It Begins – East and West Coast Blue States Team Up To Begin Economic Civil War…


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
13 Apr 2020
It Begins – East and West Coast Blue States Team Up To Begin Economic Civil War…
Posted on April 13, 2020 by sundance
It seemed clear several weeks ago this was going to happen. East coast blue state governors and West coast blue state governors are uniting to begin the economic civil war planning to block any White House effort to re-open the U.S. economy. The founders planned for this in Article I, Sec 10 (paragraph 3):
“No state shall, without the consent of Congress, … enter into any agreement or compact with another state”..
The three step plan seems predictable: (1) Get out ahead of President Trump. (2) Defy the ‘all clear’ and shape economic benefit to their political allies. (3) Then use Fauci’s upcoming dossier to hit the administration for heartlessly opening the economy too early.
This is going to be one hell of a battle. A Spring and Summer conflict like we’ve never seen in the history of U.S. politics outside of actual, physical, civil war. Fortunately for team freedom and liberty, this time the Red zones control most of the citizen armory.

Blue State governors that will define the will of the central government may woo the day they decided to virtually secede.
Once again Democrats chose to ignore the Constitution...
Two weeks ago the talk was to the effect of stay shut indefinitely in order to limit and mitigate the spread of the Covid-19 virus pandemic. Now suddenly with discussions in Washington about reopening cities and states, Governors in Blue States are conspiring to oppose our central government and especially the orders of President Donald Trump.
Indeed, they haven’t worked out exactly how they will do it legally, but by God they’re not gong to reopen when permitted to and show that Orange Man what’s what.
There’s far too much money involved in keeping the coasts shut down longer than necessary. They’ll certainly be passive aggressive about it, but these Blue governors will lose their constituencies if citizens and companies, alike, are hampered in making a living.
Plus, Trump will not send federal dollars to a state that stays closed due to TDS.
Progressive Socialist Blue State Democrat governors would prefer to keep businesses closed for as long as possible to inflict maximum economic carnage which they believe will help Dems win in November election as angry citizens vote against Trump. They plan not to re-start their economies until there is insufficient time for an economic recovery before the November election. Their challenge is to blame the economic misery on Trump so voters don’t hold them responsible.
Did you hear Trump this afternoon? He can't force these states to open. He is leaving opening up to the states. If blue states want to stay shut down they will answer to their voters. Of course they want maximum damage. These local offices just never expect themselves to be damaged.
Did you hear Trump this afternoon? He can't force these states to open. He is leaving opening up to the states. If blue states want to stay shut down they will answer to their voters. Of course they want maximum damage. These local offices just never expect themselves to be damaged.
Yep to hell with the commie states, let them eat cake.
Trump is the President and not Congress...

Trump can order the reopening of Federal Agencies but he has no legal standing to reopen State and City agencies and he can not force a private business to reopen if they decide to stay close in hot zones like New York City.

A States still has Constitutional Rights and as you may disagree with the Governor choice it still is left to them to reopen their State just like it was their choice to close it.

I know this will not sit well but remember in your opening you pointed out what States can or can not do without the consent of Congress, and Trump is not Congress.

So as you get ready to lecture me about how a State must follow the will of the President, well I will remind you in this case no they do not have to follow what the President suggests or demands and let me be clear Texas can reopen today and could have stayed open if Abbott had said they were defying the shutdown request.

Also let remember Governor Abbott of Texas left it to local leadership on how they would implement a shutdown just like Trump left it to States how they would shut and lock down their States.

So let remember the President is not a King and a State will open when it deem it safe for it Citizens and not because Trump says they must.

Texas will most likely open earlier than expected while still limiting outside State travel from States like Louisiana.
Trump is the President and not Congress...

Trump can order the reopening of Federal Agencies but he has no legal standing to reopen State and City agencies and he can not force a private business to reopen if they decide to stay close in hot zones like New York City.

A States still has Constitutional Rights and as you may disagree with the Governor choice it still is left to them to reopen their State just like it was their choice to close it.

I know this will not sit well but remember in your opening you pointed out what States can or can not do without the consent of Congress, and Trump is not Congress.

So as you get ready to lecture me about how a State must follow the will of the President, well I will remind you in this case no they do not have to follow what the President suggests or demands and let me be clear Texas can reopen today and could have stayed open if Abbott had said they were defying the shutdown request.

Also let remember Governor Abbott of Texas left it to local leadership on how they would implement a shutdown just like Trump left it to States how they would shut and lock down their States.

So let remember the President is not a King and a State will open when it deem it safe for it Citizens and not because Trump says they must.

Texas will most likely open earlier than expected while still limiting outside State travel from States like Louisiana.
Correct. Trump has no authority to issue a country-wide shutdown nor does he have the authority to issue a country-wide reopening.

To the point about States having constitutional rights, that too is correct. However, you stopped short by not listing the individual citizen as having constitutional rights as well.

In PA, the steps taken by Wolf have been outside the authority given him during a state of emergency and are violations of the constitutional rights of the citizens of PA.

I hope the prick gets sued and jailed for his tyranny.
Trump is the President and not Congress...

Trump can order the reopening of Federal Agencies but he has no legal standing to reopen State and City agencies and he can not force a private business to reopen if they decide to stay close in hot zones like New York City.

A States still has Constitutional Rights and as you may disagree with the Governor choice it still is left to them to reopen their State just like it was their choice to close it.

I know this will not sit well but remember in your opening you pointed out what States can or can not do without the consent of Congress, and Trump is not Congress.

So as you get ready to lecture me about how a State must follow the will of the President, well I will remind you in this case no they do not have to follow what the President suggests or demands and let me be clear Texas can reopen today and could have stayed open if Abbott had said they were defying the shutdown request.

Also let remember Governor Abbott of Texas left it to local leadership on how they would implement a shutdown just like Trump left it to States how they would shut and lock down their States.

So let remember the President is not a King and a State will open when it deem it safe for it Citizens and not because Trump says they must.

Texas will most likely open earlier than expected while still limiting outside State travel from States like Louisiana.
Correct. Trump has no authority to issue a country-wide shutdown nor does he have the authority to issue a country-wide reopening.

To the point about States having constitutional rights, that too is correct. However, you stopped short by not listing the individual citizen as having constitutional rights as well.

In PA, the steps taken by Wolf have been outside the authority given him during a state of emergency and are violations of the constitutional rights of the citizens of PA.

I hope the prick gets sued and jailed for his tyranny.

I agree, individuals also have rights and apologize if you thought I did not believe they do because I did state that even private business can not be told to reopen and I also believe they should have not been forced to close either.

I believe that Governor you mentioned is looking at litigation against him, so let see how the USSC will rule over this but I believe States did go to far when closing down the society and economy and this will be felt for decades...
As I see this:

First, Trump is going to work with the governors as he stated to get their opinions before he makes such a declaration. So at the very least, they will have an opportunity to make their case for not opening up after longer than a month of a shut down.

Second, if states don't open up they will see an exodus of talent and wealth move to states that DO open up. Human beings are free in America. I know enough about the culture of many in your nation to know that many will simply pack up and move if they can. Especially those who don't want to be left behind.

Third, I imagine if the federal government declares an open up decree while other states don't, they will face a legal challenge, and, those governors will face massive backlash in the next election. Citizens don't want to have their dreams put on shattered, their liberty restricted, especially in areas hardly impacted while NY is responsible for half of the entire countries cases. People want to be cautious, but they realize it's within reason, you can't prevent all risk, ever.

How many new graduates and those really driven to improve their careers are feeling they are paying a steep price for a relatively small number which is relegated to only a few areas?
As I see this:

First, Trump is going to work with the governors as he stated to get their opinions before he makes such a declaration. So at the very least, they will have an opportunity to make their case for not opening up after longer than a month of a shut down.

Second, if states don't open up they will see an exodus of talent and wealth move to states that DO open up. Human beings are free in America. I know enough about the culture of many in your nation to know that many will simply pack up and move if they can. Especially those who don't want to be left behind.

Third, I imagine if the federal government declares an open up decree while other states don't, they will face a legal challenge, and, those governors will face massive backlash in the next election. Citizens don't want to have their dreams put on shattered, their liberty restricted, especially in areas hardly impacted while NY is responsible for half of the entire countries cases. People want to be cautious, but they realize it's within reason, you can't prevent all risk, ever.

How many new graduates and those really driven to improve their careers are feeling they are paying a steep price for a relatively small number which is relegated to only a few areas?

I am unsure what litigation the President can take if a State refuses to reopen because as I stated it is not his call...

It was never his call to do the lockdown and that fell on the Governor of each State just like reopening the State will fall again on that Governor.

Throwing a fit or making threats to a State is never wise and many States will remind the President we are a Republic.

I have defended Trump when it came to the unwarranted attacks about the spread of the virus but I will also State when Trump truly has no or limited amount of authority to close or open a State.

As a country that is built on State Rights one must remember States control more than many realize and a State or States can conspire together to crash the Economy so it can hurt a sitting President reelection bid.

Sad but true and part of Politics.

So the President can call for all States to reopen and Texas will most likely reopen before most will but if California or Illinois refuse there is little Trump can do but chastise them in the media and maybe hold up funds on projects.

Now let me be clear Trump can order Federal Agencies to open within those States and a State can not block the workers from working and if they try then yes that State Governor and it officials will be held accountable for their actions...

As for moving the reality is many will not and they will sit and wait while incurring massive amount of debt because most are lazy and will not try to make a choice for a better life here...
As I see this:

First, Trump is going to work with the governors as he stated to get their opinions before he makes such a declaration. So at the very least, they will have an opportunity to make their case for not opening up after longer than a month of a shut down.

Second, if states don't open up they will see an exodus of talent and wealth move to states that DO open up. Human beings are free in America. I know enough about the culture of many in your nation to know that many will simply pack up and move if they can. Especially those who don't want to be left behind.

Third, I imagine if the federal government declares an open up decree while other states don't, they will face a legal challenge, and, those governors will face massive backlash in the next election. Citizens don't want to have their dreams put on shattered, their liberty restricted, especially in areas hardly impacted while NY is responsible for half of the entire countries cases. People want to be cautious, but they realize it's within reason, you can't prevent all risk, ever.

How many new graduates and those really driven to improve their careers are feeling they are paying a steep price for a relatively small number which is relegated to only a few areas?

I am unsure what litigation the President can take if a State refuses to reopen because as I stated it is not his call...

It was never his call to do the lockdown and that fell on the Governor of each State just like reopening the State will fall again on that Governor.

Throwing a fit or making threats to a State is never wise and many States will remind the President we are a Republic.

I have defended Trump when it came to the unwarranted attacks about the spread of the virus but I will also State when Trump truly has no or limited amount of authority to close or open a State.

As a country that is built on State Rights one must remember States control more than many realize and a State or States can conspire together to crash the Economy so it can hurt a sitting President reelection bid.

Sad but true and part of Politics.

So the President can call for all States to reopen and Texas will most likely reopen before most will but if California or Illinois refuse there is little Trump can do but chastise them in the media and maybe hold up funds on projects.

Now let me be clear Trump can order Federal Agencies to open within those States and a State can not block the workers from working and if they try then yes that State Governor and it officials will be held accountable for their actions...

As for moving the reality is many will not and they will sit and wait while incurring massive amount of debt because most are lazy and will not try to make a choice for a better life here...
These blue states have hammered us with their perceived superiority of their brand of governance for many decades through the media/entertainment propaganda shills. For what they tax people, all of the supplies needed for this should have been warehoused somewhere at the very least. Where does all the tax money go? There is foundation infrastructure and human infrastructure. We spend to much money on the latter and not enough on the former.
Trump is the President and not Congress...

Trump can order the reopening of Federal Agencies but he has no legal standing to reopen State and City agencies and he can not force a private business to reopen if they decide to stay close in hot zones like New York City.

A States still has Constitutional Rights and as you may disagree with the Governor choice it still is left to them to reopen their State just like it was their choice to close it.

I know this will not sit well but remember in your opening you pointed out what States can or can not do without the consent of Congress, and Trump is not Congress.

So as you get ready to lecture me about how a State must follow the will of the President, well I will remind you in this case no they do not have to follow what the President suggests or demands and let me be clear Texas can reopen today and could have stayed open if Abbott had said they were defying the shutdown request.

Also let remember Governor Abbott of Texas left it to local leadership on how they would implement a shutdown just like Trump left it to States how they would shut and lock down their States.

So let remember the President is not a King and a State will open when it deem it safe for it Citizens and not because Trump says they must.

Texas will most likely open earlier than expected while still limiting outside State travel from States like Louisiana.
Trump never said they must. What a monstrous lie this one is. He said that states can open up at will. If they don't they answer to their voters.
Trump is the President and not Congress...

Trump can order the reopening of Federal Agencies but he has no legal standing to reopen State and City agencies and he can not force a private business to reopen if they decide to stay close in hot zones like New York City.

A States still has Constitutional Rights and as you may disagree with the Governor choice it still is left to them to reopen their State just like it was their choice to close it.

I know this will not sit well but remember in your opening you pointed out what States can or can not do without the consent of Congress, and Trump is not Congress.

So as you get ready to lecture me about how a State must follow the will of the President, well I will remind you in this case no they do not have to follow what the President suggests or demands and let me be clear Texas can reopen today and could have stayed open if Abbott had said they were defying the shutdown request.

Also let remember Governor Abbott of Texas left it to local leadership on how they would implement a shutdown just like Trump left it to States how they would shut and lock down their States.

So let remember the President is not a King and a State will open when it deem it safe for it Citizens and not because Trump says they must.

Texas will most likely open earlier than expected while still limiting outside State travel from States like Louisiana.
Trump never said they must. What a monstrous lie this one is. He said that states can open up at will. If they don't they answer to their voters.
Not the exact quote but the other side also not right. He said the economy would be reopened in conjunction with himself and the governors. They would make the decision jointly. Again not exact word but closer I will search for exact quote.
Trump is the President and not Congress...

Trump can order the reopening of Federal Agencies but he has no legal standing to reopen State and City agencies and he can not force a private business to reopen if they decide to stay close in hot zones like New York City.

A States still has Constitutional Rights and as you may disagree with the Governor choice it still is left to them to reopen their State just like it was their choice to close it.

I know this will not sit well but remember in your opening you pointed out what States can or can not do without the consent of Congress, and Trump is not Congress.

So as you get ready to lecture me about how a State must follow the will of the President, well I will remind you in this case no they do not have to follow what the President suggests or demands and let me be clear Texas can reopen today and could have stayed open if Abbott had said they were defying the shutdown request.

Also let remember Governor Abbott of Texas left it to local leadership on how they would implement a shutdown just like Trump left it to States how they would shut and lock down their States.

So let remember the President is not a King and a State will open when it deem it safe for it Citizens and not because Trump says they must.

Texas will most likely open earlier than expected while still limiting outside State travel from States like Louisiana.
Trump never said they must. What a monstrous lie this one is. He said that states can open up at will. If they don't they answer to their voters.

I am correcting the Op'er, so if you have an issue with what I wrote then take it up with someone else because you have been caught lying and playing games like the leftists on this site.

Notice you cut the Op'er comment and made it a stand alone as if I was saying Trump was saying this when it is the fucking Op'er making the damn suggestion!

So fuck off seeing you dishonestly attempted to twist this as my thread!

Now go lecture the OP and correct them!
Ok. I misunderstood you.
Trump is the President and not Congress...

Trump can order the reopening of Federal Agencies but he has no legal standing to reopen State and City agencies and he can not force a private business to reopen if they decide to stay close in hot zones like New York City.

A States still has Constitutional Rights and as you may disagree with the Governor choice it still is left to them to reopen their State just like it was their choice to close it.

I know this will not sit well but remember in your opening you pointed out what States can or can not do without the consent of Congress, and Trump is not Congress.

So as you get ready to lecture me about how a State must follow the will of the President, well I will remind you in this case no they do not have to follow what the President suggests or demands and let me be clear Texas can reopen today and could have stayed open if Abbott had said they were defying the shutdown request.

Also let remember Governor Abbott of Texas left it to local leadership on how they would implement a shutdown just like Trump left it to States how they would shut and lock down their States.

So let remember the President is not a King and a State will open when it deem it safe for it Citizens and not because Trump says they must.

Texas will most likely open earlier than expected while still limiting outside State travel from States like Louisiana.
Trump never said they must. What a monstrous lie this one is. He said that states can open up at will. If they don't they answer to their voters.

I am correcting the Op'er, so if you have an issue with what I wrote then take it up with someone else because you have been caught lying and playing games like the leftists on this site.

Notice you cut the Op'er comment and made it a stand alone as if I was saying Trump was saying this when it is the fucking Op'er making the damn suggestion!

So fuck off seeing you dishonestly attempted to twist this as my thread!

Now go lecture the OP and correct them!
Ok. I misunderstood you.

I will be clear because my last comment was over the top and I should never respond that way!

The left has suggested for awhile now Trump should declare Martial Law when it was clear Trump never had any authority to do so and the left wanted him to ignore the Constitution and the States right to close down on their own.

Now the Op'er in my opinion is suggesting Trump can dictate to a State to reopen which he can not!

What Trump can do is reopen Federal Lands and Agencies and require contracts be honored by State and Local Governments that deal with Federal Agencies and he can require Private Businesses to either honor their Federal Contracts or lose them.

He can not force a State to reopen agencies on the State Level or City or County Agencies unless they have a contract with the Federal Government and even then it will take a court order to do so.

I am not saying Trump is going to do any of this but it is clear both sides need to understand the President is limited to what he or she might be able to do.

So many people act like the President just can do whatever he want and States must comply when in fact he can only suggest!

If Texas reopens tomorrow it is Abbott decision and Trump has only the suggestion on his side but if Abbott says no and wait until let say end of time, well not much Trump can do and the only recourse is voting the Governor or Mayor out of power.

I apologize for my tirade and hope you understand I am not attacking Trump but attacking the notion Trump can force something that is not really his right to force.
Did you hear Trump this afternoon? He can't force these states to open. He is leaving opening up to the states. If blue states want to stay shut down they will answer to their voters. Of course they want maximum damage. These local offices just never expect themselves to be damaged.

If Blue states don't want to cooperate with the Federal gov't they can do it, but they will relinquish the assistance and funding they get. The voters within those states will then determine the status of the governor of each state. Home rule exists in some states and may be independent up to a point, however the Federal law in de minimus form must be followed.
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The problem these governors will have however, is if they use the excuse of the virus to continue a lockdown too long, people will rebel.
Especially if they start seeing other parts of the country reopen and be successful.

The depth of hate for Trump is like nothing we've ever seen before, and it actually appears there are people so filled with hate and rage, they would rather see the country fall into a depression if it means the end of Trump.

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