It's A Beautiful Match!


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012
For many obvious reasons Israel and Russia are a perfect match! Both have large Russian speaking populations, both need a foothold in the ME, both are fighting Islamist insurgents and both are quasi fascist republics acting as democracies...Sadly the Palestinians are the forgotten peopled disenfranchised by sinister conspiracies that become reality like this...

A match made in Hell...

Why Russia should take over Israel s defense from America

or moral, historic, and strategic reasons, the United States has Israel's back. Israel is the top recipient of U.S. foreign aid, and it has access to top-flight U.S. weapons its neighbors could only dream of. Probably most importantly, the U.S. — the world's sole superpower — is known as Israel's chief defender, both militarily and at the United Nations.

Making sure Israel is safe is a sacred, bipartisan, inviolable cornerstone of American foreign policy. But is it really so important that America be the nation that provides that protection? Israel and the U.S. are in a diplomatic rough patch right now, and maybe this is the time for both countries to re-evaluate their special relationship. Perhaps the two allies should take a breather and let another nation be Israel's global defender, at least for a spell.

The obvious choice is Russia.

There are lots of reasons for the improved ties between Russia and Israel, but key among them is the fact that Israel has become increasingly Russian in the past 20 years. Putin is deeply concerned with the wellbeing of Russian nationals wherever they reside, up to and including invading other countries to protect their interests, and 15 percent of Israelis are emigrants from the former Soviet Union.
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For many obvious reasons Israel and Russia are a perfect match! Both have large Russian speaking populations, both need a foothold in the ME, both are fighting Islamist insurgents and both are quasi fascist republics acting as democracies...Sadly the Palestinians are the forgotten peopled disenfranchised by sinister conspiracies that become reality like this...

A match made in Hell...

Why Russia should take over Israel s defense from America

or moral, historic, and strategic reasons, the United States has Israel's back. Israel is the top recipient of U.S. foreign aid, and it has access to top-flight U.S. weapons its neighbors could only dream of. Probably most importantly, the U.S. — the world's sole superpower — is known as Israel's chief defender, both militarily and at the United Nations.

Making sure Israel is safe is a sacred, bipartisan, inviolable cornerstone of American foreign policy. But is it really so important that America be the nation that provides that protection? Israel and the U.S. are in a diplomatic rough patch right now, and maybe this is the time for both countries to re-evaluate their special relationship. Perhaps the two allies should take a breather and let another nation be Israel's global defender, at least for a spell.

The obvious choice is Russia.

There are lots of reasons for the improved ties between Russia and Israel, but key among them is the fact that Israel has become increasingly Russian in the past 20 years. Putin is deeply concerned with the wellbeing of Russian nationals wherever they reside, up to and including invading other countries to protect their interests, and 15 percent of Israelis are emigrants from the former Soviet Union.

Just more of your Islamonazi propaganda without any basis in reality, when are you going to post your certificate of sanity
ROFL. You have to love the forum's clown. MJ you are great for laughs.

Whats wrong freddy boy don't you have the brains to come up with your own answers, so have to steal other peoples like the idiot you are
ROFL. You have to love the forum's clown. MJ you are great for laughs.

Whats wrong freddy boy don't you have the brains to come up with your own answers, so have to steal other peoples like the idiot you are

That's what u just did, "Post your Certificate of Sanity."

And as I keep telling you I don't have one as you need to be insane first.
I think you have proven your insanity on these boards beyond any reasonable doubt:

You answer every post, no matter how miniscule...
You answer with answers that repeat in a circular motion...
You constantly ask for links but never provide one...
You lie so often that even MJ laughs at your comic persona...

All in all you are a
Phoney Baloney, and we understand why
you don't produce a "Certificate of Sanity!
ROFL. You have to love the forum's clown. MJ you are great for laughs.

Whats wrong freddy boy don't you have the brains to come up with your own answers, so have to steal other peoples like the idiot you are

That's what u just did, "Post your Certificate of Sanity."

And as I keep telling you I don't have one as you need to be insane first.
I think you have proven your insanity on these boards beyond any reasonable doubt:

You answer every post, no matter how miniscule...
You answer with answers that repeat in a circular motion...
You constantly ask for links but never provide one...
You lie so often that even MJ laughs at your comic persona...

All in all you are a
Phoney Baloney, and we understand why
you don't produce a "Certificate of Sanity!

And your above rant shows why you cant produce yours, it is because you are still certifiably insane

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