It's Official: Between Mueller, Comey, Holder, and Obama, The FBI Was Useless

Illegal server? How was it illegal, when servers were not addressed by law until after she left the State Department?
God, I hate when snowflakes play stupid, forcing us to go over the documented, proven facts over and over and over...

1. Hillary sent memos warning her State Dept Employees not to do what she did ... citing the regs and laws she violated

2. Hillary's server was not Encrypted according to US Regulation / Law

3. Hillary's server was not stored according to US Law / regulation
- Her server was stored in the BATHROOM of a tech company that did not even have authorization to have it in their possession

4. The Server was not properly marked according to US Regs / laws as containing TS/SCI material

5. The Server and documents / info was illegally transported, not in compliance with US Regs / laws

6. Documents / E-Mails were not turned in as required by the FOIA and Federal Records Act - thousands of official records, files, and e-mails were being illegally stored and not submitted

7. Thousands of documents, filed, and e-mails were destroyed off the server illegally - the server was illegally wiped using Bleach Bit

Many of these items had to not only be provided / accomplished had to be carried out but also carried out and inspected before she would ever have been allowed to start using her server. - it wasn't.

One of the worst things in the world to have to deal with is an ignorant snowflake - or a snowflake completely ignorant of what they are talking about - trying to defend Hillary and these crimes when it is OBVIOUS they are ignorant of the laws and regs and have never been around or had to deal with them.

Oh, I forgot the most important point that proves your post was either a LIE or just one of the dumbest posts today:

Regulations and Laws governing the possession, storage, handling, transporting, and destruction of classified material and the containers in which they are stored have been around a lot longer than Hillary Clinton has been.

As Secretary of State she was forced to complete Intel / Classified Information Handling training and Refresher training. The State Department has the documents she signed confirming she took this training and fully understood all of it.
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The evidence has already been presented of how Mueller and his FBI knew about and suppressed any reporting on wide-spread Russian crimes and scandals in the US, to include Bribery, Extortion, and Influence-Purchasing in a successful attempt to purchase 20% of the US' supply of Uranium back in 2009-2010. None of the 4 brought up all of these crimes and scandal to the Committee responsible for approving or denying the sale, which would have shut it down. Hillary Clinton, sitting on that committee, certainly did not mention she had received $145 Million in Clinton Foundation donations from the Russian lead in their effort to buy the Uranium - which Mueller and his FBI knew about.

The evidence of how Comey - Mueller's protégé - used an alias on Twitter and how he and his criminal FBI leaked classified information to the public / press, how Comey protected Hillary from indictment and criminal charges by writing her exoneration letter before interviews were conducted and the investigation had really gotten under-way...allowing Hillary to continue to run for the Presidency while under 2 FBI investigations for crimes she DID commit.

Further corruption, incompetence, and potential criminal acts within the FBI continue to surface...about how the FBI watched a Russian spy got close to Hillary...and her radioactive national security-threatening illegal server / TOP SECRET SCI secrets...and just let it happen.

The FBI, in itself, has become a corrupt, criminal, treasonous SWAMP that need to be drained of its leadership, possibly more.

Katie Pavlich - A Russian Spy Got Close to Hillary Clinton and the FBI Watched It Happen

"...a Russian spy did get close to at least one presidential candidate during her time as Secretary of State: Hillary Clinton. A female Russian spy posing as an American accountant, for instance, used a false identity to burrow her way into the employ of a major Democratic donor in hopes of gaining intelligence on Hillary Clinton's department, records show. The spy was arrested and deported as she moved closer to getting inside the secretary's department, agents said.

The FBI watched as it happened and eventually moved in to stop it.

It turns out, all the Russian government really had to do was dangle a bunch of money in front of Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation to get the access they were looking for. After all, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
helped Russian nuclear officials become successful in their bribe filled quest to gain 20 percent control of U.S. uranium supplies. This was a goal handed down by Russian President Vladimir Putin himself. In return, those same Russian nuclear officials worked to make the Clintons richer by paying enormous speaking fees directly to former President Bill Clinton and pumped tens-of-millions of dollars into the Clinton Foundation.

As time goes by and more information is revealed, the Russia story has become far more about the Clintons than it is about President Trump."

Dangle enough money in front of Hillary Clinton and she would F* a snake or betray her own parents.....

The FBI - Mueller and Comey - was dirty as hell, but not as dirty as the Clintons!


They colluded with Russia in this bribery scheme, concealed it from The American Public, and all parties involved STILL APPROVED THE URANIUM ONE DEAL, INCLUDING OBAMA, despite knowing that RUSSIA was bribing everyone to get the deal done, INCLUDING JOHN MCCAIN, BARAK OBAMA, and HILLARY CLINTON.


John McCain

& ANYONE Else who knew about this and did and said nothing.
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The evidence has already been presented of how Mueller and his FBI knew about and suppressed any reporting on wide-spread Russian crimes and scandals in the US, to include Bribery, Extortion, and Influence-Purchasing in a successful attempt to purchase 20% of the US' supply of Uranium back in 2009-2010. None of the 4 brought up all of these crimes and scandal to the Committee responsible for approving or denying the sale, which would have shut it down. Hillary Clinton, sitting on that committee, certainly did not mention she had received $145 Million in Clinton Foundation donations from the Russian lead in their effort to buy the Uranium - which Mueller and his FBI knew about.

The evidence of how Comey - Mueller's protégé - used an alias on Twitter and how he and his criminal FBI leaked classified information to the public / press, how Comey protected Hillary from indictment and criminal charges by writing her exoneration letter before interviews were conducted and the investigation had really gotten under-way...allowing Hillary to continue to run for the Presidency while under 2 FBI investigations for crimes she DID commit.

Further corruption, incompetence, and potential criminal acts within the FBI continue to surface...about how the FBI watched a Russian spy got close to Hillary...and her radioactive national security-threatening illegal server / TOP SECRET SCI secrets...and just let it happen.

The FBI, in itself, has become a corrupt, criminal, treasonous SWAMP that need to be drained of its leadership, possibly more.

Katie Pavlich - A Russian Spy Got Close to Hillary Clinton and the FBI Watched It Happen

"...a Russian spy did get close to at least one presidential candidate during her time as Secretary of State: Hillary Clinton. A female Russian spy posing as an American accountant, for instance, used a false identity to burrow her way into the employ of a major Democratic donor in hopes of gaining intelligence on Hillary Clinton's department, records show. The spy was arrested and deported as she moved closer to getting inside the secretary's department, agents said.

The FBI watched as it happened and eventually moved in to stop it.

It turns out, all the Russian government really had to do was dangle a bunch of money in front of Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation to get the access they were looking for. After all, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
helped Russian nuclear officials become successful in their bribe filled quest to gain 20 percent control of U.S. uranium supplies. This was a goal handed down by Russian President Vladimir Putin himself. In return, those same Russian nuclear officials worked to make the Clintons richer by paying enormous speaking fees directly to former President Bill Clinton and pumped tens-of-millions of dollars into the Clinton Foundation.

As time goes by and more information is revealed, the Russia story has become far more about the Clintons than it is about President Trump."

Dangle enough money in front of Hillary Clinton and she would F* a snake or betray her own parents.....

The FBI - Mueller and Comey - was dirty as hell, but not as dirty as the Clintons!


They colluded with Russia in this bribery scheme, concealed it from The American Public, and all parties involved STILL APPROVED THE URANIUM ONE DEAL, INCLUDING OBAMA, despite knowing that RUSSIA was bribing everyone to get the deal done, INCLUDING JOHN MCCAIN, BARAK OBAMA, and HILLARY CLINTON.



& ANYONE Else who knew about this and did and said nothing.
Thank you for correcting my post. I concur.
And the other part of the story regarding Russian Collusion is that Hillary Clinton & the DNC and John McCain colluded together with Russia and Steele to Finance The Creation of the FAKE Trump DOSSIER.

So she lied about that too, and Obama knew about it, and so did COMEY & Mueller.

And Jeff Sessions needs to RESIGN. He is incompetent, and a COWARD.
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what's interesting is now Mueller is investigating himself. How is that not a conflict of fking interest? where are our legislatures at? Normal citizens have been getting fked now for over seven years. and it is still going on. wow.
what's interesting is now Mueller is investigating himself. How is that not a conflict of fking interest? where are our legislatures at? Normal citizens have been getting fked now for over seven years. and it is still going on. wow.
What better way to continue the cover-up you're involved in than to be the man responsible for investigating it?!

And what better way to further Try to exonerate the Podestas and Clintons than to say your team looked into them and found nothing?
-- 'No need for ANOTHER Special Counsel - I have already found my accomplice / co-conspirator 'innocent'!'

Any snowflakes still want to claim Mueller has no 'Conflict of Interest'?
How is Mueller, McCabe, Rosenstein, Lynch, Rice, Powers, Comey, Clinton and Obama NOT ON TRIAL?

Should they face a firing squad for selling out our National Security and Trying to Rig our Elections? And what about Clinton, Obama and THE DNC funneling classified intel to our enemies?

Worse yet, why has no one looked in to Obama and Clinton running guns and funding terrorists to carry out assassinations and coups in the M.E.?

And John McCain makes me sick that he is involved in BOTH SCANDALS!
The only thing I can think of is the Weasel Sessions was on the take from the Russians, too....

Either that or he is being paid off - or told if he opens his mouth / does anything - he will have a 'Clinton-esque' accident... :p
The only thing I can think of is the Weasel Sessions was on the take from the Russians, too....

Either that or he is being paid off - or told if he opens his mouth / does anything - he will have a 'Clinton-esque' accident... :p
Didn't he once sit on The Intelligence Committee that approved THE URANIUM ONE DEAL?

Along with McCain and Eric Holder, Mitch McConnel, and Harry Reid?
Mueller and his protégé Comey ran the most corrupt FBI agencies ... possibly EVER...and now Mueller is in charge of investigating HIS, Comey's, Holder's, Hillary's, and Obama's crimes...


Of course that is what Mueller and the Democrats want people to think, that investigating their own crimes is under his jurisdiction as Special Counsel, so he can declare he has investigated and founding 'nothing there'.
Mueller and his protégé Comey ran the most corrupt FBI agencies ... possibly EVER...and now Mueller is in charge of investigating HIS, Comey's, Holder's, Hillary's, and Obama's crimes...

View attachment 156472

Of course that is what Mueller and the Democrats want people to think, that investigating their own crimes is under his jurisdiction as Special Counsel, so he can declare he has investigated and founding 'nothing there'.
And then there is the IRS investigating itself, and Comey, McCabe, Mueller, and Rosenstein pretending like there was NOTHING GOING ON THERE AT ALL!
On top of letting The State Department Investigate itself, and THE DNC Investigate itself, there were a lot of Sweetheart Deals going on.
Mueller and his protégé Comey ran the most corrupt FBI agencies ... possibly EVER...and now Mueller is in charge of investigating HIS, Comey's, Holder's, Hillary's, and Obama's crimes...

View attachment 156472

Of course that is what Mueller and the Democrats want people to think, that investigating their own crimes is under his jurisdiction as Special Counsel, so he can declare he has investigated and founding 'nothing there'.

You know, this might sound crazy, but there was a "SPECIAL INFORMANT" working and helping to uncover some of this Clinton-DNC-Obama Collusion...bribery and the FAKE DOSSIER stuff, and this was done just out of the reach of Comey, Mueller, McCabe and Rosenstein.

You know what would CRACK ME UP?

If the special informant that ended up exposing Clinton-Obama-McCain-DNC Russian Collusion & Bribery, Influence Peddling and Extortion Ring done with the complicity of Comey, Mueller, McCabe and Rosenstein. turned out to be....


Maybe this was why Mueller did the Pre-Dawn Raid at Manafort's home, to confiscate documents that were already promised to Mueller, and to then ILLEGALLY take all of Manafort's Attorney's documents which were covered under Attorney Client Privilege.
Gosh I'd never have voted for Hillary if I'd have known she took money for her Foundation from Russians wanting to buy a company that mined uranium. Wait, I knew that and didn't vote for the corrupt Hag. And of all her crooked deals, this seemed like ... nothing. LOL
Gosh I'd never have voted for Hillary if I'd have known she took money for her Foundation from Russians wanting to buy a company that mined uranium. Wait, I knew that and didn't vote for the corrupt Hag. And of all her crooked deals, this seemed like ... nothing. LOL
well sure it's something, it explains the entire russia narrative from the left. Here it is, here is the collusion, the russia interference. here is the actual russia thingy ahead of the big fking lie about trump. haahahahahahaahahaha. what a scam presented by the demolosers. produced by Harvey Weinstein, directed by Robert Mueller.
Gosh I'd never have voted for Hillary if I'd have known she took money for her Foundation from Russians wanting to buy a company that mined uranium. Wait, I knew that and didn't vote for the corrupt Hag. And of all her crooked deals, this seemed like ... nothing. LOL
well sure it's something, it explains the entire russia narrative from the left. Here it is, here is the collusion, the russia interference. here is the actual russia thingy ahead of the big fking lie about trump. haahahahahahaahahaha. what a scam presented by the demolosers. produced by Harvey Weinstein, directed by Robert Mueller.
Oh and Robert Mueller has a cameo as the Director of the FBI that he now gets to investigate. What a coontry!@!!11
no remorse, no apology, no anything except a big loud fk you american public you don't fking matter in the big picture. all about making the US the new soviet union. Thank god for Trump.
Gosh I'd never have voted for Hillary if I'd have known she took money for her Foundation from Russians wanting to buy a company that mined uranium. Wait, I knew that and didn't vote for the corrupt Hag. And of all her crooked deals, this seemed like ... nothing. LOL
well sure it's something, it explains the entire russia narrative from the left. Here it is, here is the collusion, the russia interference. here is the actual russia thingy ahead of the big fking lie about trump. haahahahahahaahahaha.what a scam presented by the demolosers. produced by Harvey Weinstein, directed by Robert Mueller.

Starring Anthony Weiner, Hillary's Clit, Bill Clinton, Epstein & the Lolita Express & filmed on Kiddie Porn Island!


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