It's Felonious, I Tell Ya!

She is worried about climate change ,so did this twat come over here on a row boat or a roaring jet liner?
You ignorant fuck, she came on a SAILBOAT.

And then the crew had to be FLOWN back across, along with her when she was done, you ignorant fuck!

The question was how she got here. Try to keep up Skippy.

Yeah, she got here by sailing across the ocean, but the crew that got her here had to be flown back across the ocean, skippy. That means she caused far more CO2 to be expended for her little jaunt than would have been expended had she just traveled like a normal person.

You see, skippy, that's the difference between idiots, like you, and me. I understand what it means to be efficient, and to actually do something positive for the world instead of negative. Which is all you can accomplish.
She is worried about climate change ,so did this twat come over here on a row boat or a roaring jet liner?
You ignorant fuck, she came on a SAILBOAT.

And then the crew had to be FLOWN back across, along with her when she was done, you ignorant fuck!

The question was how she got here. Try to keep up Skippy.

Yeah, she got here by sailing across the ocean, but the crew that got her here had to be flown back across the ocean, skippy. That means she caused far more CO2 to be expended for her little jaunt than would have been expended had she just traveled like a normal person.

You see, skippy, that's the difference between idiots, like you, and me. I understand what it means to be efficient, and to actually do something positive for the world instead of negative. Which is all you can accomplish.

RealDumb is the connsumate left loon. Upset the man has him down, mad at the world, demands "change" but can't see the forrest for the trees.
So is the twat getting around on a rickshaw ,her cloths are made from leaves and she wipes her ass with sticks, and wears wooden shoes made from bamboo and sleeps under the stars.
So is the twat getting around on a rickshaw ,her cloths are made from leaves and she wipes her ass with sticks, and wears wooden shoes made from bamboo and sleeps under the stars.

Yet another assfuck who thinks we have to end emissions instead of reduce them.

You can always count on Trumpettes to be ignorant people.

Asperger's syndrome suffers typically have normal intelligence.

Hence, ASSFUCK, they are not retarded.

Trumpetts are disgustingly poor excuses for human beings.
She’s a retard. Puppet.

Still the sane ignorant piece of shit you have always been.
Says shitforbrains who thinks teens should create national policy.

Someone needs to because the fat assed orange piece of shit you elected certainly can't.

You assfucks are too stupid to believe in science.

Why are you working so hard for Trump 2020? Slow down, we’ve got a year to go.

BTW- Nobel Committee thinks she’s a retard too.
That is one miserable creature, no wonder dipshit liberals and Democrats follow her ,pitiful sheeples, next we will all have to shit in bags made from corn starch, and shoot it into outer space in a vinegar and baking soda rocket, so as to keep the methane gas from fucking up the ozone layer.


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