It's a Beautiful Day in the Negrohood...


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2007
Charleston, SC
Never underestimate the importance of proofreading...

Brooklyn primary candidate in N.Y. Assembly race says 'negrohood' mailer was just a 'typo' - NY Daily News

An Assembly candidate whose campaign sent mailers using the word “negrohood” to residents in his Sheepshead Bay district apologized Wednesday — calling the racially tinged language a “typo.”

“As the candidate, I take full responsibility for this inadvertent error and I am sorry to anyone who was offended by it,” Ben Akselrod, who’s running in the Sept. 13 Democratic primary against Assemblyman Steven Cymbrowitz, said in a statement.
Honest mistake.......happens to me all the time

But I have Tourettes
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Brought free attention toward his campaign anyway... :lol:

“As the candidate, I take full responsibility for this inadvertent error and I am sorry to anyone who was offended by it,” Ben Akselrod, who’s running in the Sept. 13 Democratic primary against Assemblyman Steven Cymbrowitz, said in a statement.

The Friends of Ben Akselrod sent the mailers last week, claiming that his opponent “has allowed crime to go up over 50% in our negrohood so far this year.”

Akselrod didn’t specify Wednesday whether his campaign intended to use the word “neighborhood” instead.

He said he faced discrimination as a Jew in his native Russia, and rejects “any form of racial and ethnic bias.”

He also blasted his opponent’s supporters for focusing on the typo instead of addressing crime in the community.
Never underestimate the importance of proofreading...

Brooklyn primary candidate in N.Y. Assembly race says 'negrohood' mailer was just a 'typo' - NY Daily News

An Assembly candidate whose campaign sent mailers using the word “negrohood” to residents in his Sheepshead Bay district apologized Wednesday — calling the racially tinged language a “typo.”

“As the candidate, I take full responsibility for this inadvertent error and I am sorry to anyone who was offended by it,” Ben Akselrod, who’s running in the Sept. 13 Democratic primary against Assemblyman Steven Cymbrowitz, said in a statement.

OMG. which dumpster do you suppose they'll find the body of the guy who typed that one?

Do you know about the make-up of Sheepshead Bay?

Smert Komitet Gossudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti!

And..."The campaign treasurer for Friends of Ben Akselrod resigned yesterday, outraged that his address was put on thousands of mailers to neighbors that said crime is up in the “negrohood.”"
Ben Akselrod | Sheepshead Bay News Blog

New address: Federal Witless-Relocation Program.


You're not formerly from the People's Republic of Brooklyn, are you?
Never underestimate the importance of proofreading...

Brooklyn primary candidate in N.Y. Assembly race says 'negrohood' mailer was just a 'typo' - NY Daily News

An Assembly candidate whose campaign sent mailers using the word “negrohood” to residents in his Sheepshead Bay district apologized Wednesday — calling the racially tinged language a “typo.”

“As the candidate, I take full responsibility for this inadvertent error and I am sorry to anyone who was offended by it,” Ben Akselrod, who’s running in the Sept. 13 Democratic primary against Assemblyman Steven Cymbrowitz, said in a statement.

Oopsie! He's toast........See? English was an important subject in school.

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