Italian Angler Catches Pending World-Record Wels Catfish Over 9 Feet Long

It's genetically impossible for a catfish to get that big.
Show me the pic of this 12 foot catfish being hauled up a damn.
beings it took millions of yrs to catch this 9 footer, I cant believe for a minute its the biggest to ever exist,,

theres always a bigger bear,,
beings it took millions of yrs to catch this 9 footer, I cant believe for a minute its the biggest to ever exist,,

theres always a bigger bear,,

You said a 12 footer I believe.
And you'll notice the 9 footer wasnt caught in the US.
Do some research it's genetically impossible for any breed of catfish to get that big in the US.
If they did someone would have caught one by now.
It's genetically impossible for a catfish to get that big.
Show me the pic of this 12 foot catfish being hauled up a damn.
Blah!.....The same damn "dam inspection" fish story is told around every dam in America and I bet overseas too....I've heard them since I was old enough to wet a line.

You want to worry about something big in the water, worry about these. ;)


You said a 12 footer I believe.
And you'll notice the 9 footer wasnt caught in the US.
Do some research it's genetically impossible for any breed of catfish to get that big in the US.
If they did someone would have caught one by now.
that we currently know of,,
Blah!.....The same damn "dam inspection" fish story is told around every dam in America and I bet overseas too....I've heard them since I was old enough to wet a line.

You want to worry about something big in the water, worry about these. ;)


There's stories about giant catfish the size of a car at most every large impoundment in the country.
We all know they're just that....stories.
If there were catfish that big in the US someone would have caught one by now.
A certified fish of that size would be all over the internet.
it took millions of yrs to catch a 9 footer,,,

and as I said the picture it seemed to be 12 ft,, old pictures can be deceiving,,
not there back in those days,, even now they aint that smart,,

they still brag about it to this day,,

LOL...Rednecks are some of the best fisherman on the planet.
My Father in law caught catfish for a living. He sold them to restaurants.
This was on the Trinity river and below the lake Livingston dam. There are some huge catfish in that river and the lake but none even close to 12 foot.
LOL...Rednecks are some of the best fisherman on the planet.
My Father in law caught catfish for a living. He sold them to restaurants.
This was on the Trinity river and below the lake Livingston dam. There are some huge catfish in that river and the lake but none even close to 12 foot.
doesnt mean much,, took millions of yrs to catch a 9 footer,,

who know how long it will take the catch one bigger,,
only afte
Look up the record on that lake and I'll bet you any amount of money you want to bet that it isnt anywhere close to 12 foot.
If we had the tech to build a damn that big we had the tech to record a fish of that size.
only after it was caught,,,

we've established that you think this 9 footer is the biggest cat fish in the world and none are larger,,

logic tells me theres always a bigger fish in the sea,,

one thing about all these dam stories is they are at the base of dams where debris always goes,, and since cat fish are bottom feeders they just sit there and suck up whatever comes there way,, growing bigger all the time,,

cant speak to other dams but bagnell you cant fish close to the dam and visibility is zero,, so no one really knows for sure
only afte

only after it was caught,,,

we've established that you think this 9 footer is the biggest cat fish in the world and none are larger,,

logic tells me theres always a bigger fish in the sea,,

one thing about all these dam stories is they are at the base of dams where debris always goes,, and since cat fish are bottom feeders they just sit there and suck up whatever comes there way,, growing bigger all the time,,

cant speak to other dams but bagnell you cant fish close to the dam and visibility is zero,, so no one really knows for sure

I never said that.
I'm referring to catfish caught in the US.
And while there are always bigger fish in the sea we arent talking about the sea we're talking about a lake.
Again...look up the record on that lake and you wont find anything close to 12 foot.

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