It's retards like hunter biden that give gun owners a bad name

Hunter is a strange dude on everything from child support for the love child with his stripper girlfriend, to drugs, to dealing on daddy's name whether daddy was in on it or not, to whatever the hell he was doing in the overseas bed shots with young girls whether they were hookers before he got there or not and of course doing his dead brother's widow and this gun deal. That guy is a mess.
Hunter is a strange dude on everything from child support for the love child with his stripper girlfriend, to drugs, to dealing on daddy's name whether daddy was in on it or not, to whatever the hell he was doing in the overseas bed shots with young girls whether they were hookers before he got there or not and of course doing his dead brother's widow and this gun deal. That guy is a mess.
Hey, you plant peas, you get peas.
Let me get this straight, Gun Owners get bad press bc of democrats? Not because redneck white people murder babies, cops and innocent ppl in mass shootings month after month, year after year, decade after decade and then lie and tell us the shit was just over blown, white fuck was just having a bad day??????? Gotcha!!
Not because redneck white people murder babies

You're thinking of the Democratic Party.
Dude, you white fucks went into a church and murdered old black ppl. You walked into a elementary school after murdering your mother and killed 21 white babies, you just recently murdered a cop, you killed how many presidents, I mean white men are the poster child of gun violence, mass shooting and stupid...I mean you mf's REEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKK OF IT!!
Not because redneck white people murder babies

You're thinking of the Democratic Party.
Dude, you white fucks went into a church and murdered old black ppl. You walked into a elementary school after murdering your mother and killed 21 white babies, you just recently murdered a cop, you killed how many presidents, I mean white men are the poster child of gun violence, mass shooting and stupid...I mean you mf's REEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKK OF IT!!

The Democratic Party is responsible for the premature deaths of tens-of-millions of black people who never escaped the womb. Why don't you care about them?

The Democratic Party has DESTROYED black America. So why do you worship them while simultaneously hating white people that would love to see black Americans escape the Democratic plantation and lead positive, quality, lives?
but this is the way the xidens role.

One thing you learn everyday. Democrats lie about everything, and the cia, FBI, secret service do not answer to anyone . This government is out of control. Who is going to reign it in ?

LOLOL, put it this way, if this is the shit your learning everyday.....Jesus take the wheel. There's a reason Fox Noise got a 30 million law suite pending for lies....and its ppl like you...learning....from these lying bastards that's gonna help pay for their law suit, stupid ass ho
Hunter is his Dad's bagman.
Boy, Putin gave you guys a bunch of lies about Hunter that you have yet to prove truthful and you white pussy's eat that shit up like ants to a pile of shit. History thank God is finally gonna put whites in the true light of facts....stupid stupid and just plain stupid.
Hunter is a strange dude on everything from child support for the love child with his stripper girlfriend, to drugs, to dealing on daddy's name whether daddy was in on it or not, to whatever the hell he was doing in the overseas bed shots with young girls whether they were hookers before he got there or not and of course doing his dead brother's widow and this gun deal. That guy is a mess.
Says Putin....hows that Russian newspaper subscription doing?
Not because redneck white people murder babies

You're thinking of the Democratic Party.
Dude, you white fucks went into a church and murdered old black ppl. You walked into a elementary school after murdering your mother and killed 21 white babies, you just recently murdered a cop, you killed how many presidents, I mean white men are the poster child of gun violence, mass shooting and stupid...I mean you mf's REEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKK OF IT!!

The Democratic Party is responsible for the premature deaths of tens-of-millions of black people who never escaped the womb. Why don't you care about them?

The Democratic Party has DESTROYED black America. So why do you worship them while simultaneously hating white people that would love to see black Americans escape the Democratic plantation and lead positive, quality, lives?
News Flash, I as do all the black ppl I know, do in fact live positive, quality lives and guess what, they're all liberal hard working productive citizens...who don't storm our nations capital and smear shit all over the walls and kill cops and and and we don't run around the country killing babies, cops, elderly church seniors, concert goers or business patrons. As for the right to life debate....please don't....especially after 4 years of Trump and his caging babies for fun...just don't.
Another News Flash, if any party is destroyed beyond human repair....Its the GQP, who prides itself on thinking Democrats drink baby blood for fun....LOLOL....your party is beyond pathetic, I honestly think there's a special place in hell, that Rush is hosting; awaiting you and the ppl that support this disgraceful party.
Not because redneck white people murder babies

You're thinking of the Democratic Party.
Dude, you white fucks went into a church and murdered old black ppl. You walked into a elementary school after murdering your mother and killed 21 white babies, you just recently murdered a cop, you killed how many presidents, I mean white men are the poster child of gun violence, mass shooting and stupid...I mean you mf's REEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKK OF IT!!

Here's your mass shooters for 2019. Where in this picture is the diatribe you just described
mass shooters 2019.jpg
but this is the way the xidens role.

One thing you learn everyday. Democrats lie about everything, and the cia, FBI, secret service do not answer to anyone . This government is out of control. Who is going to reign it in ?

LOLOL, put it this way, if this is the shit your learning everyday.....Jesus take the wheel. There's a reason Fox Noise got a 30 million law suite pending for lies....and its ppl like you...learning....from these lying bastards that's gonna help pay for their law suit, stupid ass ho

Lol. Seems you are the lying asshole . So go fuck yourself ****. I hate pussies like you . Turn on Rachael Maddie and beat off. Moron.
Hunter is a strange dude on everything from child support for the love child with his stripper girlfriend, to drugs, to dealing on daddy's name whether daddy was in on it or not, to whatever the hell he was doing in the overseas bed shots with young girls whether they were hookers before he got there or not and of course doing his dead brother's widow and this gun deal. That guy is a mess.
Says Putin....hows that Russian newspaper subscription doing?
Don't know about Russian news services, as I never turn OAW on. It has been on every network new as well as cable network including CNN, PMSNBC and FOX, and of course here on the internet, including USMB. I know I piss off both sides (and don't mind), as being a center right moderate attract nut balls of both extremes. That said, I have no idea if he has committed any crimes, that being for the courts and I don't really care, but believe he has done a lot of highly questionable crap and is too old to be looked at as simply a rebellious kid. Where there is this much smoke there is usually some fire. Don't bother trying to blow smoke up my zipper. No particular reflection on Joe at this stage of the game, but hunter is a few nuggets shy of a 10 pc nugget meal.
Let me get this straight, Gun Owners get bad press bc of democrats? Not because redneck white people murder babies, cops and innocent ppl in mass shootings month after month, year after year, decade after decade and then lie and tell us the shit was just over blown, white fuck was just having a bad day??????? Gotcha!!

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