It's Safe Now To Jump On The Romney Bandwagon


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Just a few weeks ago, it was "anyone but Romney" for the UnConservatives. Still others kept their mouths shout, waiting for their masters to tell them who the candidate ultimately was going to be.

Consider this the notice you were waiting for. You can come out of your hidey holes now and bravely stand for Romney.

It's all Romeny, all the time now.

Yes, Romeny. You know that's how you spelled it. Why change now?

Get your T-shirts and bumper stickers. Save some space for his VP pick!

My brave lads and lassies, no lie is too big to get Romney elected. Make shit up at will and repeat it enough times until you believe it.

Remember, if enough people believe something, that is irrefutable evidence it is true.

The ends justify the means. Honor, honesty, and integrity must be sacrificed to save our country!

Go forth and start topics about Mrs. Obama's vacations! Start topics about some pictures Obama has on his wall at Camp David! If Obama accidentally belches during the National Anthem, demand his impeachment!

Any deep issues such as these must be exploited in depth over and over and over.

Stay away from gay marriage, health reform, financial reform, and anything that requires heavy reading of legislation. We will provide you with catch phrases you can parrot to avoid getting over your heads in these subjects. "Food stamp president", "death panels", "socialism", and "CRA" are still operative until further notice. These should get you out of any sticky spot you find yourself in when debating someone using more than four sentences in a post.

And henceforth, Mormonism is not a cult. I know that's what our base was telling us just a few weeks ago, but now anyone who brings up Romney's Mormonism is to be called a bigot. Got it? Make sure they are not one of our fundamentalist friends, first, though.

If anyone should approach you asking for Obama's birth certificate, DO NOT attempt to steer them away them from their course! We have a lock on the birfer vote. There is no percentage in correcting them. Honor, integrity, and honesty must be sacrificed for the good of our country.

Now get out there and start copying and pasting, warriors!
Exactly what was wrong with standing for Romney before? I didnt have any problem with it. I still dont.

I know you think that's funny and all, but humor requires there being some truth to the matter for it to be funny. The fact is Romney has no problem with people regardless of how much money they make. I dont see many people like him who has no problem helping someone dig a ditch just because they needed help. Heck, I doubt youd help someone dig a ditch just because they need it.

The man has given countless hours of service that most will never know about because he doesnt go out and broadcast it.

Partisans from both parties jump on the bandwagon of the guy they were trashing a few days before. Partisans spin and they change their story. They're dishonest. No news there. But pretending that this is new, or that only one party does it -- it's just not true.


Partisans from both parties jump on the bandwagon of the guy they were trashing a few days before. Partisans spin and they change their story. They're dishonest. No news there. But pretending that this is new, or that only one party does it -- it's just not true.


There is a whole new level of dishonesty, dishonor, and corruption in the rhetoric today, probaby not seen since...well...1800.

To the people destroying the GOP (you know who you are):

I'm sick of people like you making shit up on the fly and then stating it over and over as fact. When you make up a bullshit claim, I am going to be there to call you on it. I will embarass you and demand you provide the evidence to support that claim. If you are too weak to even make up something for yourself and just parrot something you heard, I am going to be there to embarass you again.

If your philosophy is so weak that you have to make up shit to get people to support it, then you deserve to lose, and lose big. When Obama wins, it will be your efforts which made it happen.

If your intellectual abilities are so challenged that you can only rant about the First Lady's vacations or what Obama did on a playground 40 years ago, then you should probably go upstairs and ask your mother what "intellectual abilities" means.

If you criticize Obama for something which is the same as something Bush or the GOP did, I will be there to point out your hypocrisy.

If you haven't even bothered to school yourself on the real issues of the day which threaten our Republic, then get the fuck out of the way. You are dragging the whole party under with you.

Take your goddam "death panels" and "soshulism" and "libtards" and birth cerficate and shove them up your ass where you can stuff them into your mouth. You probaby don't even know where Kenya is on a map.

It is long past time for the adults to clean you out of the party. You have crippled it so badly it would not surprise me in the least if you are left-wing plants.
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Partisans from both parties jump on the bandwagon of the guy they were trashing a few days before. Partisans spin and they change their story. They're dishonest. No news there. But pretending that this is new, or that only one party does it -- it's just not true.


There is a whole new level of dishonesty, dishonor, and corruption in the rhetoric today, probaby not seen since...well...1800.

To the people destroying the GOP (you know who you are):

I'm sick of people like you making shit up on the fly and then stating it over and over as fact. When you make up a bullshit claim, I am going to be there to call you on it. I will embarass you and demand you provide the evidence to support that claim. If you are too weak to even make up something for yourself and just parrot something you heard, I am going to be there to embarass you again.

If your philosophy is so weak that you have to make up shit to get people to support it, then you deserve to lose, and lose big. When Obama wins, it will be your efforts which made it happen.

If your intellectual abilities are so challenged that you can only rant about the First Lady's vacations or what Obama did on a playground 40 years ago, then you should probably go upstairs and ask your mother what "intellectual abilities" means.

If you criticize Obama for something which is the same as something Bush or the GOP did, I will be there to point out your hypocrisy.

If you haven't even bothered to school yourself on the real issues of the day which threaten our Republic, then get the fuck out of the way. You are dragging the whole party under with you.

Take your goddam "death panels" and "soshulism" and "libtards" and birth cerficate and shove them up your ass where you can stuff them into your mouth. You probaby don't even know where Kenya is on a map.

It is long past time for the adults to clean you out of the party. You have crippled it so badly it would not surprise me in the least if you are left-wing plants.

The funny thing in that OP is the poster actually pretended, and hell might even believe, that he democrats want this election to be all about grown up issues.

For that he'd have to pretend democrats don't care about Romney's elevator, who's hair he may have cut, where a dog carrier may have been a decade ago, a fine he got for paint on his boat during a family vacation, etc.

Hyperpartisans, always good for a laugh (and pity).
The Paulbots were beaten up on the playground as kids and continue to repeat it as so-called adults.

Take your ball and go home, quit taking a dump in the dugout as some revenge for losing the game.
The Paulbots were beaten up on the playground as kids and continue to repeat it as so-called adults.

Take your ball and go home, quit taking a dump in the dugout as some revenge for losing the game.

Lol these brainless neocons wonder why we don't side with them.

When your hand picked neocon gets his ass kicked by Obama in November, dont' come crying and pouting to us Paul supporters.
Idiot....neocon is a liberal term for former liberals that went conservative.

I've been a conservative ever since my dad bad-mouthed Jimmy Carter when I was a kid, so shut the fuck up.

You are just kooks that don't fit in either party. You have liberal social beliefs and conservative fiscal beliefs.....go start your own kook party that will endlessly come in last place because you really don't stand for anything.

The Paulbots were beaten up on the playground as kids and continue to repeat it as so-called adults.

Take your ball and go home, quit taking a dump in the dugout as some revenge for losing the game.

Lol these brainless neocons wonder why we don't side with them.

When your hand picked neocon gets his ass kicked by Obama in November, dont' come crying and pouting to us Paul supporters.
Idiot....neocon is a liberal term for former liberals that went conservative.

I've been a conservative ever since my dad bad-mouthed Jimmy Carter when I was a kid, so shut the fuck up.

You are just kooks that don't fit in either party. You have liberal social beliefs and conservative fiscal beliefs.....go start your own kook party that will endlessly come in last place because you really don't stand for anything.

The Paulbots were beaten up on the playground as kids and continue to repeat it as so-called adults.

Take your ball and go home, quit taking a dump in the dugout as some revenge for losing the game.

Lol these brainless neocons wonder why we don't side with them.

When your hand picked neocon gets his ass kicked by Obama in November, dont' come crying and pouting to us Paul supporters.

We had a party, the republican party, then it got taken over by facist neocons.

Neocons in other words are pretend conservatives, like yourself, the type who happily votes for big gov't libs like McCain and Romney yet still pretends he's a conservative.

Enjoy your ass beating in November by a man with 4 years of proven failures, only neocons would be dumb enough to screw up such a slam dunk.
Dumbfuck, I vote for the best Republican that will win the election. Ron Paul is a kook and would lose to Obamination even before election day, they could just cancel the election if he was the Republican nominee.

Of course, you wonder why he came in 3rd and 4th most of the race.....because you're a fucking kook. :cuckoo:

You're a liberal that just won't admit it....give in and join your ass-buddy, Obamination.

Idiot....neocon is a liberal term for former liberals that went conservative.

I've been a conservative ever since my dad bad-mouthed Jimmy Carter when I was a kid, so shut the fuck up.

You are just kooks that don't fit in either party. You have liberal social beliefs and conservative fiscal beliefs.....go start your own kook party that will endlessly come in last place because you really don't stand for anything.

Lol these brainless neocons wonder why we don't side with them.

When your hand picked neocon gets his ass kicked by Obama in November, dont' come crying and pouting to us Paul supporters.

We had a party, the republican party, then it got taken over by facist neocons.

Neocons in other words are pretend conservatives, like yourself, the type who happily votes for big gov't libs like McCain and Romney yet still pretends he's a conservative.

Enjoy your ass beating in November by a man with 4 years of proven failures, only neocons would be dumb enough to screw up such a slam dunk.
Just a few weeks ago, it was "anyone but Romney" for the UnConservatives. Still others kept their mouths shout, waiting for their masters to tell them who the candidate ultimately was going to be.


You Obamabots fail to grasp that it's always been "anyone but Obama."

Obama is stage 4 cancer, to allow him to continue is terminal for the republic.
Losertarians are just closet liberals...

Support abortion
Support gay marriage
Oppose DoD spending/wars in the middle east
Support legalizing hard drugs
Support gays in the military

Pretty much liberals that don't like higher taxes and Big Gubermint.
Idiot....neocon is a liberal term for former liberals that went conservative.

I've been a conservative ever since my dad bad-mouthed Jimmy Carter when I was a kid, so shut the fuck up.

You are just kooks that don't fit in either party. You have liberal social beliefs and conservative fiscal beliefs.....go start your own kook party that will endlessly come in last place because you really don't stand for anything.

The Paulbots were beaten up on the playground as kids and continue to repeat it as so-called adults.

Take your ball and go home, quit taking a dump in the dugout as some revenge for losing the game.

Lol these brainless neocons wonder why we don't side with them.

When your hand picked neocon gets his ass kicked by Obama in November, dont' come crying and pouting to us Paul supporters.

Why leave the Republican party, it's a great place to siphon off actual conservatives. The libertarian movement has grown by so much in the last 5 or so years it's truly incredible... Yet the Republican party continues to shrink. I think we're doing a great job, if you don't like it, oh well!

As for the OP, I'm kind of lost... I think I understand that you're talking about the people who ONLY focus on things like a birth certificate and other meaningless crap, but by far most people go after Obama for Big spending (deficits), unconstitutional programs (Obamacare) Unconstitutional wars (Libya/Pakistan/Syria) and so on... Yes, for the mindless runts that call themselves conservatives but will vote for Mitt I see the hypocrisy, but it’s not like Dems are not in the very same boat.
Losertarians are just closet liberals...

Support abortion
Support gay marriage
Oppose DoD spending/wars in the middle east
Support legalizing hard drugs
Support gays in the military

Pretty much liberals that don't like higher taxes and Big Gubermint.

Supporting state rights on abortion is conservative.
Supporting getting gov't out of marriage is conservative.
Wars of aggression are the #1 calling card in terms of what it takes to be a neoconservative, of course libertarians are against that.
Supporting state rights in terms of drugs and ending the federal war on some drugs is conservative.
There have always been gays in the military, this is a non issue.

Anytime you need further education on what a real conservative is, I don't mind helping, even with your 3rd grade tantrums and insults my friend.

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