It's a Miracle! The Flu Is Eradicated!

Drop Dead Fred

Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2020
Funny how the flu has just magically disappeared at the exact same time so many people are dying from COVID-19.

It's a Miracle! The Flu Is Eradicated!

Or maybe not. Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report | CDC.

Maybe this falls under the heading of Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics. Do you think we cured the Flu, do you think they are ignoring the Flu, or do you think government is lying to you? (Hint: EVERYONE is lying to you.)

As usual, click the images for a larger view.

Flu map for week 51 from the 2019-2020 Flu Season (from the CDC page linked above). Last year week 51 ended on Dec 21, 2019.

flu 2019.png

And a similar map from the 2020-2021 Flu season, for week 51 - which ended Dec 19, 2020.

flu 2020.png

Part of the caption (from 2019) reads...
This map use the proportion of outpatient visits to healthcare providers for influenza-like illness to measure the ILI activity level within a state. [My emphasis.]
Gee, do you think that "influenza-like illness" is getting counted differently this year? Hat tip to Twitter and Dr. David Samadi, MD.

As for Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics, the origin of the phrase is confused, but it seem Benjamin Disraeli never said that.
Funny how the flu has just magically disappeared at the exact same time so many people are dying from COVID-19.

It's a Miracle! The Flu Is Eradicated!

Or maybe not. Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report | CDC.

Maybe this falls under the heading of Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics. Do you think we cured the Flu, do you think they are ignoring the Flu, or do you think government is lying to you? (Hint: EVERYONE is lying to you.)

As usual, click the images for a larger view.

Flu map for week 51 from the 2019-2020 Flu Season (from the CDC page linked above). Last year week 51 ended on Dec 21, 2019.

View attachment 435015

And a similar map from the 2020-2021 Flu season, for week 51 - which ended Dec 19, 2020.

View attachment 435016

Part of the caption (from 2019) reads...
This map use the proportion of outpatient visits to healthcare providers for influenza-like illness to measure the ILI activity level within a state. [My emphasis.]
Gee, do you think that "influenza-like illness" is getting counted differently this year? Hat tip to Twitter and Dr. David Samadi, MD.

As for Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics, the origin of the phrase is confused, but it seem Benjamin Disraeli never said that.

That's an easy one to explain away! The 2nd map that is 101% green is the wrong map by a freak MISTAKE. The all green map is a map that was intended to illustrate which states have the proper amount of enthusiasm for green technology. The light green states are highly rambunctious about green technology, the medium green states are not properly primed up for green technology & the dark green states have to be totally reeducated about green technology! The elite pulled off a rigged election, convinced 83% of the American constituency that the C-19 virus is even a bigger killer than the black plague & bubonic plague combined, got Americans to believe that 600 bucks was a better deal than 2,000 bucks, so convincing the American public that the wrong map ended up in the right link is easier than saying the word 'gullible'!!!
The new much more contagious strain is here. First identified case is in Colorado, but it seems to be community spread, which means it's all around us. Most of us aren't going to get the vaccine for several months, so those with high risk conditions are going to be twice as likely to catch it and die in the coming months.

It sure would be nice if everyone would give us a break and at least follow restrictions.
I love how you liberals can constantly come to such easy decisions using totally faulty information. All the liberal ASSUMPTIONS have proven false since Fauci first opened his mouth. Thank God Trump took control of the situation.
I love how you liberals can constantly come to such easy decisions using totally faulty information. All the liberal ASSUMPTIONS have proven false since Fauci first opened his mouth. Thank God Trump took control of the situation.

Except Trump DIDN'T take control of the situation. Which is why we're in the position of having a large section of morons in this country who won't follow guidelines, why our hospitals are almost strained to the breaking point, and while the last several years of deconstructing federal agencies seems to be preventing a smooth rollout of a vaccine that will get us out of the pandemic.

Just another reason why you don't elect a former reality TV game show host and enable the worst of the worst to dismantle government without a thought for execution and efficiency. I feel bad for President-elect Biden. He's going to have a lot of shit to fix. We can never make the mistake of electing this amount of incompetence again.

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