates...
Those questions were fucked up. I mean, they asked Huckabee about Trumps morality. I mean COME ON
There was nothing wrong with that question. Huckabee criticizes and lectures about morality to the point of being a paid author and speaker on the subject. Trump seems to live a lifestyle that challenges the kind of morality that Huckabee lectures that we should all live by. Tough and awkward question perhaps, but if Huckabee is going to stand up and be counted as a moral leader and expert, it is fair. He must show himself as a dishonest hypocrite or a man with courage to stand up for his beliefs.
Evidently none of you morons know what a debate is.

Actually the (D) debate was exactly that, a real debate. Of course there were a few Q's thrown out there to perhaps start crap, but not one candidate took the bait.
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Hopefully at the next D debate they will ask Sanders ab
Those questions were fucked up. I mean, they asked Huckabee about Trumps morality. I mean COME ON
ummm..... Huckabee is a paid book writer from a thumper POV. Its what he does. The Donald, OTOH, opens casinos. If you can't see the reasoning for that question, I can't help you
Morality of someone else isn't a debate question. It is a flame fest.

trump made it a flame fest in the first & 2nd debates...
No doubt. Hell, just about the whole time lol. HOWEVER, I am referring to this coming from a moderator.
Those questions were fucked up. I mean, they asked Huckabee about Trumps morality. I mean COME ON
There was nothing wrong with that question. Huckabee criticizes and lectures about morality to the point of being a paid author and speaker on the subject. Trump seems to live a lifestyle that challenges the kind of morality that Huckabee lectures that we should all live by. Tough and awkward question perhaps, but if Huckabee is going to stand up and be counted as a moral leader and expert, it is fair. He must show himself as a dishonest hypocrite or a man with courage to stand up for his beliefs.
Evidently none of you morons know what a debate is.

Actually the (D) debate was exactly that, a real debate. Of course there wee a few Q's thrown out there to perhaps start crap, but not one candidate took the bait.
That's my point lol. There shouldn't be ANY.
I wouldn't have agreed with Anderson Cooper asking Sanders if it was good presidential morality that HRC used tax payer money to pay her charity employees salaries.
Those questions were fucked up. I mean, they asked Huckabee about Trumps morality. I mean COME ON
There was nothing wrong with that question. Huckabee criticizes and lectures about morality to the point of being a paid author and speaker on the subject. Trump seems to live a lifestyle that challenges the kind of morality that Huckabee lectures that we should all live by. Tough and awkward question perhaps, but if Huckabee is going to stand up and be counted as a moral leader and expert, it is fair. He must show himself as a dishonest hypocrite or a man with courage to stand up for his beliefs.
Evidently none of you morons know what a debate is.

Actually the (D) debate was exactly that, a real debate. Of course there wee a few Q's thrown out there to perhaps start crap, but not one candidate took the bait.
That's my point lol. There shouldn't be ANY.
I wouldn't have agreed with Anderson Cooper asking Sanders if it was good presidential morality that HRC used tax payer money to pay her charity employees salaries.

The media is looking for ratings, that's the way it is now... welcome to the new way this game is played; but they are supposta be grown ups & could have called the Mods out for it & demanded legit questions. I wished the blonde stayed with Trump & made him answer exactly HOW the Mexicans are gonna pay for that silly wall.
Media is the 5th column of the Democratic Party. Has been for decades.

The fact is the Democrats have removed their masks, and their operatives are now free to perform as ill-educated 7th graders looking for a quick laugh because let's face it - approximately 42.5 million voters in this country are literally stupid as shit, and will buy whatever they sell.

That's what we're seeing from the right. Trump promises everything, Carson has no clue, and they're the ones most supported by the right......:rolleyes:

Premature. Wait for the primaries.

That said, such does not absolve media of their childish games.
Only conservatives are whining about the, the media's questions are not considered childish by most voters.

Do you actually think the GOP is going to come up with a last-minute positive surprise?
At least the repubs are coming to their senses and cutting ties with NBC as far as a debates go. That should have been done two cycles back when in 2008 NBC had the nerve to use Chris Matthews and Keith Olberman as repub debate moderators.
That's like dems having a debate moderated by Limbaugh and Hannity.
Media bias has been worse over the past generation. That's because journalists are educated at academic institutions which have become overrun by Marxists since the 1960's. Those who dispute that are somewhere between biased, partisan, ignorant and phony.
The new whine from Republican Presidential candidates and the RNC:

"The Liberal Media is to blame.......we only get asked gotcha questions"....which they claim didn't happen in the Democratic debate." Yet the Faux News held debate was a Republican TV station with Republican moderators and the candidates still managed to have a food fight.

Debates are supposed to help voters determine which candidate is best suited to be President, if one of them has skeletons that are going to hurt them later, don't the voters want to know it? Do the Republican candidates only want "give me your talking points" questions?

Carson was asked to explain his flat tax plan as the numbers don't seem to add up....all he could answer was after loopholes and deductions are eliminated it would balance out.....however, the experts don't agree...and it seems his tax plan only benefits the wealthy. But, was that a "gotcha" question? I don't think so.

But on Sunday, host Chris Wallace confronted Carson with tax experts, who found that to raise the same amount of revenue the federal government currently takes in, the government would have to impose a 20 percent tax across the board. (The Tax Policy Center argues it would have to be at least 25 percent.) “Middle incomes would get a tax hike and wealthy families would get a tax cut,” Wallace explained. Carson countered that he simply didn’t “agree with that assessment.” He then admitted that according to the economists he’s consulted, if loopholes and deductions are eliminated, it would still have to be between 10 and 15 percent — but it wouldn’t be 20 percent.

Wallace followed up by asking about low-income families, who not only don’t pay taxes, but usually receive an earned income tax credit instead. “Now you’ll have them pay 10 to 15 percent of income they have — or 20 percent if my experts are right. A lot of independent studies say the people that make like bandits in this are the wealthy.”

Ben Carson Unable To Answer Simple Question About His Tax Plan

When Trump was asked if he was runing a "comic book version" of a campaign based on his fantasy promises, instead of telling us how he is going to make Mexico pay for it, he answers "a politician can't, but I can" ....:confused:

Trump and Carson are the ones doing the most whining....and they're the ones with the most support???

The Republican Presidential candidates have been blaming the liberal media for quite some time.....(remember Gingrich and Tiffany's) - they can't handle the pressure from questions regarding their personal actions and proposed promises and they want to be "President"? I find that amusing.
The new whine from Republican Presidential candidates and the RNC:

"The Liberal Media is to blame.......we only get asked gotcha questions"....which they claim didn't happen in the Democratic debate." Yet the Faux News held debate was a Republican TV station with Republican moderators and the candidates still managed to have a food fight.

Debates are supposed to help voters determine which candidate is best suited to be President, if one of them has skeletons that are going to hurt them later, don't the voters want to know it? Do the Republican candidates only want "give me your talking points" questions?

Carson was asked to explain his flat tax plan as the numbers don't seem to add up....all he could answer was after loopholes and deductions are eliminated it would balance out.....however, the experts don't agree...and it seems his tax plan only benefits the wealthy. But, was that a "gotcha" question? I don't think so.

But on Sunday, host Chris Wallace confronted Carson with tax experts, who found that to raise the same amount of revenue the federal government currently takes in, the government would have to impose a 20 percent tax across the board. (The Tax Policy Center argues it would have to be at least 25 percent.) “Middle incomes would get a tax hike and wealthy families would get a tax cut,” Wallace explained. Carson countered that he simply didn’t “agree with that assessment.” He then admitted that according to the economists he’s consulted, if loopholes and deductions are eliminated, it would still have to be between 10 and 15 percent — but it wouldn’t be 20 percent.

Wallace followed up by asking about low-income families, who not only don’t pay taxes, but usually receive an earned income tax credit instead. “Now you’ll have them pay 10 to 15 percent of income they have — or 20 percent if my experts are right. A lot of independent studies say the people that make like bandits in this are the wealthy.”

Ben Carson Unable To Answer Simple Question About His Tax Plan

When Trump was asked if he was runing a "comic book version" of a campaign based on his fantasy promises, instead of telling us how he is going to make Mexico pay for it, he answers "a politician can't, but I can" ....:confused:

Trump and Carson are the ones doing the most whining....and they're the ones with the most support???

The Republican Presidential candidates have been blaming the liberal media for quite some time.....(remember Gingrich and Tiffany's) - they can't handle the pressure from questions regarding their personal actions and proposed promises and they want to be "President"? I find that amusing.
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Poor babies...they want to supply the moderators with their own questions.........what weenies. And the two most whiney are the ones with the most support....sure tells me a lot about Republican/conservatives.

I guess it's not Politically Correct to ask them tough questions......bwahahaha!

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