It worked?

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Trickle down doesn't work, but Obamanomics does.

[ame=""]It Worked - YouTube[/ame]
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When I saw the title, I thought I might come in here and see all of your rep gone.:D
OMG, that's what he think is working? So lets talk more about the economy. It's only been 4 years and it sucks, other than Roosevelt with the Great Depression, have you seen an entire Presidential term suck this bad economically?
OMG, that's what he think is working? So lets talk more about the economy. It's only been 4 years and it sucks, other than Roosevelt with the Great Depression, have you seen an entire Presidential term suck this bad economically?

He gave that particular speech in Oakland. The unemployment rate in that wonderful city is almost 14%.
OMG, that's what he think is working? So lets talk more about the economy. It's only been 4 years and it sucks, other than Roosevelt with the Great Depression, have you seen an entire Presidential term suck this bad economically?

He gave that particular speech in Oakland. The unemployment rate in that wonderful city is almost 14%.

And I bet he's popular, nothing like thinking with your head!
OMG, that's what he think is working? So lets talk more about the economy. It's only been 4 years and it sucks, other than Roosevelt with the Great Depression, have you seen an entire Presidential term suck this bad economically?

The recession George Bush left us was second only to the great one. Just remember in the last six months of the Bush administration the country lost THREE AND A HALF MILLION JOBS.

And he left us with over 6 trillion in new debt.

If Romney has a plan it is hard to tell what it is other than more of the same bush policies. What could possible go wrong there?
With a Trillion Dollar Stimulus and all those shovel ready jobs. They all laughed about by the way.. Hmmm... WTF.

Sounds like we've been duped by the agenda. Just look at this guys lies.. told over and over again.

You stupid fucking liberal followers make me sick to my stomach.
OMG, that's what he think is working? So lets talk more about the economy. It's only been 4 years and it sucks, other than Roosevelt with the Great Depression, have you seen an entire Presidential term suck this bad economically?

The recession George Bush left us was second only to the great one. Just remember in the last six months of the Bush administration the country lost THREE AND A HALF MILLION JOBS.

And he left us with over 6 trillion in new debt.

If Romney has a plan it is hard to tell what it is other than more of the same bush policies. What could possible go wrong there?

Is that the reason it didn't work?
Obama's four years have been horrible, so they think we should give him another four

that's kinda sad really
OMG, that's what he think is working? So lets talk more about the economy. It's only been 4 years and it sucks, other than Roosevelt with the Great Depression, have you seen an entire Presidential term suck this bad economically?

The recession George Bush left us was second only to the great one. Just remember in the last six months of the Bush administration the country lost THREE AND A HALF MILLION JOBS.

And he left us with over 6 trillion in new debt.

If Romney has a plan it is hard to tell what it is other than more of the same bush policies. What could possible go wrong there?

Uh...nice try...but WRONG. The CBO and Fed said the recession ENDED in the same month Obama was sworn in. THIS...this is OBAMA'S MESS!

Obama has spent more money in 3 years then every other president in the HISTORY of this country COMBINED. FACT...and were are STILL sliding head long into the ditch!

But yeah...that's Bush's fault too.

WAKE UP! I don't know where your getting your information, Media Maters, Huffington Post...whatever, but you REALLY need to start digging a little deeper than the surface if the truth matters a LICK to ya.

And IF...and I suspect that is a mighty big if, IF you care to see what Romney's economic plan is...HERE is a link to it. You can download it and read it at your leisure OR read it right there on the site.

Either way, it puts LIE to the leftest claims he has no plan. This thing is 87 pages long and has been in publication for nearly SIX MONTHS!
OMG, that's what he think is working? So lets talk more about the economy. It's only been 4 years and it sucks, other than Roosevelt with the Great Depression, have you seen an entire Presidential term suck this bad economically?

The recession George Bush left us was second only to the great one. Just remember in the last six months of the Bush administration the country lost THREE AND A HALF MILLION JOBS.

And he left us with over 6 trillion in new debt.

If Romney has a plan it is hard to tell what it is other than more of the same bush policies. What could possible go wrong there?

WEll I'm so glad you brought that up, funny how the economy was fine until 2008 a year after when Pelosi and Reid took over congress, and the economy did go to shit.

And the housing market crashed because banks HAD TO LOAN TO PEOPLE WHO COULDNT AFFORD LOANS, that's a recipe for disaster, but liberal social engineering had to come first.

Dow Jones Industrial Average (2000 - Present Daily) - Charting Tools -

Notic on the chart around April 2007 we had a huge DOW, then it tanked. Then Obama got in and it grew slow, then the republicans got in and it got ALOT better, because republicans dont like stupid regulations like this:
Hotels Rushing to Meet New ADA Swimming Pool Regulations | News | San Marco News

And debt, Obama has almost matched Bush's debt of 8 years in 4, and Bush had to deal with the dot com bubble and 9/11 and two wars, sorry man, Obmaa had the housing crises that was caused by he needs to blame them.
Obama has made people more equally poor. Considering his ultimate plan, that is a huge success as far as he's concerned. Things are going according to plan, though not as quickly as he hoped. He needs another 4 years to completely dismantle capitalism, disarm the people, completely put health insurance companies out of business so the government has total control over our health, redistribute all the wealth (save for a few elitists who are above the rest of us) and turn us into another Cuba. the last six months of the Bush administration the country lost THREE AND A HALF MILLION JOBS....

WEll I'm so glad you brought that up, funny how the economy was fine until 2008 a year after when Pelosi and Reid took over congress, and the economy did go to shit.,,,

I'm not trying to take what you fellas wrote out of context, just don't need them all to make the point of just exactly HOW these two things tie together. And here is how.

When Bush took over, we were trying to recover from the Clinton era Dot Com bubble bursting. Then...while the economy was starting back up...9/11 and the market nearly fell through the floor.

DESPITE all that and 2 wars, the economy still showed growth over the next few years. Which lead to the inevitable calls by democrats to RAISE THE MINIMUM WAGE!

EVERY...and I mean EVERY economist, business advocate and economic advisory group...INCLUDING the CBO and the Federal Reserve WARNED...if you raise the minimum wage, you will kill the recovery and put MILLIONS out of work!

Well, democrats being democrats, what did they do? The INSTANT, the first hundred hours insanity, they took control of both the House and Senate they passed the "Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007," notice the FAIR word.

Bush signed it because the demwhits attached Bush's tax cuts for small business to it and then attached the whole mess to the war funding bill. They held our troops hostage to the bill. He...I can only assume...figured that the growth and survival of struggling small businesses would offset what the losses might be as the new minimum wage was phased in. That and HE was responsible for supplying the troops!

Well, the artificial housing bubble burst and small business and middle class Americans were left holding the bag anyway!

And here is WHY we were warned it would destroy our economy and is anything BUT fair. For the first time in HISTORY, the minimum wage has taken the wage small business have to pay summer workers SIGNIFICANTLY over the so called poverty level.

While on the face of it, that SOUNDS...fair, it is anything BUT fair as it has left MILLIONS of seasonal workers unemployed and living on government assistance.

The "poverty level" is a made up figure, just over 11,000 bucks a year at the moment and the 14,300 bucks a year that the current MW represents, is an increase of nearly 140% of the poverty level. Until now, the minimum wage as ALWAYS mirrored the poverty level.

And in fact, if we look historically at the MW increases, every period of large increases in the minimum wage even modestly above the poverty level, LBJ, Carter, Clinton and finally this last one, it has been followed by a correspondingly deep crash of the economy and recession. THAT is why the warnings by economist!

And if it holds true to form...and it OBVIOUSLY HAS, democrats have DOOMED us to the worst economy in the HISTORY of this country!

The democrats were warned and did it anyway. It took BILLIONS of dollars out of the economy that sesonal workers would have otherwise spent, put 46 MILLION PEOPLE on the welfare rolls, which American tax payers NOW have to support and all of which has taken TRILLIONS out of our GDP and lead to a growth rate LESS THAN 2%, the threshold for reducing unemployment. ALL of this is a DIRECT RESULT of the liberal/progressive social engineering experiment at the expense of tax paying citizens of the US.

These progressives who believe they can socially engineer this country to prosperity and social justice have GOT to be purged from our government before they destroy us!

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