its okay with me if Trump threatened to withhold aid to the Ukraine .


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
yep im ok with Trump withholding tax payer money to a foreign government unless they look into possible corruption ! although no aid was withheld and no investigation into the corruption of the admitted quid pro quo of the vice pres under Obama[Biden] the prosecutor looking into the company my unqualified drug addict son is making millions at or you dont get the aid 1.5 billion . i have no problem with a POTUS who ran on draining the swamp and disrupting the DC good ol boy system where leaders use our money ...let me say that again where leaders use OUR MONEY ! to enrich themselves and their family and friends ! now if it is reaveled that Trump asked Ukraine to fabricate evidence against Biden or any American citizen like the DNC paid for fake dossier that would be an offense in where the POTUS should be removed ! or if the POTUS used the IRS to target political opponents or had the POTUS abused the powers granted in the espionage act to spy on and imprison journalists or secretly in the cover of dark shipped pallets of cash to a foreign terrorist government or refused to send aid to an embassy under attack in which Americans begging for help were killed and so on and so on ! those are examples of actions in which a POTUS should be removed ! and as for the next democrat to hold the White House we should impeach the moment he or she is believed to be overstepping their authority ! yep i said it ! now many may say that we dont need to play dirty like the left ! i disagree if we dont give them a taste of their own medicine they will continue to lie and cheat ! the only way to teach the left is to make it very difficult for the next Dem POTUS to enact his or her policies ! its time to take off the gloves and play dirty too ! or do you really think that the left wing enemies of the Constitution ,the enemy of the freedoms of the people ,the enemy of business and private ownership ,the enemy of the our men and women in blue and camouflage ,and the enemy of our innocent unborn ! you think those worthless evil ,dishonest,lying,thieving pieces of scum will act with honor ?? its time to play as dirty as they play .
Yup ... pretty much what Republicans did during the end of the Obama administration ...

I'm okay with this ... leaves us to deal with all our gun-grabbing state governments ...
yep im ok with Trump withholding tax payer money to a foreign government unless they look into possible corruption ! although no aid was withheld and no investigation into the corruption of the admitted quid pro quo of the vice pres under Obama[Biden] the prosecutor looking into the company my unqualified drug addict son is making millions at or you dont get the aid 1.5 billion . i have no problem with a POTUS who ran on draining the swamp and disrupting the DC good ol boy system where leaders use our money ...let me say that again where leaders use OUR MONEY ! to enrich themselves and their family and friends ! now if it is reaveled that Trump asked Ukraine to fabricate evidence against Biden or any American citizen like the DNC paid for fake dossier that would be an offense in where the POTUS should be removed ! or if the POTUS used the IRS to target political opponents or had the POTUS abused the powers granted in the espionage act to spy on and imprison journalists or secretly in the cover of dark shipped pallets of cash to a foreign terrorist government or refused to send aid to an embassy under attack in which Americans begging for help were killed and so on and so on ! those are examples of actions in which a POTUS should be removed ! and as for the next democrat to hold the White House we should impeach the moment he or she is believed to be overstepping their authority ! yep i said it ! now many may say that we dont need to play dirty like the left ! i disagree if we dont give them a taste of their own medicine they will continue to lie and cheat ! the only way to teach the left is to make it very difficult for the next Dem POTUS to enact his or her policies ! its time to take off the gloves and play dirty too ! or do you really think that the left wing enemies of the Constitution ,the enemy of the freedoms of the people ,the enemy of business and private ownership ,the enemy of the our men and women in blue and camouflage ,and the enemy of our innocent unborn ! you think those worthless evil ,dishonest,lying,thieving pieces of scum will act with honor ?? its time to play as dirty as they play .
and after this sham of an impeachment no democrat should ever ...ever complain about the good ole boy system or the rich getting richer !

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