It is time to investigate the traitorous President Obama for being a Russian asset

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018

It is time for Congress to really take action and investigate whether the President acted on behalf of Russia. The President took highly visible and borderline traitorous actions for the benefit of the Soviet Union. Some of the actions were clearly meant to be kept under wraps but fell into the public light. Some actions were taken very early in the Presidency. The left wing press should also be very interested in this as a precedent.

I am talking about President Barack Obama.

One of the early things Obama did as President was to appease Vladimir Putin by removing the missile shield from Poland.

Barack Obama has abandoned the controversial Pentagon plan to build a missile defence system in Europe that had long soured relations with Russia.
In one of the sharpest breaks yet with the policies of the Bush administration, Obama said the new approach would offer "stronger, swifter and smarter" defence for the US and its allies. He said it would focus on the threat posed by Iran's short- and medium-range missiles, rather than its intercontinental nuclear capabilities.

"...a missile defence system in Europe that had long soured relations with Russia."
He wanted better relations with Russia. He was placating Putin.

It hardly ended there. In 2010 Obama's Secretary of State said that the administration goal was to "strengthen Russia."

Obama's administration oversaw the sale of 20% control of US uranium to Putin.

In 2012 Obama beat Mitt Romey over the head with rhetoric that basically argued Russia was our BFF.

“Gov. Romney, I’m glad you recognize al-Qaeda is a threat, because a few months ago when you were asked what is the biggest geopolitical group facing America, you said Russia — not al-Qaeda. And the 1980’s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back — because the Cold War has been over for 20 years. But Governor, when it comes to our foreign policy, you seem to want to import the foreign policies of the 1980’s, just like the social policy of the 1950’s, and the economic policies of the 1920’s.Again, a full throated defense of Russia.
Then, he promised to be more flexible for Putin:

In 2014 Russia annexed the Crimea and Obama stood down for his BFF Putin.


I remember the Fraud’s Russian spy ring he gleefully sent back ASAP with as much Big Media fanfare as possible.

I figure they scrubbed some of his personal history for his handlers.

And maybe for diverting hundreds of millions of public dollars to terrorist organizations? Nah.
What I wanna know is why Obama failed to do anything about Russian interference in the 2016 election.
Mom Jeans was Prez afterall, as Trump wasn't sworn in til late Jan. 2017.
No one nevah-evah makes this point!

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