It's May Day, and how many of you


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
actually had a May Day pole at your elementary schools. We did at Davis Elementary and Magnolia Elementary.

I guess they were grooming us as little Reds.
Ya, I do not think it had anything to do with communism. The may pole thing is much older than communism!
I have Jake the Fake on ignore but a little shitstory about May Day and Marxism...

The History of May Day
Marx calls attention to how almost simultaneously, in fact within two weeks of each other, a workers' convention meeting in Baltimore voted for the 8-hour day, and an international congress meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, adopted a similar decision. "Thus on both sides of the Atlantic did the working class movement, spontaneous outgrowth of the conditions of production," endorse the same movement of the limitation of hours of labor and concretize it in the demand for the 8-hour day.
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andaronjim loves and hates me, so he goes back and forth.

I like his link reporting "Marx calls attention to how almost simultaneously, in fact within two weeks of each other, a workers' convention meeting in Baltimore voted for the 8-hour day, and an international congress meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, adopted a similar decision. "Thus on both sides of the Atlantic did the working class movement, spontaneous outgrowth of the conditions of production," endorse the same movement of the limitation of hours of labor and concretize it in the demand for the 8-hour day."
I guess they were grooming us as little Reds.
Ya, I do not think it had anything to do with communism. The may pole thing is much older than communism!

May Day was appropriated by the Communists decades ago. I remember the parades through Soviet Red Square with the clapping Khruschev and the magic repeater missiles.
That may be but agaIn this is a ritual way older than communism. Not to say the communists did not change the idea behind it for their own gains, governemnts have been know to do such things but uit was not orriginally a communist thing. The Romans used a may pole and our governemt is based on thiers!
I guess they were grooming us as little Reds.
Ya, I do not think it had anything to do with communism. The may pole thing is much older than communism!

May Day was appropriated by the Communists decades ago. I remember the parades through Soviet Red Square with the clapping Khruschev and the magic repeater missiles.
That may be but agaIn this is a ritual way older than communism. Not to say the communists did not change the idea behind it for their own gains, governemnts have been know to do such things but uit was not orriginally a communist thing. The Romans used a may pole and our governemt is based on thiers!

The Druids too, as a Spring rite.

Regardless, our concerns in this time are not Romans or Druids.
Starting today, it is my Birthday Month.....That means the hubby buys me a Duncan Donuts coffee, every day of my birthday month!!! I love MAY!!!! :)
People who work establishing their negotiating position in the face of overbearing employers is not 'communism'.
Everything is 'communist' when a 'capitalism' worshiper sees the slightest deviation from his/her interpretation.
actually had a May Day pole at your elementary schools. We did at Davis Elementary and Magnolia Elementary.

I only remember a pole like that which we played Tether-ball on, in elementary school.
Tether-ball was so much fun! I'd forgotten all about that.

At the local diner today, May Day was mentioned, and the waitress (who is much younger than me--at least 15 years or more, I guess) remembers hanging May baskets on people's door knobs and then ringing the bell and running. That's what people did up here. Because this is Maine and there aren't any real flowers out yet, people made paper flowers, stuffed them in a basket and left them at people's doors. But you weren't supposed to get caught. Where I grew up, May Day was never even mentioned.
No one at the diner remembers a May Pole, but I think it would be awesome to get one started again. There are still people somewhere who remember the dance, I'm sure. It is quite intricate how the strands get woven into a design on the pole. I'll bet it's really something to watch.
May Day is an ancient celebration of Spring, and it's when young folks pledged their troth. Communism be damned.
May Day is when commie Democrats come out of the closet to celebrate their ideology.

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