It is Happening


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
In certain communities in MA, significant increases in immigration from (mostly Southeastern) China began about 15 years ago (although by no means new). The pace of this immigration has steadily increased over this time period. As I knew would eventually happen, it is now interesting to see more and more Chinese-American and (whatever sort of) Caucasian-American young married couples strolling around the neighborhoods or perusing the aisles of local supermarkets pushing a baby carriage (or two). In 20-30 years or so, if trends continue along current lines, the 'face' if you will, of these communities will likely be significantly changed. I don't expect most people in these communities to notice or care as the process will be gradual and (of course) natural.
I just don't think Asians (of whichever group) have enough numbers. And I think the Jews are deluded, they have raped America of so much that the only way they can keep the game going is inflating the currency which will lead to further ruin.

I think the whites/hispanics/blacks will duke it out for the fiefdoms which emerge from the remains.
I just don't think Asians (of whichever group) have enough numbers. And I think the Jews are deluded, they have raped America of so much that the only way they can keep the game going is inflating the currency which will lead to further ruin.

I think the whites/hispanics/blacks will duke it out for the fiefdoms which emerge from the remains.


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