It Is Understandable


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2011
Inside Mac's Head
The GOP seems to be having a tough time settling on a candidate to lead their party. Some express confusion regarding this matter. I have given it some thought.....and at the risk of bruising some egos ( I hate doing that ) I'll posit a theory.

The GOP leaders simply do not know what the GOP base wants.

"What? How could that be?", you might say.

Well........the base itself does not know what it wants. It has been manipulated so much.......pulled in this direction and that direction....that it has lost the ability to navigate.

With so much effort put into muddying the waters, the water has become TOO MUDDY.

I think there's a tug-of-war battle within the GOP between neocons and libertarian conservatives. The old school establishment republicans are basically left to make subjective choices between which side to support.
After one primary "the GOP is having a tough time settling on a candidate to lead their party."

Yeah, that's it.
After one primary "the GOP is having a tough time settling on a candidate to lead their party."

Yeah, that's it.

You know what? You don't have to be a dick ALL THE TIME.

There have been several "lead shifts" in the "process" this year. More than ususal. You want to play dumb.

Why not just be honest?
The base simply wants someone who can make them believe in absurdities again, like Reagan. Unfortunately their innocent childlike belief is as dead as he is.

Actually that’s fortunately, not unfortunately.

But yes, what the Base wants doesn’t exist, never has.

That in conjunction with the fact the ‘real’ GOP candidates are waiting for 2016, after Obama’s second term, when it’s not if, but who.
The GOP seems to be having a tough time settling on a candidate to lead their party. Some express confusion regarding this matter. I have given it some thought.....and at the risk of bruising some egos ( I hate doing that ) I'll posit a theory.

The GOP leaders simply do not know what the GOP base wants.

"What? How could that be?", you might say.

Well........the base itself does not know what it wants. It has been manipulated so much.......pulled in this direction and that direction....that it has lost the ability to navigate.

With so much effort put into muddying the waters, the water has become TOO MUDDY.


Hey stupid, the purpose of a primary election is to select a candidate. I'm sorry the process is not fast enough for your liking, but it's been this way for quite some time. Deal with it!

Fact is conservatives don't fawn over a candidate just because he speaks well, (or in Obama's case reads well) or because he may be a good debater or he's the the color of the day. We select someone that is more in-line with our values and we like to take our time and study each candidate thoroughly before we make a decision. So don't worry we will have a candidate before the presidential election.
The base simply wants someone who can make them believe in absurdities again, like Reagan. Unfortunately their innocent childlike belief is as dead as he is.

Actually that’s fortunately, not unfortunately.

But yes, what the Base wants doesn’t exist, never has.

That in conjunction with the fact the ‘real’ GOP candidates are waiting for 2016, after Obama’s second term, when it’s not if, but who.

Really? I'm thinking that it might not be all that easy.
The GOP seems to be having a tough time settling on a candidate to lead their party. Some express confusion regarding this matter. I have given it some thought.....and at the risk of bruising some egos ( I hate doing that ) I'll posit a theory.

The GOP leaders simply do not know what the GOP base wants.

"What? How could that be?", you might say.

Well........the base itself does not know what it wants. It has been manipulated so much.......pulled in this direction and that direction....that it has lost the ability to navigate.

With so much effort put into muddying the waters, the water has become TOO MUDDY.


Hey stupid, the purpose of a primary election is to select a candidate. I'm sorry the process is not fast enough for your liking, but it's been this way for quite some time. Deal with it!

Fact is conservatives don't fawn over a candidate just because he speaks well, (or in Obama's case reads well) or because he may be a good debater or he's the the color of the day. We select someone that is more in-line with our values and we like to take our time and study each candidate thoroughly before we make a decision. So don't worry we will have a candidate before the presidential election.

You feel comfortable calling me stupid? After writing that pablum?
The base simply wants someone who can make them believe in absurdities again, like Reagan. Unfortunately their innocent childlike belief is as dead as he is.

Actually that’s fortunately, not unfortunately.

But yes, what the Base wants doesn’t exist, never has.

That in conjunction with the fact the ‘real’ GOP candidates are waiting for 2016, after Obama’s second term, when it’s not if, but who.

Really? I'm thinking that it might not be all that easy.

I'm wondering who the "real" candidates might be, by 2016 the GOP will probably be in a pretty sorry state.

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